I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 66 The Diary Part 1

"Thank you, Ruby. How long was I gone?"

Ruby says "Only a few minutes. Did you learn anything useful?"

So as I pick up where I left off working on my new armor I tell Ruby everything Mericel told me. By the time I am done telling it all I have almost finished the armor, all that is left is to stitch the pieces together. So I grab the spider silk thread and start stitching as Ruby thinks about everything I told her.

Ruby says "So, basically instead of things getting better once we are outside they are more likely going to be even more dangerous?"

"Yeah, that is about the gist of it. We will be deep in enemy territory with no friends and most likely being hunted once we are spotted."

Ruby says "Sounds like fun! I will fight beside you no matter the odds!"

"That is good to hear. To be honest there is probably a lot of bloodshed in our future."

Drog says "I can't wait! Human souls are the best!"

"Hmm, will I be able to eat souls too?"

Drog says "No idea, I've never heard of a demon beast before."

"Is that why I am a unique demon?"

Drog says "Could be."

"What difference does being unique make?"

Drog says "Well, unique demons tend to be weaker to start, rank up more slowly, and end up way stronger later on."


I go back to putting the finishing touches on my armor. Once done I try it on, then make a few adjustments until it fits perfectly. Then I pack up my tools and the rest of the materials and put them in the bag.

Drog says "Master, may I manifest?"

"What? Why?"

Drog says "I want to stretch my legs, I never got too except for the fight with you."

"Sure, just behave yourself."

It takes Drog a few minutes to manifest a physical body, but once he does he is running all over sniffing everything. Just like a real puppy would.

Ruby says "He is kind of cute in that form."

"Maybe, but don't forget what he is."

Ruby says "I won't."

"Are you hungry?"

Ruby smiles and says "I could eat."

I get up and stretch then grab the net and go to catch some fish. Then I pick some mushrooms and start cooking a nice stew. As it is cooking Drog comes over and starts sniffing at the stew.

Drog says "Mmm, that smells good. What is it?"

"Fish and mushroom stew. Would you like some?"

Drog says "Yes please, master."

"Alright, it should be done in a few more minutes."

Once it is ready I fill three bowls, I hand one to Ruby and put the other on the ground for Drog. Since they are both fire type creatures I don't even bother telling them it is hot. I watch them start eating while I wait for mine to cool.

Ruby says "So, what is the plan now?"

"Next I will be going to the forge room for a while. I want to read some of the Archmage's diary."

Ruby says "Okay, then if you don't need me I'm going to rest for a while."

"Sure, sleep well."

After Ruby disappears into the amulet I notice Drog sniffing around the pot, so I pour the last of the stew into his bowl. As he is scarfing it down I finish my own bowl, then I go about cleaning up before heading to the forge room.

As I jump the river and head to the forge room Drog follows me. I wonder if he really thinks this act of his is going to fool me into lowering my guard. I make sure to always keep one eye on him as I move through the cavern and into the tunnels.

Although I do not trust him, I will admit it is nice having another companion besides Ruby. Even though I am fairly sure I have cleared out everything that lived in the sewers, I still move cautiously through the tunnels until I reach the forge room.

When I reach the forge room I move into the time dilation field and sit down on the stone bench. I pull out the diary and start reading. I can read the language fairly quickly now, only stopping once in a while to translate a new word.

The first hundred pages cover the Archmage's early life and are not all that interesting. Although a few of the stories of trouble he got himself into are quite entertaining. Even these early pages have a lot of information about how he learned to use magic and different spells he invented.

From the way he describes magic it is obvious he was a prodigy. It makes me realize just how valuable this book would be to other mages. They would literally kill to get this book if they knew it existed.

I look up from the book to check on Drog, he is laying in front of the forge pretending to sleep. I know that because of the contract he cannot disobey any order I give, what worries me is the gaps in my orders he might use to cause trouble.

"Drog, I order you to never attack Ruby or me. Also you are never to knowingly lead enemies to us."

Drog says "Yes, master." in a sad tone of voice.

I go back to my reading and read about the archmage's early days as a mage. Even before serving the empire he got into all sorts of trouble including several duels with nobles. Reading his story I can't help but think he would have been fun to go adventuring with.

It is when I get to the part of his story where he became the archmage that I find out his name. Archmage Phillip Deburin, top mage in all the empire. The tests he had to pass to become archmage were brutal and I know I could never have passed them.

It is when I read about him gaining access to the empire's secret histories that I become really interested. They were locked away in a hidden library atop the highest mountain in the empire. And it is here that he learned the true origin of the empire and about the race that lived here before them.

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