I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 37 The Princess

Rebel Camp, Princess Amercy's P.O.V.

Zamart left to speak with the guildmaster of the mage guild a few minutes ago, I sit in my tent nervously waiting for his return. Everything is going to hinge on whether or not we can convince the other nations of the threat my father poses to them. The three messengers are ready and waiting for Zamart to return, each has a letter written by me and signed and sealed in my name.

I know my father has spies in the other nations so once my letters arrive it won't take long before he finds out I am still alive. At that point I am expecting an army to be sent to wipe us out, I should be making plans with Alexa for that but until I know how things went in Illium it is hard for me to think about the next steps.

I am also a little worried for Zamart himself, he is still physically fit but he is almost a hundred years old as far as I know. If anyone can convince the guildmaster to help it is Zamart, I trust him completely. I have ever since I was seven years old and he agreed to teach me magic in secret because I was afraid of my new father.

Even before he agreed to teach me magic he was my favorite teacher, he was always totally patient with me even when I was acting like a spoiled brat. I know that if he had known I was still alive he would have rushed to join me as soon as he could. I don't blame him for serving my father, I know he did it for my little sister's sake.

The fact that the king could sacrifice his own daughter for the sake of power is just one of the many reasons he cannot be allowed to remain in power. I will do whatever it takes to see him brought down and the country restored to what it should be. The fact that now I will have Zamart's advice to help achieve that goal is a relief.

I need to remember, when Zamart gets back, to ask him to resume teaching me magic, and also to look for anyone among the rebels who can be taught. With the court mages all dead, magic will be a major factor in future battles. I should also ask him about his previous apprentices, I remember hearing they all got shipped off to the army because the king didn't trust them since they were mostly commoners.

Maybe Zamart can get in touch with them and get them to defect. Then again if I were to go public with my identity we would probably get a lot more support from the people, but that would also greatly increase our danger. I will ask Zamart for his opinion when he gets back.

Guard says "Princess, Alexa is here to see you."

"Send her in."

I watch as Alexa strides in, she moves swiftly but is aware of everything around her. It is her awareness that got her a spot in the queen's guard and her outstanding service that placed her as the head of my guard the day we were attacked.

"Alexa, do you ever regret that you were with me instead of the queen on that day?"

Alexa pauses before she says "I regret the queen's death but no I don't regret being there with you. I may have lost a lot of good comrades but it was worth it to keep the future queen alive."

"Sorry, my mind is drifting to the past a lot for some reason. You needed something?"

Alexa says "Yes, the raiding teams have returned. All were successful!"

"That's great! What about casualties?"

Alexa says "Some injuries, no losses!"

"Wow! That is unexpected. Is there a reason?"

Alexa says "The garrisons were undermanned as I had hoped and their discipline was lax."

"Well, a victory is a victory. I'll take it!"

Alexa says "Has Zamart returned yet?"

"No, I would be surprised if he had. Even though the guildmaster is an old friend I expect him to want to verify the information before acting."

Alexa says "Oh, alright. Should we discuss our next plans then?"

"No, I can't think past Zamart's return right now. Everything will depend on the answer we receive."

Alexa says "Okay, I will return once Zamart is back."

As Alexa leaves I find myself trying to remember the last time I practiced with a sword. It has been far too long, I need to get back in practice, I may need to use one for real soon. Magic isn't an issue, I have practiced the way Zamart taught me to, every day without fail.

My mana pool is a lot more developed since the last time he taught me, that's why I want more lessons from him. Magic is useful in all sorts of different situations and having it as a trump card no one knows about saved my life before and could very well do so again.

Guard says "Princess, Zamart has returned!"

"Send him in immediately!"

A minute later Zamart walks into the tent, I can tell from his stride and the smile on his face that he has good news and I instantly relax as some of the tension leaves me.

"Zamart, have a seat and tell me everything. Tea?"

Zamart says "Yes, please." as he sits down across the desk from me.

I pour him a cup of tea and pass it across to him, before he can even get a word out Alexa strides into the tent and quickly moves to stand behind me.

Zamart says "It went very well, the messengers have already gone through the gate. They will have escorts waiting as well as letters from the mage guildmaster and the head of the city. Illium is preparing for war already and they stand with us."

Alexa and I smile at each other and at Zamart. This is our first real step in moving against the king.

"That is excellent news my friend!"

Zamart says "There is more, the master of the city, Ambrose, has said that Illium will accept refugees in small groups and that we can use the city merchants to purchase weapons and supplies, if we have the funds."

"We have some funds but not much."

Alexa says "Actually, I have a plan for that."

"Oh? Let's hear it!"

Alexa says "I have long had the thought that should we need funds we could raid the manors of those nobles who stay in the capital all the time to be close to the king. I have a list of targets and plans for how to raid them."

"Steal from the nobles loyal to my father to fund the rebellion against him? Ha ha ha ha I love it! We will definitely do it!"

Zamart says "Give me a day or two and I can make items that will counter wards and reveal things hidden by magic."

Alexa says "It will take a few days for the raiding parties to be ready anyway since they just returned."

"Then it is settled, the raiding parties can have a few days rest while Zamart makes the items. Then once they return we should have enough funds to be able to purchase what we need. Start sending families of refugees through the gate starting tomorrow as well. Once they are safe it will be easier for us to plan our defenses, because once my father learns I am alive we will definitely be attacked."

Zamart says "I should get to work immediately, if I can't find suitable items to enchant I will have to make some."

Zamart finishes his tea, stands up, and bows to me before he leaves the tent. Alexa walks around the table to stand in front of me and bows as well.

Alexa says "I should also get to work."

"Yes, by all means. Also, please start drafting plans to counter an army coming into the forest after us. I expect that will be my father's reaction to finding out I am alive."

Alexa says "Yes, Princess."

She bows again before she leaves. Zamart reminding her I am a princess has had an effect. I was just getting used to being just Mercy, but now it looks like I am going to have to go back to being Princess Amercy.

But a rebellion needs a symbol and a princess makes a better one, so if that is what I can do for my people then I will just have to get used to it.

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