I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 51 Preparations

"Ruby, come take a look! I did it! It is finished!"

Ruby comes out of the amulet, takes her human form, and looks at me standing there with Blitz in my hands. Lightning is still crawling up and down the blade so it almost looks like I am just holding a lightning bolt in my hands at times.

Ruby says "Wow! That is an amazing looking sword!"

"Thanks! It's name is Blitz."

Ruby says "Blitz? Isn't that a rather simple name? Shouldn't a sword like that have a grander name?"

I walk over, pick up the sheath, and sheathe Blitz and toss it to Ruby.

"Try to draw the sword."

She tries with all her strength but the sword won't budge so she tosses it back to me. I draw it easily and twirl it around before resheathing it.

Ruby says "What, it doesn't like me because I'm a fire spirit?"

"No, if I am right only I will ever be able to draw it. In fact it may blow up when I die, I'm not sure."

Ruby says "Why?"

"Before I tell you, no hitting!"

Ruby says "That just means you did something stupid that I should hit you for."

"I used fragments of my core to make the core of the sword."

Ruby says "You what?!? You basically made the sword using your own soul?"

"Umm, if my core represents my soul then I guess, yes. Which is why no one else but me should be able to use it."

Ruby says "Why would you do something so risky? That's insane! I should really hit you for that!"

"I took risks, yes, but to make a sword that can kill a demon the risks were worth it."

Ruby says "Can it? Kill the demon I mean?"

"Well, I am fairly sure it can. Why don't we go find out?"

Ruby says "Right now? You look like you are about to fall over."

I stop and take stock of myself, to be honest I do feel fairly worn out and very hungry. A few days probably passed while I was enchanting Blitz.

"Okay, maybe after some food and rest."

Ruby smirks as she follows me back to camp. I quickly cook up the last of the meat from the bird thing and we share it before we both go to our rest. When I wake up I am fairly sure at least a day has passed, I catch some fish to cook up for breakfast.

After I eat, I get my armor and weapons ready and then set off for the cavern. The longest part is navigating the ledge back up the river but eventually I get back to the cave where the demon is. I tap the amulet to let Ruby know it is time to come out, she does and quickly takes human form.

Ruby says "So what's the plan?"

"Hold on, let me look around first."

I walk past the pile of rocks and again take a look at the block of ice containing the demon. I then walk all the way around the ice looking at the rest of the cave and the terrain we will be fighting on. I also take a good long look at the demon, its lower body is that of a very large wolf, where the head would normally be instead is a human torso covered in fur with a head that looks like a mix of wolf and human.

With four legs it will probably be very fast, its upper body is also heavily muscled so it could be very strong, this is not going to be an easy fight. I walk back over to Ruby as I am thinking of a plan.

Ruby says "It is so creepy the way it's eyes keep following you."

"Yeah, I've been trying to ignore that. I think I have the plan figured out."

Ruby says "Okay, I'm listening."

"I want you on top of these rocks, we will both hit the ice with fireballs to melt it, I will be on the opposite side of the cave. When it is free I will draw its attention, I want you to use a firebolt to see if the blue flames hurt it, if they do stay up there and hit it until you run out of mana. If they don't then you can use your swords, but be careful I think it will be very fast."

Ruby says "That's it? That is the best plan you could come up with?"

"Yeah, considering I know very little about the abilities it may have. We will have to adapt on the fly so a big complex plan is basically useless."

Ruby says "It would make me feel better."

"Trying to stick to a plan could also get us killed."

Ruby says "Okay, okay, I get it, let's just get this over with."

"Right. Oh yeah, aim high with the fireball, if we torch the remains this is pointless."

Ruby says "Got it."

Ruby starts climbing the pile of rocks and I move to the other side of the room, I move until I can just see Ruby around the block of ice. I take a last careful look around checking for anything that could trip me up, then I look back to check on Ruby.

When I see that she is on top of the pile of rocks I ready my fireball spell. Once the spell is ready I look at Ruby and see that she has hers ready as well, I aim for the top half of the ice block then nod at Ruby.

We both release our fireballs at the ice block. When the flames clear away I am surprised to see that the ice hasn’t changed at all.

Ruby yells “Now what?”

I wave at Ruby and sit down to meditate and take a look with inner sight. What I see is a staggering amount of mana swirling around inside the ice, no wonder the fireballs had no effect. When I open my eyes Ruby is sitting in front of me.

“There is so much mana in that ice that I don’t think anything we can hit it with would scratch it.”

Ruby says “So, then what do we do?”

“Um, the only thing that comes to mind is I am going to have to disenchant the ice.”

Ruby says “Won’t that much mana kill you?”

“Maybe, if I did it all at once probably. I need to study it for a while first before I do anything.”

Ruby says “I think that is the first smart thing you have said since we first saw that thing.”

“Ha ha. Just guard me while I study this thing.”

Ruby says “Yes, oh wise and powerful master!”

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