I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 83 The Knight Part 2

Leyla says "The damage inside her head is really severe. What hit her?"

Mericel says "Ash did."

Leyla says "With what??"

Mericel sighs and says "His fist."

Leyla turns and looks at me like I have grown a second head. I give her a slight smile and a shrug.

"Just do what you can for now and we will put her in the wagon. I will see what I can do to help you once we make camp."

Leyla says "Okay" and goes back to casting heal.

Once she is done I carry Alannis over and put her in the back of the wagon. The women just watch me and don't say a word to me, although they are looking better already. Mericel will ride in the back with Alannis, while Leyla goes back to driving the wagon.

Walking alongside the wagon I can keep pace fairly easily as it rolls along. We keep moving for the rest of the day without running into anyone else on the road. When the sun sets we stop and everyone climbs off the wagon.

As I move to the back of the wagon to get Alannis I notice one of the bunny girls has taken the waterskin. I take note of her fur color, thinking under pressure is a valuable skill. I carefully pick up Alannis and lift her out of the wagon.

"Leyla, send the wagon on, we don't want it sitting here to draw attention to our tracks."

Leyla says "Yes, right away."


Drog says "Yes, master?"

"Head east and scout for a campsite. Look for somewhere sheltered from the wind and where a fire won't be easily spotted."

Drog says "As you command." and runs off into the trees.

Everyone else follows me as I start walking east, we walk for about ten minutes before Drog returns. We follow Drog east and a little south, he leads us to a small clearing surrounded by hills.

Drog says "Will this work, master?"

"Yes, good job, Drog."

He wags his tail at me as I lead everyone down into the clearing. First thing I do is gather some wood and start a fire. Then I take out the big pot I found in the slavers wagon, fill it with water using the waterskin and put it over the fire.

Using bird thing meat and vegetables I also found in the wagon I start making a big pot of stew for everyone. Once it is cooking I ask one of the women to stir it and walk over to see how Alannis is. Leyla and Mericel are watching over her but her condition doesn't seem to have improved.

"Any change?"

Leyla says "As far as I can tell she is getting worse, she will die soon at this rate."

Mericel says "Leyla has used up all of her healing magic and it hasn't helped. At this point it would take a miracle to save her!"

"Don't give up just yet."

I move around to the other side of Alannis from Leyla and kneel down. Alannis doesn't really mean anything to me, but Leyla and Mericel care so I am going to try what I can for them. I hold out my left hand to Leyla who looks confused.

"Take my hand and place your other hand on Alannis' head. Then pray to Seronia for Alannis to be healed."

Leyla does as I say and when she closes her eyes I close mine as well. While Leyla is praying for Alannis I send out an entreaty to Seronia to use me as a conduit to grant Leyla's wish. Almost immediately I feel an unfamiliar power move through me and into Leyla through my hand.

When I open my eyes I see Leyla glowing with a pure white light and an expression of bliss on her face. Looking down at Alannis her color has improved and she looks healthy. As I am looking at her, her eyes slowly open, they focus on Leyla and widen with surprise.

Alannis says "Are you an angel?"

Leyla opens her eyes and says "No, I am just a priestess."

Mericel shouts "Alannis!" and tries to hug her.

Alannis shivers as Mericel's ghost arms pass through her. Then she gets a good look at Mericel's face and screams. Leyla quickly covers her mouth to stop the screaming.

Mericel says "Sorry! Yes, Alannis, it is me, and I am a ghost."

Alannis says "Why are you a ghost? And why are you here?"

Mericel says "My father killed me, and I called for Ash to avenge me."

Alannis says "The king killed you?"

Mericel says "Yes, I was the sacrifice to summon the heroes."

Alannis says "That is awful!!"

Mericel says "And that is why I am here."

Alannis says "Why am I here? Shouldn't I be dead?"

Mericel says "Ash spared you because I asked him to, and Leyla healed you."

Alannis says "Thank you Leyla. You must be a powerful priestess!"

Leyla says "No, actually my magic alone wasn't enough to heal you."

Alannis says "Then why am I alive? Or am I dying right now?"

Leyla says "The Goddess healed you, how is your head?"

Alannis says "Huh? Oh, it hurts a little, but not as much as my wrists."

Leyla says "Oh, let me untie you!"

Alannis says "No! Don't! If you untie me I will try to kill you!"

Leyla says "Why would you want to kill me?"

Alannis says "I don't want to, but you are the king's enemies, and I am under orders to kill enemies of the king."

Mericel says "Why would you still serve my father if you believe what I have told you."

Alannis says "I have no choice, I am under a death curse. If I disobey the king, I die."

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