I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 1196 The Peninsula Part 3

Since I have permission, I go ahead and help expand her mana pool a bit. After it is done, Bella goes to rest and I eat some breakfast while reading manga. There is nothing else that I need to do before the elves are ready to move, so I just relax.

Eventually the kids wake up and I join them for a second breakfast, then we start playing. We spend the next several hours playing all sorts of games before Lin finally wakes up. After she has had some food, she takes the kids and Bella to give a magic lesson.

After the lesson we all have lunch together and then I play with the kids some more. We play until Jarvis informs me that the sun is rising outside. That means that the elves should be getting ready, so I take the kids and head out of the castle.

Lin and Bella don't follow us, but I am not worried about it, last night convinced me that I don't have to worry. No matter how much she enjoys spending time with Bella, Lin will come back to me. Sadly, it was how much she was worried that convinced me that I don't need to be concerned.

It is rather odd as we move about the ship, there is no one else on board. I can't remember the last time that the ship was this quiet, probably the last time I did an upgrade. The central square of the port is the biggest open area and that is where we find the elves.

It looks like they are making final preparations, loading the last few things into the wagons. The kids immediately start running around, curious to see what everyone is doing. The elves are used to the kids, so no one is bothered even though there are three more kids than usual.

Considering they split up, there isn't really a way for me to keep track of all seven of them. So I will just let them run around and then deal with any problems that they cause. I also stay out of the elves' way, they seem to have everything under control.

It is about ten minutes later when the first of the elves start moving out. Then the wagons start moving and I am happy to see that there are no problems with the golems. I wait until everyone is moving and then head up to take my place at the front of the column.

Since most of the elves are on foot, the speed of the column is fairly slow. However, we are not in a rush so there is no need for me to push for more speed. It takes about two hours for the bridge to come within sight ahead of us.

Brightfire says "Is that the bridge you built?!"

"Yeah, why? Is there something wrong with it?"

Brightfire says "No, I just wasn't expecting it to be so big! How did you make that all on your own?!"

"By using magic to cheat of course."

Brightfire says "Still! It took what, three days?"

"More like four, I wasn't really counting."

Brightfire says "I was expecting a floating log bridge or something, not this! You really don't know how to do anything normal, do you?"

"Um, I guess not. A log bridge would only be temporary, I wanted something to permanently connect the island and the peninsula."

It wasn't my intention, but in the end everyone stops to admire the bridge. Just as I am getting people moving again, Jarvis brings a problem to my attention. It turns out that I forgot to grab the castle, I have gotten too used to leaving it on the ship.

While the others are getting moving, I quickly fly back to the ship to get it. As I am approaching the ship I realize that I also left the crystals on the platform. However, I decide to leave them there for now, I can always gate back for them if I need them.

I quickly grab the castle, put it in my pouch, and then fly back to the bridge. Not everyone has crossed yet, so I land at the back of the column and then walk across the bridge. After all, since I built it, it would be a shame if I didn't use it at least once.

I have the thought of bringing out Lin to show her the bridge, but that feels too much like bragging. I walk across the bridge with the elves and then I officially set foot back on the peninsula. This probably marks the end of my simple and relaxing days, at least for a while.

I have a lot to catch up on and a lot of work to do to get things back on track. I don't even want to imagine how much worse things would be if I hadn't been able to keep in touch using the soulscape. It would be pretty much guaranteed that I would be facing death for being gone for so long.

When all the elves have crossed the bridge, they stop for a quick lunch and then get moving again. Now that the kids have satisfied their curiosity, they start playing games to pass the time. Luckily, they keep the chaos mostly among themselves and don't bother the elves too much.

During the day the elves actually cover more distance than I was expecting them to. At this rate, we should reach the mountain in three or four days depending on how far the road has come. Once we hit the road the speed should increase quite a bit, but I don't know how the progress on the road is.

When the sun goes down, the elves stop to make camp and I send the kids into the castle. They can have more time to play and rest while the elves are resting for the night. Soon after I send the kids inside, Lin comes out of the castle.

Lin says "The kids just got done telling us about the bridge. Why didn't you bring me out to see it?"

"I thought about it, but I figured that was too much like bragging for me to feel comfortable about it."

Lin says "That isn't bragging! When you accomplish something of worth there is nothing wrong with wanting to show it off. There is a big difference between the two. I would have really liked to have seen the bridge that you built, Ash."

"You asking to see it is one thing, but me running up to ask you to look at it just feels wrong to me. Anyway, if you want to see it we can go see it now."

Lin says "It's already getting dark, we won't be able to see anything."

"Just climb up."

As I say that, I drop shapeshift and put on my saddle, Lin sighs and climbs into the saddle. I take off and fly back to the bridge, I wanted to check the light enchantments anyway. I fly out above the water and come at the bridge from the side, it should provide the best view.

At first, as we approach, it is just a line of light hanging over the water. When we get closer the details start to become clear to see. Once I am close, I turn and circle around the bridge so Lin can see everything.

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