I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 94 Out of the Woods Part 4

I reach into my pouch and pull out the wolf's core, it is pitch black and I can feel the energy in it. I check to make sure Ruby is resting, I'm fairly sure she wouldn't like this plan.



Shadow Beast Core

Quality: ?????

Rank: ?????

Would you like to absorb it? Y/N


I try to brace myself for the pain but it doesn't help, I still end up in the fetal position for a few minutes as the energy burns through my veins.

You have absorbed the Shadow Beast Core! Shadow resist +25!

Core Upgrade Progress: 30% +10 DP

Core Upgrade Progress: 40% +10 DP

Core Upgrade Progress: 50% +25 DP

Core Upgrade Progress: 57%

That hurt! But it was worth it! Now the next thing I guess is to fight the demon in the lance so my wound can be healed.

"Hey, Drog?"

Drog says "Yes, master?"

"Is it possible for you to stay out here when I am in the soulscape?"

Drog says "Yes, if you so wish."

"Good, stay here and guard the camp, and make sure no one disturbs me."

Drog says "As you command, master."

I spend a few minutes building the mental picture of my soulscape.

'Create soulscape!'


Congratulations! Skill Soulscape has progressed to level 2!


Level: 2

Wis +10

You can create a basic soulscape.

I open my eyes to find myself standing beside the river, everything is just how I pictured it. No sign of Drog or anyone else, just me until I drag the shadow demon in here. I should probably change some things, I'd prefer no shadows for the demon to use.

Changing the soulscape to a flat plain made of marble is the work of a single thought. Before I summon the shadow demon I check myself over, Drog was right, my arm is perfectly fine in here. Everything is ready so I imagine pulling the shadow demon from the lance into the soulscape.

There is resistance at first but I keep my will focused. After a minute it works and the demon appears on the far side of the plain from me. It looks like a human made of black ink, I'm surprised that it is only human sized.

It starts heading towards me as soon as it spots me, it even runs like a human. Now lets see if my plan works, I focus my will and the one sun in the sky soon becomes four. The demon staggers but keeps moving although quite a bit slower.

As I thought, the shadow demon is weak to light, which makes sense. Next I imagine four large magnifying glasses floating in the air around the demon. It takes me a minute to line them up correctly, but once I do the demon instantly bursts into flames.

A few seconds later it respawns and I simply move the magnifying glasses slightly to toast it again. Rinse and repeat, this is almost too easy. I kill the demon over and over until it is under a foot tall.

With a thought I banish the magnifying glasses, then I teleport myself behind the demon. I reach down and grab him, I eat him in two bites!

'Amazing! He tasted like chocolate!'

Now I wish I had taken my time and enjoyed him more! That is until the cramps and the pain hit me. It feels like it is trying to claw his way out of my stomach!

Core Upgrade Progress: 60% +10 DP

Core Upgrade Progress: 70% +10 DP

Core Upgrade Progress: 80% +10 DP

Core Upgrade Progress: 90% +10 DP

Core Upgrade Progress: 100% Upgrade Complete!

Congratulations! You have progressed to Rank 1!! HP: +200 DP: +50

Please Choose Your Elemental Affinity!

An elemental affinity, should I go fire like Ruby? Or maybe I should go for earth, hmm I wonder if it allows something besides the base four.

"I choose elemental affinity lightning!"

Set Affinity to Lightning? Y/N


Affinity to Lightning Acquired!

Gained Lightning Immunity!

Gained Demonic Ability Zap!


Level: 1

Cost: 10 DP

Zap enemies by touch! Damage = Int

Rank upgrades are impressive! Now I wish I had been more diligent about working on my core. I will make sure to correct that from now on.

'Core Status!'

Core Upgrade Progress: 9%

Well, Drog was right about that as well, eating other demons is definitely the easy way! I wonder if I will be able to find more shadow demons? If I do, I will make sure to eat the next one slower.

Ending the soulscape the first thing I hear is Drog growling, as I open my eyes I see a strange sight. Drog is in front of me growling at Ruby, Alannis, and Leyla. A quick look around shows everyone in camp is awake and staring at me.

"Umm, what's up?"

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