I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 1194 The Peninsula Part 1

Honestly, I don't notice any difference from the new skill, but I am not doing anything hard either. Maybe it will only show its usefulness when I am working on something more complex. Or it could only be useful in the design phase, I just don't know and the skill description doesn't help.

It takes me about an hour to complete the two golems using Divided Mind. Meaning that I should be able to make the rest of them in about nine hours. With the time dilation, only two hours will have passed outside, I still have plenty of time.

After that we will be leaving, so I start thinking about the trip ahead of us. Thinking about other things slows down my work on the golems, but I have time to spare. My biggest worry about the trip is leaving Athena behind with so few people.

With that thought in mind, once the golem horses are done, I call for Jarvis. First, I go through his programming and take a look at what has changed. Then I take a look at his body and make a few improvements that I have come up with.

Jarvis can already leave the castle if he wants to, but I am trying to improve on that. If it works, he will be able to wander around and interact with the elves while we are traveling. If I am right, then I will do the same thing to Athena's body so that she can go with us.

This is where the new skill shows its usefulness, it helps me catch a mistake as I am making it. The part I am working on turns red in my sight as soon as I do something wrong. While passive, that is still going to help a lot, especially when I am making something new.

However, I have to wonder if that means the skill will only level up if I make mistakes. I guess that I will just have to wait and find out later, I am sure to make more mistakes. I spend a couple of hours working on Jarvis and thanks to the skill I don't make any mistakes.

Or at least, I don't finish making any mistakes, I manage to fix them thanks to the skill. When Jarvis tests them out, they do what I want, but there are also improvements that I can make. So I spend another hour improving the modifications and testing them out.

Once everything is working, I leave the castle to make the same upgrades to Athena. I still don't see anyone on my way out, for a minute I wonder if they are avoiding me. I quickly shake the thought away, no way would the kids avoid me after coming to see me.

I don't have a clue where Lin and Bella might be, but I am pretty sure the kids are either training or in the shadow plane. I could probably find out by asking Jarvis, but I have other things to take care of. I have Athena come to my cabin and begin work as soon as she arrives.

Athena says "What are these upgrades for, master?"

"They will allow your golem body to leave the ship and travel with us. It will be a while before we have enough crew and I don't want you to have to sit around bored."

Athena says "Thank you, master! Your consideration of me makes me happy!"

"You will still be able to control the ship from a distance, just your level of control will be lower. That may improve with practice, I am not sure. Since the ship will be mostly empty, it shouldn't be a problem. Not to mention, we will be able to gate back to the ship anytime we need to."

Athena says "Understood, master."

Once the upgrades are done and tested, I go looking for Stillwater to hand over the golems. He gathers the elves that will be driving the wagons and I teach them how to command the golems. Then we have them practice a bit to try and avoid any accidents tomorrow.

"Is everything ready for tomorrow?"

Stillwater says "Yes, it is. Brightfire was only able to find five elves willing to stay behind to train the new crew. We may have more volunteers once they see where we are going to live. Some people are hoping for peace and quiet, some will hate staying put."

"Understood. I am definitely the latter."

Stillwater says "Yes, we are all aware of that, Ash."

"Yeah, yeah. If there is nothing else you need, I am going to go relax."

Stillwater says "Nope. This was the only thing I didn't have a solution to."

"Alright. See you in the morning."

When I return to the castle I find the kids in the main room, but no sign of Lin and Bella. Mulan and Asuna are in human form sitting at the table playing a game that looks similar to chess. The rest of the kids are watching cartoons, so I sit at the table to watch the game.

Asuna says "Hi, dad!"

"Hi there. What's this?"

Asuna says "It's a game that Borrik taught us and I taught it to Mulan. It is called Defend the Castle. I normally play with Kechara, but she always wins!"

Mulan says "So far, Asuna keeps winning, but I am getting better!"

Asuna says "Dad, don't you dare help her! Let her learn on her own!"

"Haha, alright! I am just glad to see you two getting along."

Asuna says "Of course! I have to be a good big sister, like Kechara was for me! Besides, we have spent plenty of time playing together in the soulscape. You shouldn't be worried about that."

"You are right, logically speaking. But emotions rarely listen to logic. Just put it down as a dad thing. Speaking of Kechara, I'm surprised she didn't come with you. She should be able to be away from the mountain for a while."

Asuna says "Ah, she had to help Core modify the barrier. They are making it so there is a big entrance for you to use when you arrive."

"Oh. That makes sense. I guess I didn't give them much warning, did I?"

Asuna says "Well, you did, but we expected you to take a lot longer to actually get here."

"Why is that?"

Asuna says "Myria was absolutely sure that you would find an excuse to go on another adventure."

"I guess I can't blame her for thinking that. I have been pretty unreliable."

Mulan says "If it hadn't been for Lin reminding you of your promise, you absolutely would have gone on another adventure!"

"Um, anyway! Is that a new tattoo I see, Asuna?"

Asuna says "Yep! Lin and Bella gave them to us. Including wings! Flying is fun!"

"Yes, it can be."

Asuna says "I can't wait to get back! Kechara has beat me in so many races just because she can fly!"

"Keep in mind that as a natural flier, she will still be faster than you."

Asuna says "I don't care, I just want to surprise her!"

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