I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 56 The Demon Part 3

All I feel is a burning rage as I see Ruby disappear, I charge even faster towards the demon and leap at it before it can turn to face me. I ram Blitz into the back of its upper body and push it all the way through before my shoulder slams into the demon. The demon spins in place and sends me flying again, but Blitz is still lodged in its body.

I spin and roll in the air and land on my feet facing the demon, as it is reaching behind itself with its remaining arm to try and pull Blitz out. I rush at the demon again and jump onto its back, I grab the arm reaching for Blitz and plant my feet on its shoulder and pull. I put my whole body into it and pull at the arm with all my strength!


I release the demon's now broken arm and get my feet under me, then as the demon is roaring in pain I grab its shoulder and pull myself up and sink my teeth into the side of its neck. The demon's blood floods into my mouth, it tastes bitter and burnt, yet while it is disgusting at the same time it is somehow satisfying. The demon reaches back with its broken arm and grabs me, it tears me free, losing a chunk of its shoulder and neck in the process.

It rears up like a horse and throws me, this time instead of throwing me at the wall it throws me straight down. I have no time to get my feet under me and hit the ground with stunning force, and before I can roll away it stomps down with both front feet hitting me in the chest and stomach.

You have suffered a stomp attack! Damage 356 HP!

HP: 1/1311


Congratulations! Skill Tenacity has progressed to level 4!


Level 4

End +8 HP +25%

Your strong willpower allows you to resist death.

I reflexively swallow the chunk of flesh in my mouth as I am hit, not missing the opportunity I grab the leg on my chest and crane my neck forward to bite into it. I feel the bone crack and break under my jaws as I bite as hard as I can. The demon howls in pain and leaps away, leaving the lower half of its leg behind.

It lands badly on three legs, all of which have injuries, as it stumbles I spring up to my feet and flex my hands. My claws spring out and extend further than I knew they could. I crouch and spring at the demon, moving too fast for it to react before I hit it in the chest and dig in my claws, as it is roaring in pain I pull myself up until we are eye to eye and then I use Lion's Roar.

I smile when I see the blood start dripping from its ears, I let myself drop to the ground raking my claws down its chest and stomach as I do. I quickly leap back to dodge as the demon swings its arm at me. At this point I could let the demon bleed out and die from the wounds, but that wouldn't satisfy the rage boiling inside me.

So again I charge at it, I act like I am leaping for his chest again, but when it brings its arm up in defense I instead tackle his remaining front leg.


As my full weight hits it the demon's knee folds backwards and I have to quickly roll away to avoid the demon landing on me. Now the demon can't stand and its movements have gotten slower, probably from blood loss. I start darting in and out, making it keep moving and occasionally getting a swipe in with my claws.

It takes a few minutes to finally get the chance I wanted, I duck under the slow swipe of its arms and rake my claws across its throat as I pass in front of it. It immediately covers its throat with its hand to stem the flow of blood.

I circle around and run up its back while it is trying to hold its throat together. I reach around and grab its chin with one hand and the back of its head with the other. Then I twist as hard as I possibly can.


With that the demon is finally dead! It slumps forward and lies prone beneath me. I take a huge breath and let out a roar containing all of my rage, hatred, sadness, and anguish.

The roar goes on and on until I have no breath left in my body. Then I collapse to my knees atop the demon and grab the amulet on my chest with both hands as I cry tears of loss. Unbeknownst to me my roar reverberates up through the stone.

It travels all the way up to the capital city, everyone in the city hears the roar for several minutes. They all feel the small earthquake that the roar sets off as well, including the king.

Ruby whispers "I'm not dead! But it is good to know you care this much."


Ruby whispers "I'm a spirit remember? My physical body is made of energy."

"So, you are okay?"

Ruby whispers "Well, I wouldn't say okay, but alive. It will take me a few days to recover my energy."

"I am just glad you are alive!"

I wipe my tears away as a smile forms on my face, Ruby is alive! I can feel her now that I am paying attention, she is already fast asleep. Somehow, I doubt she will forget that I was crying and I am sure I will hear about it later.

I wearily climb to my feet, the silly smile still on my face. I finally realize I am still on top of the demon and I see Blitz's hilt standing up from its back a foot away from me. I reach out and grab the hilt to draw Blitz out of the demon's body. As my hand touches the hilt a massive darkness swells up and engulfs me.

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