I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 116 The Trials Part 3

When I wake up I find myself lying on the stone floor in front of the now open doors. Every inch of my body hurts, I can barely lift my head to see the short hallway and another door waiting at the end. I don't know how long I slept but I don't want to move at all.

Third Trial Complete! Reward +50 Endurance!

First Clear Bonus: +100 HP

'Not worth it!'

The rewards are good, but totally not worth the agony I just went through. I pull a sleeping bag out of my pouch, wrap myself up in it, and instantly fall asleep.

When I eventually wake up the first thing I do is check Drog's location. To my surprise he hasn't moved since I last checked on him, but he should have by now. Even if it was to search for me, since he can sense me just as I can sense him.

'No, wait! It couldn't be?'

I focus intensely to check his position exactly and compare it to the last time I checked. He has moved a few feet, the unbreakable barrier, does it have a time effect as well?

I focus completely on Drog and am rewarded several minutes later when he moves the tiniest bit. It is definitely a time field, I would guess it is about twenty minutes to one. That is a relief, that means it is still night outside and everyone isn't in danger because of me.

Now I can focus on clearing the trials without rushing, which is good since I need to meditate for almost twenty hours just to restore my health. Although, before I do that I want to satisfy my curiosity, so I get up and walk over to the new door to read the inscription.

Fourth Trial: Agility!

That most likely means lots of dodging, which I am pretty good at. The only problem is it is most likely designed for humans and I am quite a bit bigger than a normal human. So I will most likely have to duck a lot if it is anything like I am imagining.

What I am imagining is something I remember from an old movie, an obstacle course with swinging blades. As long as the spacing isn't too small I should be able to handle something like that. First though I need to regain my health, so I drop into meditation.

When I wake from meditating I stand up and stretch, then I put the sleeping bag away and sit down to cook up some more ogre for breakfast. Once I have eaten I walk over and push the doors for the next trial open. What greets me is not what I was expecting at all.

The room is full of columns, the tops are around six inches across, and they all have varying heights. Looking down all I see below them is a black abyss, who knows how deep it goes. So, I have to jump from column to column and make my way across the room from the looks of it.

Jumping and balancing? Shouldn't be too hard, especially since I am a cat type race. So I step out onto the nearest column, as soon as I am on it the door slams closed behind me.

Balancing on one foot on the column is easy, I don't even have to think about it. I step from column to column, not even needing to jump. This is going to be the easiest challenge yet.

When I get halfway through the room the lights suddenly dim, guess it won't be so easy after all. Then I start to feel a strange presence, strange yet familiar. Then as two beings appear on the far side of the room I remember where I have felt this feeling before.

Shadow demons, I grin as they start moving across the columns towards me. I can feel them so they must be real, meaning I can feast thanks to this trial! I plant my feet on two columns so I am stable and wait for the shadow demons to come to me.

As they come close enough I grab each of them by the head and lift them into the air. My arms are longer so all they can do to me is scratch at my arms, which doesn't even hurt. Once I have a firm grip on both of them I picture the soulscape in my mind.

'Create Soulscape!'

As I had hoped they are both dragged into the soulscape with me, now there is no escape for them! I pull the one I am holding in my left hand closer and take a huge bite out of it's shoulder. As I chew and swallow the taste of chocolate fills my mouth and I want to cry in pleasure.

Core Upgrade Progress: 20% +10 DP

'Mmm, delicious and useful, I love shadow demons!'

I greedily take another bite out of the silently screaming shadow demon. This, this is worth all the pain I went through in the last trial! Even though there are two of them I still force myself to slow down and enjoy every bite.

I don't feel bad about torturing the shadow demon, it is a demon after all. Besides, here in the soulscape time passes differently so I can take my time and enjoy the taste.

Core Upgrade Progress: 30% +10 DP

Core Upgrade Progress: 40% +10 DP

After the first demon is gone I take a break before starting on the second. Even though I am eating it and enjoying the taste I am not feeling full, I just want this to last as long as possible. The second demon is going crazy after watching me eat its companion, but it is not strong enough to break my grip.

For a minute I stop and think about forcing it into a contract like I did with Drog. While I am sure it would prove somewhat useful I decide against it, it isn't as strong as Drog so it isn't worth it. Besides, being stronger is a better plan, so I resume my meal.

Core Upgrade Progress: 50% +10 DP

Core Upgrade Progress: 60% +10 DP

Core Upgrade Progress: 70% +10 DP

Core Upgrade Progress: 80% +10 DP

Core Upgrade Progress: 83%

So close, if only there was another I would have ranked up. Maybe as I move through the room another will show up.

'End Soulscape!'

As I regain my senses a little ash drifting around is the only sign of the two shadow demons. I keep hoping for more shadow demons as I cross the columns, but I am disappointed. I easily reach the far side of the room and the doors open for me.

Fourth Trial Complete! Reward: +50 Agility!

First Clear Bonus: +10 Shadow Resist

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