I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 89 Out of the Woods Part 2

Alannis says "What's the plan?"

"I will deal with the hero, you help the others attack the troops."

Alannis says "Once I see the hero I can probably tell you who it is."

"Okay, Mericel, guide us ahead of them so we can see them and plan if needed."

Mericel says "Okay!" and takes the lead.

It only takes us a few minutes to reach the edge of the trees where we can see the road and the soldiers coming towards us. The hero leading them isn't riding a horse, he is riding a giant wolf. It gives me flashbacks to the wolf that attacked me in the pit.

Alannis says "We should run! That is Marcadus! He is the strongest of the heroes!"

"What else can you tell me about him? Is he a monster tamer?"

Alannis says "No he was a lancer, but he evolved his class to monster lancer."

Focusing on the hero to check his aura I get a nasty surprise. The hero is fairly evil judging from his aura but he doesn't hold a candle to his mount.

"Drog, am I wrong or is that wolf a demon?"

Drog sneaks a bit closer to the road for a look, the giant wolf stops and starts sniffing the air. The hero also starts looking around as if he senses something.

Drog says "Shadow wolf! It is a beast from the shadow demon's realm. It can sense us if we get too close."

"Okay, Drog, back off and circle around, be ready to attack from the rear. Mericel, you attack from the far side, Ruby and Alannis attack from this side. Leyla you back them up as best you can."

Before they can argue with me I turn and run another fifty yards up the road, I wait a minute for them to get into position then I step out into the road where the hero should be able to see me. As soon as I break cover the wolf's eyes lock onto me.

The hero kicks his mount into motion and it charges straight at me, he doesn't even look when the screaming starts behind him. I draw Blitz and wait for him to come to me. When the wolf is about thirty feet from me it leaps into the air catching me by surprise.

Throwing myself into a roll I manage to dodge the wolf, but a searing pain on my arm tells me I didn't dodge fast enough. I look up to see the wolf turning around and the hero pointing his lance at me, I notice the tip is bloody. Looking down at my arm there is a gash in my armor and the flesh beneath it.

Marcadus shouts "Die in the flames of hell!"

A ball of black and red fire shoots from the tip of his lance, and flies straight at my chest. I raise my injured arm and catch the ball of fire in my palm as I channel power into it.


DP: 165/170

You have absorbed a Hellfire Bolt! Hellfire Resist +1!

Even though I absorbed it my hand still feels burnt, but I ignore the pain and focus on the hero who is charging at me again. This time when the wolf leaps, so do I. The hero looks shocked as I fly up at him and swing Blitz at his head, but he manages to bring his lance up to block my attack.

It is only a glancing blow but it still almost knocks the hero off the wolf's back. We both land and spin to face each other, the hero is shaking his hands like they are numb, but the wolf is growling at me. The hero doesn't seem to be much of a threat on his own, if I take out the wolf he will be easy to deal with.

So I charge the wolf, ignoring the hero except for watching out for the lance. As I close with the wolf the hero tries to stab me with the lance but I easily dodge aside. I drop to the ground and slide under the wolf's jaws as it tries to bite me.

I manage to slash the wolf's front left leg as I slide past. The wolf yelps and jumps away, almost throwing the hero from its back. Rolling back to my feet I face the wolf again, it is favoring its leg meaning it should be slower.

Marcadus shouts "Hellfire Prison!"

The same black and red fire from before forms a cage around me. Grabbing one of the bars with my left hand I channel power to it.


DP: 160/170

You have absorbed Hellfire Prison! Hellfire Resist +2!

Again my hand feels burnt, and now I can't move my fingers! The wolf crouches and springs at me, I jump back to clear where it will land, and swing Blitz one handed at its head as it lands. Marcadus manages to block my swing with his lance, and I am forced to jump back again to avoid the wolf's bite.

I am confident I can take the wolf, even with only one working arm, but the hero keeps getting in the way. So I focus on dodging the wolf's attacks, waiting for the hero to make a move. When he finally stabs at me with the lance I dodge and swing Blitz at the lance as hard as I can.

The lance goes flying one way, and as the wolf spins to try and bite me again the hero goes flying the other way. Both the wolf and I turn and watch as Marcadus struggles to his feet, he looks at me and then with a curse he turns and runs into the forest.

When I turn back to the wolf I am surprised to see it's body covered in flames. The flames look like they are made from shadows, it seems the wolf was holding back because of its rider. As I watch the wolf takes a deep breath, thanks to Drog I know what is coming so I charge straight at the wolf.

As its head snaps forward I jump, I just barely clearing the cone of shadowflame that it breathes out. As I am passing over the wolf I swing down and manage to score its shoulders with Blitz. Even as I land and turn the wolf is already on top of me.

Its paws hit my shoulders and slam me to the ground, its teeth are headed straight for my throat. Have I been overconfident?

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