I died and was reincarnated as Warship in a fantasy world

‘Four sisters’ No 42

The end is nigh!

If not for Mo’s everyday reminder that I am running out of time, and I have to write just an entire thousand of pages, I would think that I still have time to do it later.

After I chose the subject for my work, I warded an entire section of the library, and started working.

I set up a deck chair from the pool, and set up a makeshift bed. I put an entire stock of food into a magical freezer. I stacked a little less than 500 books around the desk, and then I started living in the library.

At first I was receiving glances of surprise but as the time went on, everybody just accepted me as the part of the background.

I was brainstorming a thesis for my research, when I was contacted by Mo.

How is your work going? You remember that the time is limited?” (Mo)

Yes, yes… I already wrote 10 pages…

That’s the spirit! You just need 990 more! You know, I wanted to ask you a favor…” (Mo)
What is it…?

Can you lend me a hand during the next subjugation? That guy was too tough for me alone.” I sighed, and brainstormed for an excuse to refuse this.

“Let’s talk about it later.”

Sure thing.” (Mo)

After she reminded me about my never-ending work, I was once again demotivated, yet I continued.

Several hours later I proudly looked at the results of my hard work. At an entire page of nonsense…


I lied on the desk, and looked at the freezer. Some beer would surely help me cool down the brain.

While I was contemplating drinking the cold beer, I felt something dive under my skirt.

Enji…?No, it’s not her style. She would already make it clear it’s her.

Also, she wouldn’t just try hiding there and shivering.

I jumped back, and saw that the one who hid under my skirt was the crown prince.

He looked apologetic but before I could ask what is going on, the doors of the library opened, and the platinum blonde showed up.

May I request Miss Iowa’s assistance here…? The sheer amount of materials the Lady prepared is a bit…” He showed the thickness of the materials, and I understood that the poor boy requires a guardian angel. Or rather an archangel.

Since I am a background object, the platinum blonde passed by me without sparing a glance. The blue-haired girl glanced at me but immediately followed the blonde.

After coursing around for a while, the blonde left the library.

His Highness finally left the safe zone, and sat down on a chair by my side.

“Many thanks. Would it be alright with Miss, if I stayed at the desk, and studied?” (CP)
“Of course. Do you need reference materials? Feel free to take whatever you need.” I pointed at the stacks of books.

He quietly picked a few books, and started reading them.

I almost finished writing a page when I heard a voice.

Do remember to write it down in the workbook…” The voice was feminine but when I looked around I didn’t see anybody.

Seeing my puzzlement, the crown prince leaned closer, and pointed at a bookshelf nearby. From behind it peeked the blue-haired girl, and disappeared the next moment.

“And here I thought I am the ultimate background object.” I didn’t even notice her presence until now.

One moment.” The crown prince stood up and approached the girl.

She whispered him something, and passed a cart full of books. Then she bowed, and left.

May I ask what happened…?

“The Miss picked everything I may need to study. Also, she asked for your cooperation. Please, tutor me if necessary.” I nodded, and we dived back into our respective works.

By the evening the crown prince almost finished everything.

The platinum blonde entered the library, and headed towards my desk.

“Good. You there! If you can keep up with His Highness’ program, I will let you tutor him. If you fail to do so…” She showed the cut-throat gesture, and the crown prince paled.

The girl turned around, and started walking away.

Only then I saw her entourage, who immediately disappeared behind the blonde.

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