I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 1167 Tattoos Part 4

"Yeah, I can. Flight magic isn't actually all that hard. The wings will require mana to function, but it shouldn't be too bad. The hardest part is learning to control them and not fly into things."

Bella says "I want to fly! Can this pen remove old tattoos?"

"Yeah, it should be able to. It's not like your old tattoos were made with magical ink."

Bella says "Good. Then I can make room for wings on my back. Not to mention, I have a few tattoos that I am no longer happy with."

Lin says "Why is that?"

Bella says "A couple just weren't very well done and a couple remind me too much of my exes. Besides, if it is a choice between magical and normal tattoos, I will choose magical every time."

Lin says "That makes sense, but only if you plan to stay here. Magical tattoos would be worthless if you go back."

Bella says "Would the ink do something to me if I went back?!"

"Unfortunately, I don't know how the summoning spell works, but I don't think it would pull the mana out of the ink. That would mean that the mana would stay in the ink in your body until you used it. Once you did, the ink would become just a normal material. It shouldn't affect you."

Bella says "Okay, good. Wait, why don't you know the summoning spell?!"

"I am not allowed to learn it, by order of the goddesses. They are worried about what I might summon from our world. They only taught it to Lin and they made her promise not to share it with me."

Bella says "Goddesses?! What are you talking about?"

It is only then that I realize that I haven't told Bella about the goddesses yet. So, as she is drawing the wings for Lin, I tell her about how I met the goddesses. Lin chimes in and keeps me from skipping over the more embarrassing parts.

Bella says "Alright. I can see why they wouldn't want you to be able to summon things from our world. It looks like you have done more than enough even without any technology."

"I never planned to introduce any technology to this world. The only technology I have brought over is for me and my family."

Bella says "You never thought about bringing over guns or bombs?"

"No, not really. If I were to use that kind of thing, the chances of the technology spreading is too high. The last thing I want is to make this world more like ours. Chances are that it will happen eventually, but I don't want any of my actions to speed it up."

Bella says "Our world has its problems and can be an ugly place at times, but it also has its good points. I don't know much about this world yet, but I agree that this world should develop on its own."

Lin says "Don't let him fool you, he is planning to turn the ship into a flying ship. That is something that doesn't exist in this world."

"True, but it is something that I am doing through magic and can't easily be stolen. It may encourage others to try and copy it, but it would take them a long time to do so."

Bella says "A flying ship like those in FF? That would be awesome!"

"Yeah, exactly like that. It is something that I have been planning for a long time. I believe that it will give us a huge advantage in the war."

Bella says "The war against the demons that you mentioned?"

"Yes. It is what I was summoned for and I plan to win it. The trick is that I want to win it with as few casualties as possible."

Bella says "That sounds a little ambitious, but admirable at the same time."

Lin says "It is more than a little ambitious. Ash can get a little crazy sometimes. Are all men from your world like that?"

Bella says "Only the good ones. The rest are rather boring."

Lin says "True, being with Ash has not been boring."

Bella says "There, done. What do you think?"

Lin says "They are beautiful! When can we start?"

"I like them too. Alright, Mulan, that's all we needed. Wait, weren't you in the shadow plane? Why are you back so early?!"

Mulan says "Chloell was just about out of divine power, so we came back."

Lin says "For Chloell to use up all her power she must have been doing a lot of healing. What did you fight?"

Mulan says "A shadow drake. We tried talking to it, but it was dead set on eating Mushu."

"Did you defeat it?"

Mulan says "We beat it, but it flew away before we could finish it. Mushu and I could have chased it, but we didn't want to separate from the others."

"That's good. Splitting the party is never a good idea. Well, if this tattoo idea works then we can just use it to give Albion and Nala wings as well. Unfortunately, a tattoo won't work on Chloell, but Albion should be able to carry her."

Mulan says "If we could all fly, we would be able to cover a lot more ground. That would make exploring much easier!"

"Then let's go have dinner. After we eat, Bella can do the tattoo and we will see if it works like I hope it will."

No one has a problem with the plan, so we head upstairs to join the others and have dinner. The kids ask for pizza again, but this time I tell them no and put out other dishes. While we are eating, I have the kids describe the fight with the shadow drake.

Once they are done, I point out the mistakes they made and what they could have done better. After they are done eating, I suggest that they go try it again in the training room. Since their exploration was cut short, they have plenty of energy still and agree right away.

The kids run off and I follow Lin and Bella back down to the workshop. Lin cheats and shapeshifts her clothes to bare her back without getting undressed. Bella also looks slightly disappointed, but she is also more focused on the clothes.

Bella says "Magical clothes that can change into anything you want?"

Lin says "Yes. They can also clean and repair themselves."

Bella says "I don't suppose I could get a set? I am rather tired of wearing the same clothes every day."

"Oh, sorry. I didn't think of that. I will make some for you while you work on the tattoo."

While Bella starts the tattoo, I take some cloth from my materials and make a simple dress. The original shape doesn't really matter, what matters is the enchantments. Having done this before, it is really easy and I am done before Bella even finishes the first wing.

When she has to take a break to let the tattoo gun recharge, she leaves the room. When she comes back she has changed into the dress and Lin instructs her on how to control it. I head upstairs to give them some privacy while Bella practices with the outfit.

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