I died and was reincarnated as Warship in a fantasy world

‘Four sisters’ No 41.

As this school year was approaching its end, the entire Academy started searching for a good way to obtain good marks.

One of the ways is to study hard. Let’s be honest, everybody, it’s not an option. Especially for the nobles.

The second way is to write a short 1000-page research. Big Sis is already occupying the library, so for most people it will be hard to challenge her authority as the master of doing everything late but somehow managing to succeed.

The third option is to be a noble offspring with a rank of no less than a marquess.

The last option is to have good marks already but it is only for the chosen ones, who wasted their lives studying during the year.

Of course, there is another option for those who failed to do either of those. Not only the ones who succeed will get good marks for the entire duration of their studying, they will also gain a personal dukedom, a prince(ss), a million gold coins, and the king will personally kiss their feet.

You just need to kill the Demon King.

I was riding a carriage with some of the people, who think it will be an easy feat.

How did you end up here?” I asked a muscular man with tattoos all over him.

“They asked me: ‘either you go and try subjugating the Demon King, or the gallows will be waiting for you tomorrow’.” Then I asked a suspicious man, who hid his face under a hood.

“They said that if I manage to kill it, they will pardon all of my ‘feats’.” And finally I asked a skinny guy who was shaking.

I… I just tried to steal a horse…

Hey, what village are you from, horse thief?

Does it even matter…?” The man looked at me with ridicule.

You botched such a nice conversation…

Then what about you, gal? What brings you here?” The muscular man asked.

Me? I just had nothing to do, and so as not to bother my sisters while they are preparing for the exams, I went for a ride.”

Everyone looked at me, like I’m crazy.

You’re joking, right…? That… that’s a nice one...?” The hood tried joking but the conversation was not going anywhere.

The next day we arrived to a huge camp in front of a gothic castle’s drawbridge.

There were a lot of adventurers and other armed people. All sorts of people, aside from the royal knights.

After we ate, the entire crowd of armed muscleheads was herded to the drawbridge.

It was lowered, and everybody rushed at a crowd of demon soldiers.

A tough battle began.

While everyone was busy, our small strike team sneaked past, and infiltrated inside the Demon King’s castle.

We scared away a bunch of imps, and finally reached the throne room.

We entered a huge black room at the end of which was sitting the Demon King.

In one hand he was holding a human skull, in the other he had a human bone, which he used as a toothpick. Ah, it is a back comb…

The men prepared to fight, so did I.

Tremble before me! For I am the Great Fire Demon!What’s up with those looks of disappointment, guys…?

The Demon King was not moved too. He glanced at an imp who was by his side.

Is she the one…?’ The imp nodded.

The Demon King stood up.

Finally! A worthy opponent! Come at me!” (DK)

Prepare yourself! For we shall bout fair and square!” While I was thinking on what incantation I should use, the Demon King picked a chessboard from behind the throne.


Were you not the one who wished for a fair fight…~?” (DK)

10 minutes later.

It doesn’t count! The lighting is too dark!

7 minutes later.

It doesn’t count! My shoulders are stiff!

5 minutes later.


Fine, fine!” The Demon King put all figures back on the board.

1 minute later.

Checkmate.” (DK)


“Face it.” (DK)


“Just face it.” (DK)


“Fa…” (DK)

“Your Majesty, the playtime is over, please, return to your duties.” A demon maid picked up the board, and left.

Well, see you during the next subjugation, then?” The Demon King gave me a handshake, and walked away.

The four of us wobbled out of the castle with stupefied expressions.

When we walked outside, we saw that the allies were all defeated, and the imps were picking up the scattered chess pieces, and giving the defeated some consolation prizes.

I SHALL RETURN, YOU HEAR ME?! I SHALL RETURN, AND WIN!” I threatened the Demon King, and walked away with my head held high.

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