I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 97 Plots and Plans Part 2

Quill says "Yes, along with Koko, Emelia, Rachel, and Giles."

Marcadus says "Rachel? I wanted her for myself! Maybe I should chase down these traitors for you."

"Forget the traitors! Quill will handle that. I need that beast killed!"

Marcadus says "He is too powerful, no hero alone is going to be able to kill him."

"Then what would you suggest? How do we defeat him?"

Marcadus says "Well, a group of heroes working together would be the best plan, but we need to be stronger than we are now."

"Very well, I give you permission to select four heroes to help you. Once they are gathered, go to the northern wall and fight beasts to your heart's content!"

Marcadus says "Fine, but it will take at least a month or two for us to get stronger. If you haven't killed the beast by then, we will hunt it down for you."

"Fine, Quill will make the arrangements for you."

Quill says "As you wish, Your Majesty."

"Now, leave me! I need to plan!"

An hour later, Hidden room beneath the castle

Quill says "Which heroes do you want?"

Marcadus says "Miguel and David for sure, let's see, I will need a healer as well. Glory is a pain to deal with but she is the only healer besides Rachel so I guess I will need her."

Quill says "Alright, and for the fourth?"

Marcadus says "Ugh, I don't want to deal with him, but give me Ben."

Quill says "Are you sure? As a Dark Knight, Ben is a perfect counter for Justin, but as he gains in power he will be very hard to control."

Marcadus says "Yes, I am sure. I will deal with him however I have to."

Quill says "Alright, what else do you need?"

Marcadus says "I need a new weapon and another mount. Although not a wolf, I want something smarter this time."

Quill says "That will take some time, my master is not going to be happy about you losing two of his minions. Although, if you did wound the beast with the lance there is a chance he may still die."

???? says "No chance of that, both minions have suffered true death."

Both Quill and Marcadus kneel at the sound of the new voice. Large glowing yellow eyes appear in the corner of the room and look down at them.

???? says "You will have your new weapon and mount. Do not lose them again, you will not have another chance!"

Marcadus says "Yes, master."

???? says "Quill, you will bring me the summoner hero."

Quill says "Yes, master! You do mean the hero Isabella right?"

???? says "Yes, she must be brought to me alive. I care not what is done to her as long as she is alive."

Quill says "As you wish, master. I will instruct Miguel to bring her."

???? says "Send two minions to make sure, I am not impressed thus far with the heroes."

Quill says "Yes, master!"

Marcadus says "Why is Isabella so important?"

???? says "I will possess her and with her ability I will summon my shadow legion to this world."

Quill says "We are moving up the plan, master?"

???? says "We must, the king's failure to go to war has made the changes necessary. Quill double your efforts in gathering corpses, we will need bodies for the legion to inhabit."

Quill says "Yes, my master!"

???? says "Do not fail me in this. We cannot afford any more setbacks if we are going to be ready in time for the demon invasion."

Quill says "Yes, master. What should I do about the beastman?"

???? says "Nothing. Let the king chase it around, the conflict is a good source of corpses."

Marcadus says "Isn't the beastman a threat to your plans? He is far stronger than the reports indicated, and he is the one who killed your minions."

Before Marcadus can react the shadows have formed a body and he is pinned to the wall by the throat. His feet are dangling two feet off the floor and as he tries to grab the arm that holds him his hands pass right through it.

???? says "You dare question me mortal? The beastman is nothing, I could squash him as easily as you."

Quill says "Master, please show him mercy, he is still useful to us."

???? says "He may still be useful, but if he fails again I will kill him and allow one of my lieutenants to have his body."

The shadow drops Marcadus who kneels on the floor gasping for breath. The shadows return to normal until only the glowing eyes remain.

???? says "You have your orders Quill, I leave this hero to you."

Quill says "Yes, master!"

The eyes disappear but both men remain kneeling for a few minutes just to be safe. Quill looks like nothing happened, but Marcadus is pale and shaky. It seems he is just now realizing what he has gotten himself into.

Quill says "It was stupid to question the master. Shadow demons are not known for having patience."

Marcadus says "I just don't want to die when the beastman ruins his plans and he blames us."

Quill says "For both our sakes you better hope that doesn't happen. Why are you so worried about the beastman?"

Marcadus says "Because, despite my level and the mount you gave me, the beastman dealt with me like you would a child who got in your way."

Quill says "What are you trying to say?"

Marcadus says "I think the beastman could even be a threat to our master. If the master dies our promised immortality dies with him."

Quill says "Impossible, no mortal can match the power of a demon!"

Marcadus says "Then how did the demon in the lance you gave me die?"

Quill says "That was a lesser demon, a thousand of those still wouldn't compare to our master. Now enough of this, we both have work to do!"

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