I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 46 Company!

I reach for my axe and that is when I remember that all of my weapons except black razor and most of my armor are under the lake. I draw black razor and creep towards camp to see what is roaring. When I see it I don't really know what to call it, it is standing on two legs and has the general shape of a velociraptor but it's body is covered in blue fur.

It's tail is covered in yellow feathers, it has a feline face with a frill of more feathers but these are red, it has two arms ending in wicked looking claws, and the entire thing is dripping wet. I see it sniffing around where I had been keeping the gator meat, did it eat what I threw in the river and then follow the trail back here looking for more? I slowly reach up and tap the amulet on my chest.

'Ruby come out please, but stay low and quiet.'

Ruby appears in her human form crouched down next to me, she follows my gaze and sees the creature.

Ruby whispers "What is that?"

"I don't know, but right now I'm thinking it is dinner. But I only have my knife on me so I'm going to need your help."

Ruby whispers "Of course, master! What do you want me to do?"

"Well, besides not calling me master, I want you to lure it over here and distract it."

Ruby smiles mischievously at me and moves sideways until she is out in the open. Then she stands up and draws her swords.

Ruby yells "Hey, ugly! What are you looking for?"

The beast turns, leaps the river, and charges Ruby in a flash. I activate dash and charge on an intercept course, right as it's claws are about to hit Ruby I tackle the thing from the side and we both go skidding ten feet into a bunch of mushrooms. I quickly roll clear and jump to my feet, right as I look up I see nothing but tail and then I am flying backwards.


You have suffered a slam attack! Damage 46 HP!

HP: 901/947

I hit the ground hard and the breath is knocked out of me, then I see the thing airborne and heading right for me. I have no time to do anything, but right before it lands on me a fiery blue shield appears in the air between us.

It hits the shield with a thud and then leaps away with a screech and I can smell burnt fur. I quickly roll over backwards to my feet and look around for it, Ruby moves to put her back against mine also looking around.

Ruby says "I lost it! How is that thing so fast?"

"I don't know but I seriously underestimated it. Thanks for the save back there!"

Ruby says "Hey, you saved me first!"

I take a huge breath and spin as I catch movement out of the corner of my eye. I turn to face it right as it is about to hit me and roar as loudly as I can right in its face.

It stops its charge with a scream and tries to cover its ears with its clawed hands. While it is distracted I dart in under it and slash black razor across its right leg. It leaps back a good fifteen feet then stumbles when it lands.

"Good! That should slow the damn thing down!"

Ruby turns and spots it as it is righting itself and throws a blue firebolt at it. Amazingly it ducks the spell and charges us again, I crouch in front of Ruby and wait for it to close the distance. Right as it is almost upon us I activate dash again and leap straight at it.


Congratulations! Skill Dash has progressed to level 2!


Level 2

MP Cost 10

Your speed doubles. Duration: 15 seconds

The thing reacts with blinding speed and meets my charge head on, as I ram black razor into its chest it bites my shoulder and its claws rake down my ribs on both sides.

You have suffered a bite attack! Damage 52 HP!

You have suffered a claw attack! Damage 33 HP!

You have suffered a claw attack! Damage 47 HP!

HP: 769/947

The thing rips black razor out of my hand as it pulls back sharply and then it turns and runs for the river, I set off in pursuit running as fast as I can.

Ruby yells "Where are you going?!?"

"It has my knife! I'm not letting it get away!"

It slides into the water at full speed with barely a splash, I am only a few steps behind it when I jump and dive into the river behind it.

Ruby yells "You idiot!!"

I quickly spot the beast swimming downstream, it moves through the water like an alligator. I set off after it, swimming as hard as I can, but surprisingly I start to catch up to it. It takes me a minute to get within range to grab its tail.

When I do, it instantly flips its body around in the water and tries to bite me. I jam my fist into its mouth as hard as I can, I let go of its tail and grab the ruff of feathers around its head with my other hand and quickly pull myself astride it and clamp my legs around its torso. It goes insane, rolling and thrashing to try and shake me off, at the same time it is trying to bite down on my arm over and over, but my fist is just big enough to block its jaws from closing.

I let go of its ruff with my right hand and reach down to where black razor is still stuck in its chest, gripping it tightly, I jerk it upwards as hard as I can. The water around me suddenly turns pink and the creature thrashes a few more times weakly before going still.

I pull my fist out of its mouth and carefully sheath black razor before grabbing it by the tail and starting to swim upstream. It takes me about a half an hour to swim back to camp dragging the creature behind me.


Congratulations! Skill Swimming has progressed to level 5!


Level 5

Str +5 End +5 Cold Resist +5 Hold Breath: End Stat x 2 Minute.

You are a strong swimmer.

I wearily pull myself up out of the river and drag the beast up behind me. I see Ruby has built up the fire and as I stand up she walks over to me with the cleansing stone in hand. She touches me with it and drags me over and pushes me down next to the fire. Then she hits me in the back of the head, hard, before hugging me and pouring heat into me.

Ruby says "You reckless idiot! What were you thinking?"

"Black razor is the best knife I have ever seen, I wasn't about to let that bird-cat-dino thing run off with it."

Ruby says "You risked your life for a knife!"

"Yes, I like that knife. Besides, if I let it get away, who is to say it wouldn't come back with friends."

Ruby says "Well, I suppose that is possible, but I still think it was stupid."

"Maybe, but it's not like I had a lot of time to stop and think about it. Besides, it turned out alright."

Ruby pokes my shoulder and says "Oh, yeah? You are bleeding."

I take a look at my shoulder but the wound is barely bleeding now and is close to closing completely. I pat Ruby's hands before slowly standing up and heading over to the creature. It's chest is cut right up the middle so that I can see it's beast core and heart.

I quickly pull both out and set them aside, then I set to skinning and butchering the thing. I am a little nervous as I toss the organs and other waste into the river, but I don't really have any other way to dispose of them. I really need to go back to that cave and reclaim my weapons and armor just in case another of these things shows up.

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