I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 99 Emmy's Adventure Part 1

Northern Forest Emelia's P.O.V.

I know I shouldn't have left the camp without saying anything to the others, but I can feel something calling me. From the call I can tell it is hungry so I took one of the bear's legs and put it in my inventory. I should be scared since nothing like this has ever happened before, but some instinct is telling me it is going to be alright.

I have already covered a couple of miles at least, everyone is going to be worried for sure. What's worse is Justin is probably going to be mad at me. But every time I think about turning back something deep inside me screams for me to answer the call.

The call comes again, it feels like I am getting really close now. A few minutes later I enter a small clearing, my eyes are immediately drawn to the wolf. It is lying before the mouth of a cave and its fur is pure silver, in the moonlight it seems to glow faintly.

As I walk into the clearing the wolf stands up, and I find myself staring at it's chest. Looking up to meet its eyes I realize that its head is well above my own. All my calm vanishes and I freeze in fear as the wolf stares at me.

Staring into the wolf's eyes, I soon start to realize that I have seen eyes like these before. There is much dignity and honor in the wolf's eyes, why do they seem so familiar? My fear fades and then disappears altogether as I realize that these eyes are just like Justin's!

I come back to myself with a start, I have no idea how much time has passed while I was staring into her eyes. Remembering the call I quickly pull the bear leg from my inventory, it falls to the ground because I am not strong enough to pick it up. The wolf leans down and sniffs it, then takes a small bite.

Sacred Wolf says "I accept your offering little one."

"Oh, you can talk! Hello, I am Emmy!"

Sacred Wolf says "I am the sacred guardian of this forest. What brings you before me, Emmy?"

"Oh, I heard a call and followed it here."

Sacred Wolf says "A human able to hear the call of my daughter? Just what are you exactly, little Emmy?"

"I am a summoned one and my class is tamer."

Sacred Wolf says "Oh, a child from another world! How interesting!"

Will the others even believe me when I tell them I met a giant wolf and had a chat with her? This is by far the strangest thing that has ever happened to me, even being summoned to another world wasn't this weird. But despite that I find myself really liking this sacred wolf.

Sacred Wolf says "Daughter come here, you have a visitor!"

After a minute another wolf comes walking out of the cave, like her mother she is completely silver although much smaller. She looks like a puppy but she is easily three feet tall, and she has the most beautiful blue eyes. Despite the situation I can't help but want to pet and cuddle her!

Sacred Wolf says "This is my daughter, she does not yet have the ability to speak but she can understand you. Daughter, this human girl is named Emmy and she came here because she heard your call."

As the pup approaches me I kneel down so I am at her level. When she is close enough I hold out my hand palm up so she can smell me. This isn't much different from meeting someone's dog back home.

I have always loved animals, especially dogs, that was why I was so happy when I got the tamer class. That was until I was told I wasn't allowed to go out and find animals to make friends with. Without that my class is so weak I have been nothing but a hindrance to my friends.

Now as the puppy sniffs my hand I can finally feel a spark of hope, maybe if she becomes my friend I won't be so useless. After she sniffs me I gingerly reach out to pet her, when she lets me I find her fur is soft and silky and feels wonderful. I just can't help myself and lean forward to throw my arms around her and hug her.

When I lean back a bit she licks my face, making me giggle. Then I feel a rumble and realize that she is hungry. I take a chunk of meat out of my inventory and offer it to her. She sniffs the meat and then gives me a long look before taking it and eating it in a few bites.

Sacred Wolf says "It seems my daughter likes you."

"I like her too! She is beautiful!"

The puppy turns to look at her mother, they stare at each other for a few minutes without moving. She said her daughter can't speak but they seem to be having a conversation without words. I wait patiently for them to finish, I am not sure what is going on.

Sacred Wolf says "My daughter wants to go with you it seems."

"Really? Is that okay?"

Sacred Wolf says "It is her choice, but you should understand something before you agree."

"What would that be?"

Sacred Wolf says "Your tamer ability will not work on a sacred beast, even one as young as my daughter. For her to go with you, you will have to form a contract with her."

"I don't know how to do that, but if you can teach me I am willing to!"

Sacred Wolf says "I can teach you, however it will take a few days. And I am not sure if you have the strength to do it."

"I want to try! Please teach me!"

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