I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 19 Payback

When I come out of my meditation I decide to count this as day three, better to air on the side of caution than risk hurting Ruby. As I go through my morning routine I decide to set today as moving and setting up the new base rather than exploring. Once my old base is empty it should be time to let those idiots up above know I'm still alive and get a bit of payback.

So I set out to finish moving things down from the old base after I finish breakfast. It takes me several trips over the course of a couple of hours to move everything. At this point the only things left in the old room are some stones, the bucket, and the two cans of oil I found.

I take the bucket and partially fill it with dirt and clay from the collapse then add some water to turn it into mud that I can use in place of mortar. Then I take the bucket and the bricks to the start of my tunnel, then using the bricks I brought and the ones from when I made the tunnel I start building a patch that will fit the hole and hopefully hide the tunnel.


Congratulations! Skill Masonry has progressed to level 3!


Level 3

Str +3 End +3

Able to build simple structures using brick or stone.

It takes me about an hour to build the fake wall and figure out how to lock it from the sewer side. Once that is ready I go back to the well room and pour the two cans of oil over the trash pile. I then make a quick check of the pit to make sure I haven't missed anything, which it turns out I have.

I have completely forgotten about one of the small storerooms, so I haul all of the trash in it and toss it on the pile. For good measure I go into the mushroom area and pick all the edible mushrooms and take them down to my new base camp. Then when I return I pick all the poisonous mushrooms and throw them on the trash pile as well.


Congratulations! Skill Herb Gathering has progressed to level 3!

Herb Gathering

Level 3

Int +3

You can gather common herbs and plants.

'I don't know if this will make the smoke poisonous but I really hope it does!'

I cast firebolt three times to make sure the trash pile is well and truly lit and that the smoke is going straight up the well, and then I run for the sewers laughing all the way.

MP: 115/205


Congratulations! Skill Firebolt has progressed to level 3!


Level 3

MP Cost 25

You throw a bolt of fire that deals 40 fire damage.

I close and lock the fake wall and then sit and wait.

Castle Throne Room Zamart's P.O.V.

It is midday and the king is holding full court to listen to the petitions of his nobles. Everything is going along as usual and I am practically dozing on my feet. However I snap fully awake when I catch a whiff of a reek that totally doesn't belong.

'Activate Magic Eyes!'

Taking a look around I see a foreign element in the air quickly spreading throughout the throne room.

"Evacuate the king immediately!"

"Everyone evacuate the throne room!!"

I watch as the royal guard evacuates the king and his council through a secret door behind the throne. Meanwhile the nobles are panicking and stampeding for the door. I can already see several bodies and there is now a visible smoke pouring out of the well.

I quickly cast several spells, the windows are forced open by the first spell and the second creates a violent wind to blow the smoke out the windows. The third spell creates a bubble of pure air around me. If it came from the well it must be that beastman's doing. The king is going to be furious and do something stupid I bet.

I wait until the throne room is empty and the doors are closed before I walk towards the bodies. The guards stationed at the well are all dead and a number of nobles have died as well, I check them all to see if any can be saved but none can.

So I walk over to the well and send a remote eye down to see what happened, I find the trash pile still burning. I try to cast a spell to quench the fire but it is too far away and will drain all my mana so I cancel it and decide to just let the fire burn itself out. So I turn and walk out of the room and head to report to the king.

King's Chambers

The king, having changed his clothes, is pacing back and forth waiting for me. Chancellor Marvok and Knight Commander Tarrik attend the king and wait for orders. I walk in looking worn and old, I bow to the king who stops pacing.

King Raden says "Well? Report!"

"Your Majesty, six royal guards and eleven nobles who did not have anti-poison charms are dead. The smoke originated in the pit from a burning pile of goblin corpses and other trash. I have opened the windows and left a wind spell to blow the smoke outside but unfortunately I am unable to douse the fire because it is so far down."

King Raden says "Argh! How dare that thing! Tarrik as soon as the smoke clears I want you to lead a squad of your best men down to kill that thing! No, better make it two squads!"

Knight Commander Tarrik salutes and says "Yes, Your Majesty!"

King Raden says "Marvok once the smoke has cleared I want every servant in the palace in the throne room cleaning every inch, including the ceiling. They are to keep cleaning until not a trace of that stench remains!"

Chancellor Marvok bows and says "Yes, Your Majesty."

King Raden says "Quill! Quill!!!"

Spymaster Quill appears and bows and says "You summoned me, Your Majesty?"

King Raden says "Make sure rumors of this indicate it was an assassination attempt by one of the other kingdoms! Make especially sure that is all that the other summons hear!"

Spymaster Quill says "As you command!" then fades away into the shadows.

King Raden says "Zamart, what do you make of this? I mean the reasoning behind it?"

"Your Majesty I can think of two possibilities, one he has found an exit and this was his parting gift. Two he has been unable to find an exit and this is to lure us down where he can attack and possibly escape."

King Raden says "If it is the first I will tear this country apart to find him! However if it is the second...Tarrik summon two more squads to guard the well entrance while you are below."

Knight Commander Tarrik says "As Your Majesty commands, no way will that beast escape me!"

King Raden says "Zamart, what else would you advise?"

'I wish I had the courage to tell him that this is entirely a problem of his own making!'

"If the beast escapes I would advise finding a way to seal the pit permanently. Because if he can get out and link up with the rebels then he could also lead them back inside."

King Raden says "Good thinking Zamart. Marvok, if that thing escapes I will leave it to you to have the pit sealed."

Chancellor Marvok says "Yes, Your Majesty. However I would point out this will make the nobles in the castle unhappy, they have gotten used to having a convenient place to dispose of playthings they are done with."

King Raden says "Like I care if they have to put in more effort! Everyone, you have your orders, get moving!"

Chancellor Marvok, Knight Commander Tarrik, and I all bow and depart leaving the king to resume pacing and muttering. Outside the king's room I watch Marvok and Tarrik scurry off to do the king's bidding. I realize I was not given a task and I slowly walk back to my room.

As I walk through the castle and see the fear on people's faces I realize it is not fear of the attack but fear of the king's mood. I wonder if I made the right decision to stay and serve the king, if I was younger I definitely would have run off to join the rebels.

Maybe it isn't too late, there are no mages here worth being my apprentice. Maybe among the rebels I could find someone worth passing my knowledge along to. Hmm, come to think of it, I didn't mention to the king that the fire in the pit was started with magic. So I've already committed treason right? And if things go badly down there the king will be looking for someone to blame....

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