I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 1184 The Island of Agardia Part 15

"What do you mean by progress? What happened?"

Seronia says "Do you remember the cloaks you made for us?"

"Yeah, you wanted them so that you could steal some items."

Seronia says "It isn't really stealing since those items originally belonged to our pantheon."

Krenocia says "Regardless of what you call it, we have managed to recover several items. These items were central to the power of our pantheon and reclaiming them has had a major effect. Our pantheon no longer counts as a dead pantheon."

"Well, congratulations, but why did your pantheon count as dead before?"

Seronia says "During the war, we lost the items along with the other gods. My sister and I do not have enough power to count as a pantheon on our own. Or at least, we didn't before you came along and started helping to increase our power."

Krenocia says "Between our power increasing and recovering our pantheon relics, we now have enough power to count as a very weak pantheon."

"That sounds like a good thing, but what does that have to do with my system?"

Seronia says "You already know that gods are restricted, right? Well there are different levels of restrictions. With no pantheon, we counted as lone gods and the restrictions on us were higher."

Krenocia says "Now that we are a pantheon again, the restrictions that we are under are less. It is easier for our power to reach the mortals. This means we can grant more levels to more people. It also means that those who worship us can reach higher levels and we can grant more prayers."

"So, you are saying that because your power is more accessible, my system is being more active? That would explain why I also got a new skill for the first time in ages, but it doesn't explain why the quest wants me to unify the peninsula."

Seronia says "Who knows? Maybe it was triggered by your actions. If you don't want to do it, just ignore it. There shouldn't be a penalty for not completing the quest."

Krenocia says "Personally, I think you should complete it if you can. It would be easy after that to lead the unified people to fight against the demons. That would increase your odds of winning."

"Oh, speaking of that I had a question. If I were to level the demon's territory and leave it a wasteland, would that be alright with the two of you?"

Krenocia says "I'd be fine with that."

Seronia says "It would probably be better if that didn't happen. However, if that is the only way to win, then I could live with it."

"Okay, just wanted to check."

Seronia says "Wait, do you actually have the power to do that?! You aren't going to summon weapons from your world are you?"

"I can do it without summoning anything from my world. The main hang up I have is that the demons have been raising humans. A lot of them are probably innocent. If possible, I would prefer to save them."

Seronia says "I would prefer that as well."

Krenocia says "Has your magic really gotten that strong?"

"Not mine alone, but when I work with Lin we can do some massive damage. As long as we had the mana, wiping clean the demon's territory is completely possible."

Seronia says "That's not terrifying, no not terrifying at all!"

Krenocia says "Ash, do you realize that even we can't do that kind of destruction?"

"Could you if you didn't have any restrictions and you worked together?"

Krenocia says "No, not even then!"

Seronia says "We aren't that powerful, but there are gods who are. There should only be a few at such a level though."

"Those gods should be under heavy restrictions though, right?"

Seronia says "That depends on if they are part of a pantheon or not. If they are, then their restrictions will be based on the pantheon. If they are not part of a pantheon, then they would be under very heavy restrictions."

"Uh, what about the ancient fire god I accidentally woke up? He shouldn't have a pantheon, right?"

Krenocia says "He shouldn't have a pantheon, but ancient gods are a bit different. Unlike us, the ancient gods don't depend on followers for their power. Most of their power is their own personal strength, so the restrictions don't affect them as much. They are more like dragons than the current gods."

"Ugh, that doesn't sound good. Wait, does that apply to the maker as well? She was the ancient goddess of undeath, right?"

Seronia says "Right. She would be under very few restrictions as well."

"In that case, I definitely need to go back and deal with her before she manages to regain her full strength."

Seronia says "If you plan to deal with her, then sooner would be better than later."

"I have to deal with her. I freed her so I am responsible for her."

Krenocia says "I never expected to hear such a mature attitude from you, Ash. Are you feeling alright?"

Seronia says "Sis, be nice! You know that Ash has been working hard on improving himself. Don't discourage him by teasing him about it. Do you want him to go back to the way he used to be?"

Krenocia says "No! No, I don't. I'm sorry, Ash. I shouldn't have said that."

"It's alright. I know that the way I used to act was a little, crazy."

Seronia says "You have improved a lot since you met Lin. I am really glad that you found her."

"So am I! She is the best thing that has ever happened to me!"

Krenocia says "Just make sure that she knows that. Don't ever take her for granted or you might lose her."

"No worries about that. I make sure she knows how I feel."

Seronia says "That's good. Anyway, have you decided what you are going to do with the quest?"

"I will put it off for now and decide once I take care of some things. Although, one of those things is unifying the beastmen, so technically I will be working on the quest."

Seronia says "Alright. Any other questions for us?"

"Not that I can think of right now."

Seronia and Krenocia take turns giving me a goodbye kiss and then they leave. I end the soulscape and when I open my eyes I find myself surrounded by my kids. Remembering that I need to talk to them, I have them come with me.

We take to the air and head towards the east side of the island as I look for the best spot for the bridge. While I am searching, I talk to the four of them about the joy of slaughtering enemies. I am honest about the mistakes I have made in the hopes that they learn from them.

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