I died and was reincarnated as Warship in a fantasy world

‘Four sisters’ No 60.

Three days after the exams, we all were gathered in the courtyard to hear the results.

As the good old tradition, a long meaningless speech was given, and then we finally prepared to hear what we all came here for.

“Once again, thank you for all of your hard work. Let us greet the students, who put the most effort into studying in this semester.” The principal beckoned the best geeks to show up.

Around 10 people entered the stage. Among them were the platinum blonde, and the Crown prince with his fiancée.

Why the hell did we even study?’ (Mo)

Of course to keep on improving. Self-improvement is always important for…’ (IA)

Cut the c*, I. Self-improvement is not something that must be taught.

It did not concern you when you visited all those ‘trainings’ back then.’ (IA)

First the principal, now the students… Another bunch of speeches that were beyond boring.

Should we go rock the stage?

Sounds fun.’ (Mo)

Stop right there!’ Before we managed to slip away, Iowa grabbed us, and returned us to the place where we were standing.

Wisky~! My lovely cute little sister~! Help us~!’ With Wisky on our side even ‘I’ will have to stand down.

You, stay away from me, you pervert.’ She did not even look at me. All of her attention was on her phone.

By the time our attempt at saving everyone from boredom was finally stopped, the people on stage finished with their speeches, and it was supposed to be the end.

“I thank all students for their hard work. However, there is also one special case. As you may know, the best student of a semester gets to make one wish from the Academy. To finish our ceremony, I would like to invite the best student, the one who gave their everything to study hard, and successfully passed all of the examinations with the highest mark. Please, applaud to…!” Before the principal finished, the exasperated audience started applauding, just to finish this torture of a ceremony ASAP.


The principal had to resort to voice amplification magic to make him hearable.

“… Miss New Jersey!” And then…


What the heck?! Couldn’t you at least…?!

GO ALREADY.” With Wisky’s kick, I was given enough motion to start walking.

“Let us thank Miss New Jersey for giving her best on the examination, and…” The principal trembled when the entire courtyard glared at him.

Just say your words and let’s move on…” I grinned.

“First of all, let me express my gratitude for all of the help I received during this period. Wisky’s panties, thank you~!” While she was absolutely petrified by her rage and embarrassment, I hurried to finish.

“Dear Principal. You may remember our bet~.” The principal gritted his teeth, and started casting magic.

“I would like to see a show of your magic~! Please~!” Time was of the essence. The estimated outbreak of Wisky was within 30 seconds.

Just how did this person become the best student…?’ We made a bet, that if I manage to become the best – he will comply with one request of mine.

“Strong wind!” Simultaneously with the magic being casted, I pulled out my phone, and started taking pictures.

10 seconds until Wisky kills me.


3 seconds until the Mk 7s turn me into a Swiss cheese.

I finished my harvest, and rushed towards the killzone – towards Wisky, whose fury was, at this point, immeasurable.

1 second.

YOU! JUST DIE ALRE…! KYAA?!” Before all of the dots in her brain connected and I was turned into a floating scrap, I picked her up in princess-carry, and hurried away.

Once again, Wisky was successfully immobilized.

The phone was switched to ‘silent’ mode.

By the time Wisky came to her senses, she was sat at a table somewhere in a forest. In front of her were hot and yummy pork ribs with beer, and a bowl of sweets.

Ha…?” She was stupefied by this, so I had to explain.

“My little sister wished to be princess-carried~, and if I am to do it, then why not turn it into a date, with just two of us~?

W-well, I will turn a blind eye to it… But only this time…” She started stuffing herself with the food, completely oblivious to my satisfied expression.

My little sister is so cute when she is eating like a hamster~. And she is so cute when she tries to pout, while also smiling from ear to ear~. Mmmm~, this cute little sister of mine, who completely forgets about everything when food is presented to her~!

Thought I, while taking pantsushots from under the table with no view obstruction. It was worth it, removing her skirt while she was distracted~.

Say ‘Aaa’~, pork-steak-train is entering~!


The new page for the novel was created at https://www.scribblehub.com/series/415547/i-died-and-was-reincarnated-as-warship-in-a-fantasy-world-volume--rewrite-and-volume-/

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