I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 80 Over the hills and through the woods Part 5

Hero says "Ow, my head! Huh? What??"

He looks at me and then past me at all the bodies. Then he notices Mericel and his eyes go wide. He seems surprised to be alive and not tied up.

Hero says "Why am I alive? I won't tell you anything!"

"Mericel, introduce yourself and tell him your story. After you have heard her story you are free to go."

Hero says "What? Why would you let me go?"

"Because, I can tell from your aura that you are not corrupt like the others."

Mericel says "I am a ghost now but in life I was Second-Princess Mericel Feldster, daughter of King Raden. It was I who my father sacrificed to summon you heroes."

Hero says "We were told you were assassinated."

Mericel says "I am sure you were told a lot of things. The truth is my father had my mother and older sister killed so he could take power. The other nations have not attacked our kingdom in any way. It is my father who is planning to use the heroes to attack the other nations."

Hero says "Why should I believe any of this?"

"We are not asking you to believe us, go back to the castle and open your eyes. You will see things for yourself."

Hero says "Are you really from Earth?"

To prove myself I list off all my favorite anime and manga series. From his reaction I am sure he recognizes at least some of them. When I start listing off TV shows and movies he stops me.

Hero says "Okay, I get it. You are from my Earth."

"Now, you are free to go. Be careful what you say when you return to the castle, if the king suspects you know the truth he will kill you."

The hero sits there thinking as I stand up and move away to meet Ruby and Drog who just came into sight. The four of us leave him there and return to the campsite. When we approach the tent we see Leyla dressed in the soldier's clothes sitting on a chair waiting.

We all stop when we see her, she looks completely different. Her wounds and bruises are gone and the haunted look has left her eyes. Something more than a bit of sleep has happened while we were gone.

Mericel says "Leyla, are you alright?"

Leyla says "Oh, Mermer, I am so much better than just alright!"

I cough to hide a chuckle at the nickname. Leyla turns and looks directly at me.

Leyla says "The Goddess came to me in a dream and healed me. She said I should serve you, Ash."

Priestess Leyla, is requesting to join your party. Do you accept? Y/N

"What exactly did Seronia say to you about me?"

Leyla says "She told me you were on a very important quest for her and her sister. She said you might be the most important person in the world right now, and that I should do everything in my power to help you succeed. Even if it costs me my life!"

"Very well, I accept."

Priestess Leyla has joined the party!

Party System now available!

"We can talk more later, we should get moving before another hero shows up."

With Leyla in tow we resume our eastward journey. Once we are on the move and a decent way away from camp I try to pull up the party window to see what happens.

Ash Rank: 0 HP: 1322/1322 DP: 140/150

Ruby Level: 3 HP: 515/515 MP: 780/780

Drog Rank: 0 HP: 850/850 DP 100/100

Mericel Rank: 1 HP: 635/635 MP: 250/250

Leyla Level: 1 HP: 120/120 MP: 650/650

Well that is interesting, and could be very useful. I didn't know Ruby had leveled up again, and why do I have more DP than Drog if we are the same rank? Leyla has really low HP. I will need to make sure she doesn't get hit by anything.

I wonder if this means we will start getting party experience? If so will it actually affect those of us with no levels? Speaking of rank, has killing humans done anything for me? Core Status!

Core Upgrade Progress: 5%

Well it is having some effect at least, but I really need to start working on it myself. After the first few hours Leyla starts having trouble keeping up, so I pick her up and carry her. She tries to protest but I shush her.

Ruby says "Master, my energy is starting to get low."

"That's fine Ruby, go ahead and rest. I will call you if we get into another fight."

Ruby turns into a wisp and zips into the amulet. Leyla, who hasn't seen it before, is a little surprised and stunned. Mericel floats up and starts explaining it to her while Drog and I pick up our pace.

"So, I have a question for you Leyla."

Leyla says "Ask me anything!"

"Where did the nickname Mermer come from?"

I feel a shiver go down my spine as Mericel tries to hit me and her hand passes through me. Laughing as she grumbles behind me I wait for Leyla to answer me.

Leyla says "It's silly, I was just learning to talk when I first met the princess and that was as close as I could get to her name."

"Oh, so you grew up in the castle?"

Mericel says "Yes, we had many faithful families that had served in the castle for generations."

We continue on for a few more hours as the sun rises ahead of us. I listen to Leyla and Mericel chattering on about castle life as the miles pass beneath my feet.

Drog says "I smell horses ahead of us!"

We slow our pace until we are moving silently. As we clear the trees the eastern road comes into sight. I hunker down at the tree line where I can see the road without being spotted easily. Coming up the road towards us are three wagons and around fifty guards.

"Ruby, going to need you for this."

Ruby takes her human form and hunkers down next to me. She takes a look at the wagons before she speaks.

Ruby says "Master, what's going on? Why do two of the wagons look weird?"


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