I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 1199 The Peninsula Part 6

"No, at least not at first. Where I was dropped by the gate was out of range for me to summon you. By the time I was back in range, we were on a ship and I didn't think you would do well trapped on a ship for months. I am happy to see you and I hope that you can forgive me for being gone for so long."

Lizzy says "It is true that I would be bored on a ship, but I was bored here! Not to mention that you stopped inviting me to the soulscapes! I missed playing with the kids."

"That was because you were off to kill demons in the Free Union and I didn't want to disturb you. How did that go by the way?"

Lizzy says "There were a lot of demons, but none of them were strong. On top of that I was constantly being told to be careful and not to damage buildings. It was annoying!"

"At least it wasn't boring, right? If I had summoned you, you wouldn't have been able to do that. Cleaning the demons out of the Free Union was important, thank you for doing it."

Lizzy says "It still feels like you forgot about me. Where is Bones? Or did you forget about him too?"

"Bones is over on the east side of the main continent. I didn't forget about him, I was able to summon him. However, at his request I have since freed him and he is doing whatever he wants to do."

Lizzy says "You freed him? Does that mean you are going to throw me away too?"

"I did not throw him away! He wanted to be free! I would never throw you away! But, if you have come to hate me and want to leave, then I would try to free you."

Lizzy says "No, I don't hate you. I was just planning to chew on you a bit for leaving me behind."

"So, you don't want to be freed?"

Lizzy says "No! I just don't want you to leave me behind again! From now on I want to stay with you!"

"Well, that should be possible, but it will take some work. However, don't you think you should finish your current job first?"

Windy says "Yes, we should!"

Lizzy says "Oh, I guess so. Fine, we will finish preparing the path for the road. But after that, I will be with you from now on!"

"Alright, alright. I will work on a collar that allows you to shrink so that you can go everywhere I go. I would have made you one anyway, since I promised you one."

Lizzy says "I also want to be able to take on a humanoid form. Can you do that?"

"Yes, I can, but why?"

Lizzy says "Because your kids can and I want to be able to join them when they go into places."

"Alright, anything else?"

Lizzy says "Oh, if possible, can you make it so that it can store my saddle?"

"Sure, I can do that. I will work on it tonight."

Windy says "It won't take us long to finish the path, we should catch up to you tonight. Lizzy's ability makes our job really easy."

Lizzy says "That's right, so don't go running off before we catch up!"

"Don't worry, the only place I am going is the mountain. I promise!"

Lizzy says "Alright, I will trust you this time, but if you break your promise I will never forgive you!"


After Windy mounts up, the two of them rush off ahead of the elves and I go back to my place. The fact that they were able to get here means we should reach the road soon. At that point our speed will pick up quite a bit, not to mention that it will be easier on the elves.

About an hour later, Lizzy and Windy pass us going the other way and the elves move onto the path. Even without the road being finished, the smooth path makes movement easier. Especially for the carts, it is too bad that we don't have more of them.

We make much better time all the way up until we stop and set up camp for the night. I remember my promise and don't immediately go into the castle, I wait for Lizzy. Since I am waiting anyway, I wander around the camp chatting with the elves.

Lizzy and Windy show up about an hour after the elves have stopped. As soon as they do, I take the two of them into the castle with me and introduce them to everyone. I know they haven't met Bella, but I can't remember who they have met, so I will just introduce everyone.

When I ask I find out that Lin and the others just recently had breakfast, so I have dinner with Lizzy and Windy. As soon as I am done eating, I leave them to talk to the others and head to my workshop. Then I start making Lizzy a collar using the best materials that I have available.

It is going to need a lot of mana capacity, especially since I don't have any void stone left. Luckily, it won't need a huge amount of space to be able to store her saddle. In the end, in order to have enough capacity, I have to make it into a studded collar.

As I am doing the enchantments, I realize that there is something else that I need to make. Otherwise, whenever Lizzy takes human form she is going to be naked. The easy answer ends up being to make her a set of shapeshifting clothes and store them in the collar.

Thinking of that, I decide to go ahead and make a dozen extra sets of clothes. They will make good presents and I should have something for all the females. Especially since a number of them are probably mad at me for being gone for so long.

Besides, with how good my enchanting skills have gotten it isn't like they are hard to make. In fact, thanks to the new shapeshifting spell they are even better than they used to be. With that being the case, I decide to make a few improvements and then make sets for Lin and Bella.

I absolutely can't have Lin using the older version of the clothes, she would be upset. Come to think of it, I should do something even more special for her. Probably for Myria too, but what to do is the question, so I spend some time thinking.

In all honesty, I should do something really special for Myria since I haven't made her much. Something at least the equal of Lin's choker, meaning I need to make another artifact. Just thinking of doing so starts to get me excited, but I should do Lin's first.

Once I decide what I want to do, I head upstairs to the main room where everyone is chatting. First, I put Lizzy's new collar on her and explain all the functions of it. Then I give Windy, Bella, and the kids each a set of shapeshifting clothes.

Only Mulan really uses human form, but I expect the other kids to start using it at some point. Better to give them the clothes now since otherwise I will probably forget. After all that is handed out, I ask Lin for her robe, choker, and ring, which gets me a suspicious look.

Lin says "What do you want my choker for?!"

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