I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 77 Over the hills and through the woods Part 2

Once I finish melting down the soldier's gear I end up with another fifty-seven high grade steel ingots. Then I put the forge and the ingots into my bag and sit down to go through the various pouches the soldiers had.

In total I find eleven gold, one hundred and seventeen silver, and five hundred and twelve copper. It seems the king at least pays his soldiers well. Although, it is strange for soldiers to hold onto their money.

"Do any of you need to rest?"

Ruby says "No, I am good for another twelve hours or so."

Drog says "I do not need to rest. I can stay manifested as long as you allow me to."

Mericel says "I am undead, I don't even think I can rest."

"Well, then let's get moving."

Ruby says "We aren't going to wait for daylight?"

"No, we all can see well enough in darkness. Humans are the ones who need daylight."

When no one argues I put out the campfire and lead the way east. We cross the road a half hour later and continue moving through the darkness. I lead the way for two more miles before I stop suddenly.

Ruby says "What's wrong?"


Drog says "More soldiers to eat?"

"Looks like it."

Mericel says "Want me to scout it out?"

"Sure, just be careful."

Mericel says "Haha, I'm a ghost, no one can see me if I don't want them to."

"Oh, right. Just go."

Mericel vanishes with a laugh, just what I needed, another sarcastic woman. My life can't possibly get anymore complicated, right? Mericel comes back after about ten minutes.

Mericel says "About a hundred soldiers, and they are led by a hero."

"A hero? You mean one of the ones that was summoned by the king?"

Mericel says "Exactly. Although why a hero is out here I have no idea."

"Probably the king knows I am out here. He will stop at nothing to kill me."

Ruby says "So, we sneak past, right?"

"No, I am done sneaking and hiding."

Grog says "Yes! Let's kill them all!"

Ruby says "Are you sure about this?"

"Yes, we need to do whatever we can to weaken the king and his forces."

Ruby says "Alright, what's the plan?

"First, Mericel, do they have sentries out?"

Mericel says "Yes, ten that I saw."

"Okay, we need to kill them silently, Mericel, are you up for this?"

Mericel says "Yes, I don't want to, but I see the necessity. Besides, I want to get stronger."

"Okay, Mericel go left and kill five, Ruby go right and kill the other five."

Mericel and Ruby say "Okay."

Drog says "Why not me?"

"They are quieter than you. Don't worry there will be plenty of killing soon."

Ruby and Mericel move off silently to take care of the sentries. Drog grumbles but settles down next to me. Ruby returns first after about five minutes, Mericel another two minutes after her.

"All done?"

Both say "Done."

"Okay, we are going to rush the camp. Which tent is the hero in?"

Mericel says "The largest one in the center of the camp."

"Okay, I will head straight for the hero and deal with him one way or another. The three of you just slaughter the soldiers, some will run, try not to let too many get away."

Drog says "Do we have to let some get away?"

"No, but it is likely going to be too many to catch them all."

Drog says "I will try to catch them all!"

"You do that, Drog."

Ruby says "What are you going to do about the hero though?"

"I will try to convince him that the king is evil, but if I can't then I will kill him."

Mericel says "Be careful, heroes are not like the others. They can have random powers that don't follow the normal rules of this world."

"I am as prepared as I can be. I will have to face the heroes sooner or later anyway. Besides, I know you will have my back if I need help."

Ruby says "I will also have your back, master."

"I know you will, Ruby. I can always count on you."

Ruby smiles and says "I am ready"

Mericel just nods to indicate she is ready. I stand up and draw Blitz, and meet the eyes of each of them. I see no hesitation in Mericel or Ruby, and Drog's eyes show eagerness.

"Okay, when I roar we charge. Kill as many as you can, but stay safe."

After a few deep breaths I unleash Lion's Roar, I am moving forward before the roar is even finished. Humans start stumbling out of tents before I have taken two steps into the camp. Most are half dressed or naked but all have at least a weapon in hand.

The looks on their faces when they see me is almost enough to make me stop and laugh. But I will show no mercy, they stand between me and my goal of killing the king. The hero is the only one I will give a chance.

I cut down a dozen of the soldiers as I head for the center of the camp. With the reach of Blitz I can cut them down before they can even get close enough to use their weapons. I can hear screams from my left and right, sounds like the others are doing just fine.

Carving a path as I go, I head straight for the biggest tent in the camp. As I cut down the last two soldiers between me and the tent, the tent flap opens and a shirtless human steps out, he has a katana in hand. This then must be the hero, but for the first time I see something more.

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