I died and was reincarnated as Warship in a fantasy world

V3 Ch 57. The Newest and the Modern

I listened into the sonar’s pinging.

The calm sound of torpedo propellers was sometimes interrupted by cannonballs hitting water around me.

I never even assumed that Benezio would have guns capable of firing at 3 kilometers and almost had a few holes in my side.


The two torpedoes I launched were almost at the target.

[Just a bit more…]

The steam-powered battleship started turning. They shouldn’t know what a torpedo is but they still steered like crazy to avoid my presents.

It was a narrow miss. Hitting would be the perfect outcome. The actual goal of those torpedoes was buying me time.

I was saved from the battleship’s broadside and started breaking the distance.

“Adios, bastards.” I waved them and headed back to reunite with Yoizuki, which has blown the submarines to shreds.

By the time the battleship started chasing me at full steam, I was already far ahead and accelerating even further.

The pirate forces tried following us but the sail ships were too slow at sailing against the wind.

It pains me to say this but those guys are dead.” I told the painful truth to Patricia.

I think they would understand. This strange ship’s death would be the best compensation for their lives.” (P)

I launched the second wave of torpedoes.


As if our luck hit the rock bottom, the second mount’s oxygen generator exploded.

Just how lucky you are?!” Patricia ran outside to look at what happened. I will have to assure her that ‘everything is alright’.

Still, the situation was in our favor.

The newest enemy ship was following us and left behind all of their escorts. Yoizuki already opened fire. Fairy reported that she sent me the product.


When the battleship’s course stabilized, I launched the third package of gifts.

Perhaps because they saw the splashes, the battleship immediately changed course, before the torpedoes’ fuzes even set.

I was yet to show the enemy that I have a range advantage. Only after the two destroyers surrounded the battleship I opened fire.


The first salvo hit the bow and set the ship on fire. The following shots connected too, devastating the battleship’s deck.

The sailing gear, the masts, and the sails themselves were damaged. The middle mast was broken and fell down.

The enemy ship was now powered only by its paddle wheels.


I fired at the side of the ship, in hopes of blowing up the powder storage.

The side exploded, and when the smoke settled, I saw that the side has a large dent. It was not penetrated.

Wow, you cheeky bastards. To think it is an actual ironclad… I commend your efforts. Second pennant, send them a couple of gifts.”

Yoizuki launched the entire stock of torpedoes.


A torpedo hit the ironclad’s bow, and made it pitch down. To my surprise, the ship was still alive and kicking.


After seeing that this one is going to survive for a long time, I immediately continued pounding it with AP shells.

Despite being pounded from two destroyers, the ironclad was still afloat and snapping at us with their surviving cannons.

[“This is Fairy, the supplies have arrived.”]

I checked the stats and grinned.

I saw a picture of a ship. It was a destroyer with number on its side – K2. The ship was immediately transferred to the squadron.

Destroyer squadron
2nd ship - K2
3rd ship - Yoizuki
4th ship -  No ship commissioned.
5th ship -  No ship commissioned.
In reserve - 0 ships.

A burst of particles appeared by my side, and turned into a destroyer.

The new ship had exactly the same layout as my ship but instead of puny dual torpedo mounts it had quintuple 610mm torpedo mounts.

“Second pennant, fire AP at the target. Focus on its side. Third pennant, fire fuzed HE rounds at the sails.”

The 127mm guns started raining shells at the ironclad’s side, and 100mm guns were tearing apart whatever was on the deck.

A lot of shots later, the ironclad started listing, and fell on its side. A few lifeboats were left around it. All were filled with the survivors.

Except for one.

You can suggest your names for K2.

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