I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 72 Ruby & Drog Part 2

Riverbank, Ruby's P.O.V.

"What? How many?"

Drog says "I didn't stop to count, but I would guess around fifty."

"Fifty? That might be too many! What should we do?"

Drog says "Kill them all of course!"

"I am not sure if I can kill fifty on my own."

Drog says "You are not alone, I will help you kill them."

"What can you do, little puppy?"

Drog growls at me and tries to be fierce and scary. But he still just looks like a puppy throwing a tantrum. But even though I enjoy teasing him he is still a demon.

"Let's make a contest out of it then. See who can kill more humans."

Drog says "Not much of a challenge, but if you want to be humiliated, Blue, I will be happy to."

"Should we leave the master alone though?"

Drog says "It will be fine, just drag him into those bushes over there."

I look at Drog then over at the bushes and shrug. I reach down and slide my arms under my master and try to lift him.

"Ugh, why does he have to be so heavy!"

Drog says "Stop pretending, you love having an excuse to have your arms around him."

"Wha....what do you mean?"

Drog says "Oh, don't give me that! I've seen the way you look at him and it disgusts me!"

I fight really hard against the impulse to set Drog on fire. He must have seen it in my eyes because he quickly moves away from me. I finish dragging Ash into the bushes and then I go looking for humans to hurt.

I find the first human quickly, he is carrying a torch! How easy can they make this? He doesn't even see me before my swords cut him down. Is human eyesight really this bad? It's not even fully dark yet. This is going to be too easy!

With my heat vision the torches stand out like beacons and I dance from one to the next cutting down the humans so easily I feel kind of bad for them. Then I remember they are here hunting my master and I stop feeling bad and keep cutting them down.

Just as I cut down my sixteenth human I hear a scream in the distance. Probably Drog being sloppy, none of my kills have managed to make a sound. Now the humans are all shouting to each other which makes it even easier to find them.

??? shouts "Rally! Rally to me!! Rally!!"

The next two humans I cut down are heading in the direction of the voice. If they are all going to gather together this will be really easy to finish, so I head in the direction of the voice too.

There are twelve humans gathered when I reach the area of the voice, I immediately recognize one as the captain from the first group. The man next to him, while not as well dressed, is the source of the voice. He has an aura of command, I will have to be careful of this one.

I could just fireball them all, but that wouldn't be any fun, and Drog might try and call it cheating. So I charge into the group and start dancing with my swords. The first two go down before anyone even realizes I am there.

Spinning and twirling I cut down four more in seconds, my swords go through their armor like it was paper. I should remember to thank master again for these. Now with six left I see the captain turn to run again.

Not this time, I jump over the remaining humans to catch the coward. I cut him down with both swords just to be sure. Then I spin back to the remaining five, who are just barely turning around trying to follow my movements.

I focus on the four soldiers, leaving the commander for last, I dodge their slow swings and each time I swing one of my swords another human dies. Four swings and four kills and then it is just me and the commander.

When he swings his sword I step back and then swing at the sword. I cut it off just above the hilt, then as he brings up his shield I punch it hard. The shield dents and the commander flies back and slams into a tree. He falls to the ground and doesn't move, but I can see he is still breathing.

Drog comes running into sight through the trees, he skids to a stop and looks around. He notices the commander is still alive and walks towards him.

"No, leave him alive."

Drog says "Why? I thought we were going to kill them all?"

"He is the leader, I think the master would like to ask him some questions."

Drog says "Fine. How many have you killed?"

"Twenty-nine. You?"

Drog growls and says "Fifteen."

"That only makes forty-four, we are missing six."

Drog says "They had horses before, maybe they left them to guard the horses?"

"Well, go find them and kill them, I will take him back to camp."

Drog runs off eagerly to kill the last of the humans, while I pick up the commander and head back to the riverbank. Once there I strip his armor, and the four daggers he has hidden on him. I try to get some rope from the master's bag but it is empty, so I tie him up with vines.

A few minutes later Drog returns looking pleased with himself.

Drog says "I killed all six, but the horses ran off."

"Alright, go start dragging the corpses here."

Drog says "Why do I have to do it?"

"Because you lost, those six put you at twenty-one to my twenty-nine."

Drog grumbles but heads off to do as I told him. A minute later I hear a groan, I turn to look at the commander but he hasn't moved. Then I hear the bushes rustle.


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