I died and was reincarnated as Warship in a fantasy world

V3 Ch 68. The conqueror of the Abyss


All guns opened fire.

The monster was not going to let itself be shot, and started diving again.

I ordered the destroyers to bomb it, while I launched the first salvo of torpedoes.


Pom Pom

The depth charges could only force the monster to surface again. Luckily, the torpedoes were right where I needed them to be when the dragon surfaced.

However, they narrowly missed.


Using that little timeframe we had, the ships fired at the dragon, and we scored several hits.

I tried to repeat torpedo attack again.

I could’ve used the entire squadron’s torpedoes but then I wouldn’t get my points.

Greed kills, this time it can be the exact outcome.


Pom Pom

The torpedoes flew into the water with grace. The traces headed right towards where the dragon is.

It surfaced, after being deafened by the depth charges’ explosions.





The dragon’s mighty body fell back into the water.


Its movements became chaotic, as if it was struggling to stay afloat.

The torpedoes delivered a catastrophic hit.

Still, the beast was not dead yet.

Pom Pom

With every missed shot and charge, the dragon was approaching.

I couldn’t let ourselves turn away, since we would miss most of the guns and depth charge projectors.

“All pennants, fire depth charges.”

[“Orders confirmed.”]

Pom Pom


The deafened sea dragon was forced to emerge but the timing was off. The torpedoes were still far away, and they had little to no chances of hitting.


I was firing all guns available. Just for the sake of stalling the dragon.

It already submerged, when the torpedoes were approaching it.

[Damn you! I’ll gut you like a fish!]


Two pillars of water shot up.

The pinging of the sonar started fading, until all I could hear was the sound of the destroyers’ propellers.

I… I guess it’s dead…?” I might be raising a flag but I had the reasons to consider it dead.

It soaked in four torpedoes. Not every battleship would survive this much.

In the end, fortune did not spare the sea monster.

Its huge body was left to sink into the abyss.

The squadron successfully finished off a dragon, and we headed back home.

I crossed my fingers and toes, and prayed to have enough upgrade points to improve a lot of stuff.


You received 500 upgrade points (hits), 124 upgrade points (firing), 360 upgrade points (torpedo hits, 0.9 modifier), 22 copper coins, 20 silver coins, 16 golden coins

IJN Kuronami – DDL. Upgrade points – 76.

Torpedoes – 0/15.

HP – 3700.

HI – 100%.

AU – 17%(516nm).

25mm Triple AA mounts 1 Full upgrade
25mm Single AA mounts 2 Full upgrade
13mm Deck mounts Full upgrade
5'' Dual turrets Full upgrade
21'' Quintuple torpedo mount - Oxygen

Increase caliber – 0/100

Torpedo storage I – 0/1000

Depth charge mount – Stern rails + Y-guns + ASW Mortar. Depth charge type - Proximity fuse
Full upgrade

[Now I am fully rigged for combat! I only need points for storage!]

Why are you so happy?” (P)

Look at my new toys~!” I led Patricia to my torpedo mounts.

[Instead of puny dual mounts I now had 5 (!) tubes. I now have 3 more torpedoes to miss when something goes wrong! I can now waste entire 15 gold for a single boat!

If only I had those 15 gold… I only need that much to start the torpedo production on Fairy’s mobile base.]

Since I have some time, I might as well try bombing some more monsters.

For the rest of the day I did not encounter any monsters, however, I found a lonely merchant, who agreed to reward me for escorting his pitiful soul back to the safe port.

For an affordable price of some small coins, and 7 gold.

My next step in money cadging was asking Patricia for some pocket money.

W-well, if you need it so much… I… I’m not against it…” The girl blushed, and handed me a small bag with money.

To my greatest regret, there was only one gold.

When my head turned towards Yuriko, the woman showed me that she is completely broke.

Emmanuel showed me a bunch of bank notes. I gracetefully accepted them, and exchanged for 3 gold.

I still had not enough gold.

We need more gold!

Is she alright…?’ (E)

Just accept that she is weird sometimes…’ (P)

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