I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 74 Underworld Part 2

Underworld Ash's P.O.V.

"What? Why?!"

Krenocia says "I brought you into this world but I am not a goddess of life like my sister. It is taking most of my power just to keep you alive."

"So, you are going to keep me alive until the demon invasion is over. Then what?"

Krenocia says "Once the invasion is over, as I said, you will die. But your soul will not come to the underworld, I will hand it over to my sister."

"What will your sister do with my soul?"

Krenocia says "You will be given a choice, to return to your old life with enough power to heal, to become part of our pantheon, or to be reborn again in this world when you are most needed."

"Wait, one of the options is to become a god???"

Krenocia says "Yes, if you defeat the demons you should be powerful enough by then that we can ascend you."

"I don't think I would make a very good god."

Krenocia says "You would be the grey to balance my sister and I. Is that your choice?"

"No! I need to think about this."

Krenocia says "That is fine. You will have plenty of time to consider your options. I just wanted to be upfront with you about your situation."

"I appreciate the honesty. You have given me a lot to think about."

Krenocia says "Before I send you back to the world of the living do you have any questions to ask me?"

"Yes, several. I guess the biggest one is, why me?"

Krenocia says "You fit the conditions. Your soul was not of this world, you died within the time frame of my casting, and most importantly, you had the mental fortitude to survive the transition without going insane."

"So, luck and the fact that I was pretty much already crazy, great."

Krenocia says "I think you underestimate yourself, your soul is very unique. I've dealt with millions of souls but none quite like you."

"Um, thanks I guess."

Krenocia smiles and says "Next question?"

"What of Mericel and her deal?"

Krenocia says "I accepted her deal because her death gave me the power I needed to pierce the barrier and summon you."

"Why was her death so powerful? And will you honor the deal?"

Krenocia says "Her bloodline goes all the way back to the imperial family of the ancient empire. Old blood carries a lot of power. And yes, I always honor my deals."

"Okay, is there anything you can do to give her more freedom or make her more helpful?"

Krenocia says "Maybe. I will talk to her and see what she will accept."

"What will happen to Ruby and Drog when I die?"

Krenocia says "Ruby will return to the realm of spirits and quickly rise to be queen of the fire spirits. Drog will have a choice, either to come here and serve me or to return to the demon plane."

"And Mericel?"

Krenocia says "If you die before the king she will come here just like any mortal who dies. If the king dies first then she will become my first angel of death and eventually she might join the pantheon."

"Okay, good. No loose ends then. I can't think of any more questions."

Krenocia says "Now that you know everything do you still accept my offer?"

"Yes, I will seek out and destroy the temples."


New Quests Available!

Destroy the Wind Temple!

Wind Temple Destroyed 0/1

Reward: ?????

Do You Accept? Y/N

Destroy the Earth Temple!

Earth Temple Destroyed 0/1

Reward: ?????

Do You Accept? Y/N

Destroy the Fire Temple!

Fire Temple Destroyed 0/1

Reward: ?????

Do You Accept? Y/N

Destroy the Water Temple!

Water Temple Destroyed 0/1

Reward: ?????

Do You Accept? Y/N

Destroy the Four Temples!

Temples Destroyed 0/4

Reward: ?????

Do You Accept? Y/N

"Accept all!"

"By the way, the system I see for skills and things, did you create that?"

Krenocia says "No, that was all you. I think it was your soul's way of adapting to the situation."

"Oh, so is that why I don't have any limits on stats or skills?"

Krenocia says "Wait, you have no limits?"

"Not that I have found."

Krenocia says "Limits are imposed by the body and soul. The body I used for you should have had limits. If you have broken those limits then it is because of your soul."

"Huh, okay. Well, anything else I should know?"

Krenocia says "Not that I can think of, but I do have a personal request."

"What is it?"

Krenocia says "Once you have destroyed the first temple I would like you to create a soulscape and call on both my sister and myself."

"Okay, sure. But why?"

Krenocia says "Because we are of opposite powers it is not possible for us to visit each other's realms. Since the last of our pantheon died we have not been able to see each other."

"Oh, I see. I will definitely do it then."

Krenocia says "Thank you. I will return you to your body now."

Being returned to my body feels about the same as being dropped off a roof. I sit up with a groan only to get entangled in the bushes, tearing free of the bushes takes a minute.

Ruby says "Master!"

Just as I step free of the bushes Ruby slams into me and hugs me with all her strength making me grunt. I hug her back and stroke her hair.

"Sorry to worry you again. Krenocia wanted to have a chat."

Ruby says "So that is why Drog couldn't reach your soul!"

I nod in answer and look over as I hear a faint groan and see the human tied up by the fire. I am about to ask Ruby about him when I see the ghost appear a few feet from me.

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