I died and was reincarnated as Warship in a fantasy world

V3 Ch 52. Showering in gold

[Nah, ain’t worth my time.]

A backwater nation like that, is not worth our fleets’ time. Chanciller, prepare a diplomatic mission. You can request a battleship of any kind. Make the islanders prostrate in repentance!

Your wish is my command!” The young man bowed, and backed out of the room.

I felt like I have some control over this body, so I stood up and approached a window.

Through the clear glass I saw a large bustling city with a port in a distance. Even Benezio’s port with battleship at its roadstead was not as intimidating.

Lines and lines of battleships were anchored at the roadstead. Hundreds of merchant ships were searching for a free spot, and the entire port was covered in a light haze.

Further away from the city I was seeing clouds of smoke, rising from behind tall buildings. The entire sky was filled with smog, and I didn’t see any piece of blue.

I counted some of the buildings’ floors. At most there were 6 floors but there were also a couple of buildings that are slightly higher.

[I can only feel sorry for the Doge, who incurred those guys’ wrath…]

That day Maximiliano XIII, the emperor of Castillia Empire, signed a decree. The next morning an ironclad set sail to the East.

Right after the possessed man’s pen drew a signature, I woke up at my ship.

We were sailing for no less than three days, until we encountered a group of ships. All of them sailed under Benezian flag.

All hands, man the stations!” I called out for Patricia and Yuriko.

The closer we approached, the more evident it was that we encountered a merchant caravan.

[It is time to holster the Jolly Roger~.]

I’m desperate enough for money, since torpedoes are not cheap. Even those poor guys’ holds can help me.

[It is not a piracy if you are at war, right?]

Patricia, do you know if there is a way to communicate to them our orders?

“You can try the signal flags and lights but I doubt they will see anything from such a distance. It is only visible when you are already in a formation.” (P)

So, we had a way of telling all those souls we sunk, that they can surrender…?

Even if we tried, they wouldn’t see anything.” Patricia shrugged her shoulders.

“Follow me, then.” I dragged her out, and stood her by a searchlight.


Blink a couple of times to attract their attention…” The blinded girl was sitting in a corner, and commanding me.

“Now, long signal, short signal, long signal twice, short signal, long signal.” The signals attracted the attention immediately. The people started running around on the decks.

What now?

“Long signals. Repeat them until they stop.” (P)

I did so. The activity on the decks increased. Then I saw how a couple of the ships started showing blinking flame lights.

“Patricia, they showed two short, one long, one short, one long.”

Repeat the first sequence.” (P)

“They are showing another signal! One long, one short, and three long.”

Fire a warning shot.” (P)


FIRE!” I pulled a gun’s trigger.


Boom Boom Boom

Oh, great! They’re firing back!” I sighed, and prepared to sink them.

You might try signal them this: three short, two short, one long, one short one long, one short, one short, one long, one short, one short, one long, one short, one long, two short, one short, one short, one long, one short.” I did what she said, even though I have no f*ing idea what it is.

Weirdly enough, the ships suddenly started lowering their flags and removing their sails.

“You’re genius.” I patted Patricia, who was still dizzy from the sudden light therapy.

We approached each ship individually, and with the three of us showing swords, the crew accepted our offer of paying for safe passage.

The cash is better than the goods. It is always liquid, and can be exchanged everywhere, in the stats screen especially. While the goods… it is such a hassle…

We’re rich, girls~!” I counted our little paycheck.

36 copper, 18 silver, 47 gold.

[Oh… wow…]

What? Are you not happy…? We’re quite rich now.” (P)

We are… We just need two and a half platinum coins to be all suited up…

Yuriko was not bothered by our new fortune, while Patricia almost pulled her hair just after hearing me say we need more cash.

At least there should be more caravans…

It’s time to raid some caravans! Arrrgh!

Common sense, where are you…?’ (P)

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