I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 29 Self Improvement Part 2

I make tools for hours until my mana is recharged, by this time a week has passed but thanks to the room only a little over a day has passed outside. This time my mana lasts long enough for me to finish the veins to my lungs.


Congratulations! You have gained the ability Magic Body!!

Magic Body

Level: 1

All Stats +5 HP +5/Hour

'Awesome! Now that's the kinda power-up I needed!'

As I take the first breath with my mana enhanced lungs I get fairly light headed since my body isn't used to that much oxygen intake. I have to sit down for a while until I get used to it, but I can't help the grin that is on my face.

Ruby thinks "Why are you grinning like a fool?"

"I'm kinda on an oxygen high right now."

Ruby thinks "Huh?"

I have to explain quite a bit of biology to Ruby before she finally understands, by then my high is gone and she grumbles and goes back to napping. I go through all the tools I have made to see if I missed any, when I can't think of any more to make with blacksmithing I take the hand saw I made and return to my camp.

After catching and eating some fish I cut down the three large mushrooms that are in the camp area, after cutting the softer tops off I carry the three trunks back to the forge room. I then sit down and start carefully cutting out a haft for the pickaxe.


Congratulations! You have acquired the craft skill Woodworking!


Level 1

Agi +1

You can make tools or structures from wood.

Then I continue carving handles for all the tools I have made, this uses up two of the mushroom trunks. With the last one I carve four wooden swords.


Congratulations! Skill Woodworking has progressed to level 2!


Level 2

Agi +2

You can make tools or structures from wood.

Okay now that that's done lets see, I have eighty-eight steel ingots left. Time to start trying to forge a sword I think. After emptying my mana growing mana veins I start trying to smith a sword. It takes me a few hours before I have my first success.


Steel Katana

Hit +1 Damage +2


Congratulations! Skill Blacksmithing has progressed to level 6!


Level 6

Str +6 Fire Resist +6

You can turn metal ore into useful items.

'Yes! I can make a katana!'

The balance is off so I need to improve my skill, but I can do it. I can wield katanas like a proper anime hero! Even though it is a success I am not happy with it and melt it down to try again. I am so focused on crafting that I don't notice the little red puff of light leave the amulet and circle around the room a few times. Ruby watches me until I once again make a katana.

Ruby says "What type of sword is that?"

"Huh? Oh, hi Ruby. It's called a katana, it's a sword from my old world that I always dreamed of wielding."

Ruby says "It's a very pretty sword."

"It's also a very good sword, if you know the fighting style to use it properly."

Ruby says "Do you?"

"Well, not exactly, but I have some ideas of how it goes."

Ruby says "Can you show me?"

I attach the blade to a hilt I made earlier and then move out of the forge room. In the bigger cave where I have room to swing it I attempt to go through a kendo routine based on what I have seen in anime and manga. Ruby ends up laughing after I trip over my own feet.

Ruby says "Oh yes, very dangerous!"

"Ha ha. I told you I only had some ideas, obviously it will take a lot of practice to figure it out. Speaking of practice, are you feeling up for some?"

Ruby says "Yeah, I'm full of energy and kinda bored to be honest."

I return to the forge room, put down the katana and pick up the four wooden swords and take Ruby with me back to camp.

"Okay, you need to be in human form for this."

Ruby assumes her human form and I hand her two of the swords, then I take the other two and draw a rough circle in the dirt.

"Okay this is called sparring, we will fight each other using the wooden swords so it won't hurt too much if we get hit. Stay inside the circle though, the limit is to help make you aware of your position and your footing.

Ruby swings the two swords back and forth to get a feel for them then says "Okay!"

Soon the rapid clack clack clack echoes throughout the cavern as Ruby and I fight back and forth. We are fairly evenly matched, I have the advantage in stats and experience but I am not pushing as hard as I can because I am having so much fun.

The fight ends after almost an hour when one of my swords breaks at which point Ruby hits me fairly hard in the ribs. With the fight over, both of us drop to sit on the floor panting for breath.


Congratulations! Skill Dual Wield has progressed to level 3!

Dual Wield

Level 3

Agi +3

You can fight well with a weapon in each hand.

Congratulations! Skill Sword Basics has progressed to level 5!

Sword Basics

Level 5

Str +5

You do 25% extra damage with swords.

Congratulations! Skill Sword Dancer has progressed to level 2!

Sword Dancer

Level 2

Movement Speed +10% Damage +10% when wielding two swords.

You dance the dance of death when wielding two swords.

Ruby says "Wow! I got a bunch of skill ups!"

"Yeah me too, that was the point of this. Although, it was really fun!"

Ruby says "Yes, it was. So what do I get for winning??"

"Ha ha, I will make you dinner."

Ruby says "Awe, you would have done that anyway!"

"Well, what did you want?"

Ruby looks away and says "Nothing, never mind."

I get up after catching my breath and take my net to go catch some fish. I keep at it until I have caught five fish then I go and pick some mushrooms. After cleaning and gutting the fish I cut up the mushrooms and stuff the fish with them then fry the fish with my new steel skillet I made.


Congratulations! Skill Cooking has progressed to level 6!


Level 6

Int +6

You can cook decent food.

'That hasn't leveled up in a while.'

The meal doesn't turn out too bad, at least the flavor is a bit different. Ruby and I sit next to each other during our meal, occasionally talking about little things and enjoying each other's company.

"Ruby, do you have any dreams?"

Ruby says "Well yes, originally I dreamed of becoming powerful enough no one could command me. Then for the longest time my only dream was to be out of those chains. You made that dream come true."

"Yes, well I think I gained as much from that as you did. What about now?"

Ruby says "Now? My dream now is to explore the world with you, and to see you standing tall and proud on the surface no matter what anyone says about you."

"I'm honored, and even if the entire world is against me I will stand tall as long as you are beside me."

Ruby smiles and leans over to kiss me on the cheek causing me to blush even more. I quickly look around trying to think of a change of subject when I spot the pile of spider silk.

"Oh, yeah I never did finish that room. Ruby, want to help me with something?"

Ruby says "Of course, master."

"Okay, let's go to the spider room."

Ruby quickly turns into a puff of light and zips across the river before I can try to pick her up again. I then lead the way to the spider room where Ruby returns to human form.

Ruby says "Eww!"

"Relax, the spiders are dead."

Ruby says "Then what are we doing?"

"Gathering spider silk and checking for useful stuff."

Ruby shrugs and after being told how, winds the spindle while I untangle the threads. It takes about two hours for us to finish dismantling the medium sized webs around the room. Then I start ripping up the smaller webs on the floor revealing bones and occasionally something else.

During the process of clearing the room we find two more passages out of the room, one leads back to the main tunnel and comes out across from the room Ruby was trapped in. The other leads north to a large cross corridor that I haven't explored yet. Other than a few daggers and other small items we don't find anything useful amongst the bones so we gather up the spools of silk and head back to camp.

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