I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 1182 The Island of Agardia Part 13

It is not just the winning of the battle, they are happy to finally know where they belong. Recognizing me as their king has had a much deeper effect on them than I realized. I try talking to a few of them about it, but I just can't understand where they are coming from.

In my world I was born and raised in a stable environment, I never felt as adrift as they feel. They have lost almost everything, including their freedom for a while. Even after being rescued, having no place to call home left them feeling lost.

Sailing halfway around the world probably hasn't helped, but at least the trip is finally ending. Once I get them back to the elven city, they will finally have a home and can put down roots. That will be much better than trying to get a sense of security from me.

I will be the first to admit that I am not anywhere close to being stable. For them to see me as something to hold onto just makes me feel depressed for them. Probably the most depressing part is that other than me, they really don't have anyone else.

Stillwater is good at managing things, but he isn't charismatic enough to be a real leader. Brightfire has the potential, but she needs time to grow into that potential. Sheraf could make a decent leader, but she spent too much time away from the rest of the elves.

Currently, I am the best bet, no matter how much I hate the idea or how sad it is. So I will do my best to be a rock they can hold onto, at least until someone else steps up. It makes me wonder if they will be willing to follow Lin after I am gone.

If not, then Brightfire needs to grow as fast as possible in order for her to be ready. That is one of the reasons that I put her in charge of the battle for the island. Responsibilities and trials are the best things to encourage growth and maturity.

It will depend on how things go from this point on, but I do have some hope for the future. After wandering the ship for over an hour I return to the castle and read some manga. Athena will notify me if I am needed for anything and there isn't anything else I need to do.

This sitting back and letting others handle things may be the mature thing to do, but it is boring. It hasn't been more than a couple of hours and I already want to fly off and find something to do. I really am not the type of person who makes a good king, I don't like letting others do things for me.

However, if I go out and try to help it will just undermine Brightfire's authority. Not to mention it will interfere with her growth, which is the whole point of this. So, instead of doing something stupid, like I normally would, I try to lose myself in my manga.

As usual, it works and before I know it several hours have passed by. Along with the time an entire pizza has also vanished since I got hungry and wanted a snack. Lin and Bella are in the tattoo room, but they are busy and haven't disturbed me.

The kids still haven't come back, they are probably helping with scouting the island. It is a little strange having the castle all to myself, it hasn't happened much. Eventually, the one who enters the castle and disturbs me is actually Brightfire.

"Brightfire, what do you have to report?"

Brightfire says "The entire island has been scouted and there is not a single human to be found anywhere. We have done several sweeps by air and are now doing a more thorough sweep on the ground."

"None? Really?! From the size of this island I expected there to be more people, at least another city or two."

Brightfire says "There is another city, smaller than this one, along with a couple of towns and a bunch of villages, but they are all empty. According to the scouts, they all show signs of having been abandoned for years."

"Years, huh? Then my guess would be that the demons enslaved them and took them back to their territory. They only kept those needed to run the port here. In that case, I am afraid that there is nothing that we can do for those people."

Brightfire says "Then what is our next move?"

"Let the scouts finish their ground sweep. If there really is no one, then we will move on. I will build the bridge and have Myria send some people to occupy the island. The elves will continue on to the mountain and then you can occupy your ancestral city."

Brightfire says "Alright. Is there anything else you want me to do?"

"It doesn't have to be right now, but I'd like you to find some volunteers that are willing to train the beastmen who will be the new crew for the ship. Also, ask if anyone wants to stay on the crew instead of settling in the city. Not everyone will want to live a quiet life."

Brightfire says "Count me among those."

"Don't worry. The warriors and scouts will have the option to join the beastmen in the army. You will remain their commander."

Brightfire says "Sounds good! We will fight for you no matter who the enemy is!"

"Alright. I will go start work on the bridge. We will leave for the city once the bridge is complete."

Brightfire says "Understood."

Brightfire leaves and I head down to my workshop to take a look at my stock of materials. I plan to make the bridge out of stone, but I would like to reinforce it with metal. However, considering the size of the bridge, I don't think I have enough metal.

I don't want to use multiple types of metal, but an alloy would work if I had enough. The problem is that even turning what I have into an alloy, I doubt that I have enough. So, I leave the castle and head to the bridge to find Stillwater.

Stillwater says "Something I can help you with, Ash?"

"Yeah, I seem to be short on metals, can you have the scavenger groups keep an eye out for more for me?"

Stillwater says "Of course! Can I ask what you need it for?"

"If I can find enough, I want to use it to reinforce the bridge."

Stillwater says "We will gather whatever metals are here."

"Alright, thanks."

Just as I am about to leave the ship I realize I am about to make a mistake. So, I turn around and go back to the castle to let Lin know where I am going. Only after that do I leave the ship, but I get a notification as soon as I set foot on the island.


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