I died and was reincarnated as Warship in a fantasy world

V3 Ch 73. An empty place among the lights of night city

For an entire week I had to study the maps.

The island of San Marco was found within the first hour of search, and the course was plotted within the second hour.

My only reason for staying in the newly taken colony was because Aotsuki was sailing at an astonishing speed of 4 knots. She needed 6 days to reach the base, and 1 day to return here.

With the ship’s arrival I left my companions to board the second pennant, and set course to rendezvous with the most dangerous being I currently know.

I should have enough time to reach San Marco by the eclipse.

From Patricia’s explanation I know that the island is considered a resort for the richest of people: the old nobility, the heads of merchant corporations, and businessmen with enough money to buy town. Such people all gather at the island to spend their money and form new connections.

The Las Vegas of Renaissance was going to be my hardest mission.

Or so I thought.

Even when I sailed right at the front door, the ships around me did not care. Even the frigates that patrolled the port did not even try blocking my way.

Without a single obstacle I docked at the port and safely disembarked.

The actual hardest part was not ‘infiltrating’ the port but searching for Veronica.

The night city was bustling with life. The insomniac city was hard to navigate. I had to ask everybody I could to tell me where I can find the restaurants. Just after seeing that I am a cat-kin, I was shunned. At most I was told a general direction. I was directed everywhere, and the directions were often contradicting each other.

Thanks to Veronica’s precise information, I had no idea where I need to go.

Out of desperation I approached another patrolman, and acted all cute and flirty, until the man paid me attention.

Can you tell me where the restaurants are? I had an appointment…

Why would you need a restaurant…? They all are closed tonight.” He was dumbfounded.

All of them…?

“Should be all. Tonight is going to be an eclipse. Nobody is going to skip such a rare event.” He looked like he was stating something obvious.

Are there any chances that one of the restaurants is opened?

W-well…” The man looked away. I immediately snuggled closer, and purred.

He automatically petted my head.

There was one but…” I continued snuggling, breaking through his last defenses.

But it is reserved by the Radiant Sun…” In a split second I grabbed his coat.


Facing my enthusiastic response, the patrolman pointed somewhere, and I rushed there.

I spent another hour wandering around in search, until I finally found a one story building with large glass windows. It was the only restaurant where the lights were on.

When I cautiously peeked inside, the head waiter glanced at me. His expressions changed from curiosity to disgust, anger, and finally to amiability, as he hurried to open the doors for me, and babbled about how the restaurant is honored to have me eat here, while he was leading me to a table somewhere in the far corner.

The restaurant was obviously closed. The tables were covered with cloth, and all of the chandeliers and spices were taken away. The few waiters that remained on duty were enviously looking outside.

Only the table at the furthest corner had candles lit. A single person with blonde hair was sitting there.

When we approached closer, I saw that Veronica was reading a book.

“Hello.” The girl shifted her attention to me.

“Kuronami, what a rare sight. Bring in the dishes.” The girl closed the book, and pushed away the head waiter. She helped me sit down, and after she returned to her seat, she stared at me.

At first I was seeing her smile with her eyes, then I started feeling weird, and by the time the waiters started bringing the dishes, I had goosebumps from the girl’s attentive stare.

“Your menu, Signorina.” A waiter silently waited for me to decide, and threw occasional glances at Veronica.

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