I died and was reincarnated as Warship in a fantasy world

V3 Ch 71. Bringing a sword to gunfight

Under the cover of gunfire and two crazy swordmaidens, the assault team made the landfall.

The secured battleships were manned, and set sail back home.

Aotsuki was sent to escort them, while a small team of pirate-affiliated purple coats commanded by Emmanuel started a firefight with the defenders.

I dashed between covers, mostly to cover for the fact that the bullets are useless against me, and reached Emmanuel.

The man was occasionally peeking from behind a rock foundation of a building, and firing his revolver.

Bang Bang

“Good to see you in one piece. Where are the other two?” (E)

“They are having fun.”


We peeked to see the pillar of dust which was created by another area attack skill.

Is your own sword a decoration?” He jerked the katana’s grip.

I was a bit busy with guarding them from behind.

Bang Bang Bang

After Emmanuel shot a dashing soldier, he started reloading the revolver.

While he was doing it, I peeked too.


Everybody took cover, after hearing the nearby shots of cannons. When they stopped covering, and looked around, they saw that those were my shots.

“I think we already made them fall back far enough. You better go help the ladies, I will handle the troops myself!” Emmanuel pushed my back to show that I should go. I nodded, and drew the katana.

The 50 meters distance of no man’s land was crossed in a single leap, and I started shredding the poor souls who were nearby.





When the enemy soldiers shifted their focus to me, the pirates moved closer. Their positions were still not good enough but at least they were advancing.

AAAAAAAA!!!” One of the enemy soldiers drew a sabre, and rushed at me.

I was going to elegantly cut off his head, and cut his falling body.


However, I was a bit slow.

The soldier was better at handling sword, than his comrades.

He successfully parried me, and even counterattacked several times.

[‘Blade strengthening’]


I managed to strengthen a part of the blade, and the katana cut through the soldier’s sabre, and then through himself.

It was completely because of my good sword skills, not because I applied the force of several hundred tons.

I ended up being surrounded from all sides. I was too focused on the duel to notice that I pushed deeper into the enemy formation, than I expected I would.

Almost a hundred rifles were aimed at me.




The machine guns and autocannons fired in all directions, turning the infantry into a mishmash of torn-apart corpses and bloody mist.

While the enemy was shell-shocked, I pushed even deeper. Towards the sound of gunfire, and clashing steel.

I ran into a barricade of infantry.

The purple coats set up a firing line of three rows, and were steadily raining fire at Yuriko.

The woman was easily avoiding and deflecting the bullets but the enemy was stalling her nonetheless.

When I approached closer, the firing line turned around, and started firing at me.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang

I used them for a training.

I managed to deflect several bullets but I was too far from Yuriko’s level.


Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang


I immediately started getting hit.

Even though I focused on deflecting bullets, I barely managed to do anything.

Actually, I was immobilized due to the amount of lead I was receiving.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang

[To hell with you!]

I dashed to a side, and leaped into the line.

The front row met me with bayonets, and the second row joined them right after they recovered from shock.

I drew the Divine steel katana.





The entire line of infantry was turned into slices.

One of the infantrymen survived.

He was crawling back in terror, as I approached.

While I was walking towards him to finish him off, Yuriko stopped me.

“If you are going to be deflecting arrows, better start with single shots. Rise, Child. If you value your life, then you know what to do.” Yuriko gave me the basic recommendations on training, and continued her way through the town.

Emmanuel’s forces were pushing forward in the background, while I was trying to deflect the gunshots that the terrified soldier was making in between loading his musket.

[Soon I may approach Patricia’s level. Then, I will be able to win against anybody!]

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