I died and was reincarnated as Warship in a fantasy world

V3 Ch 80. A new side joins the war

Lines of ironclads stopped at the roadstead of the port.

The iron plates on their sides have smudges of rust, and the wood at the waterline showed some rotting from long time in the sea.

No matter how old these ships are, they were well-maintained and had a lot of guns. They have less guns per side but the guns themselves have proven superior.

I wouldn’t even be worried about clashing this fleet with the scattered remnants of the enemy.

I only have to worry about the battleships’ guns being aimed at the structures on the coast.

The only opposition we may have is a floating battery which has less than 20 guns in total, a few battered vessels of the pirates, and my squadron which was all docked at Fairy’s base for repairs and resupply.

The ambiguous stand-off continued for several hours, until one of the ironclads launched a boat.

When the boat docked at the harbor, I saw that there were three people. Two were sailors, and the last one was wearing the same uniform as Emmanuel. The dressed-up man was indeed met by our liaison officer right at the pier.

I could only look at them from the distance, and catch parts of their conversation. It was completely in their language, so I had no idea what they are talking about.

I continued stalking them, while the two men were strolling towards the HQ, and discussing something.

They didn’t even try hiding, or speaking quietly. It was a normal conversation, as if they are not in the middle of a potential warzone.

After the men entered the HQ, I sneaked in closer, and slipped through the door.

“Hello there.” I was met by two legs in pants. When I looked up, I saw Emmanuel grinning at me.

“You did a good job being unnoticed but it is harder to fool me, who already has an idea of you sneaking around.” The man petted me, and then his expression turned serious.

“Miss, I would like to have a private conversation. Which means – do not eavesdrop. I really do mean that it is better not to do it.” I wanted to raise an objection but his expression was too serious to look like he will reconsider.

Is it absolutely necessary?

“It is. This conversation is about my mission here, and all of the reports I need to do. It does not concern you, or your comrades. Understood?” I reluctantly nodded, and Emmanuel petted me again.

“I will be going then. See you a couple of hours later.” The man disappeared in a conference room.

Of course I had to eavesdrop but when I put my ear to the door, I heard nothing.

They did something to block the sound.

The curious cat grumbled, and had to go away.

The doors of a luxurious bedroom opened, and a girl wobbled inside.

All of the maidservants hurried to leave, before the murmuring girl’s attention turns to them. They did it right on time, as crystal items started shattering.

Veronica collapsed on the bed, and twitched.

With every passing moment, the girl’s twitching was becoming more serious, until she convulsed and then stopped completely.

A dark fog appeared, and formed into a figure. The figure passed by the unconscious girl, and approached the window.

Why can’t she be easier…?’ The figure murmured.

After Veronica received a report that the majority of the naval forces were wiped out, she went crazy. The mad girl’s tantrum was ended only by her unexpected leave, saving countless people.

I am already doing all that you wanted… What is stopping you from focusing on what you need to do…?

Despite confirmed reports of the Western interference, despite confirmations of increased number of unknown metal ships, and despite gambling all of the fleet-in-being, Veronica still ordered attacking the last known pirate hideout.

She risked all of the chances of winning, and sent unfinished vessels. She sent the patrolling ships that protected maritime trade. She sent the last active battleships. All instead of blockading the enemy.

It was an act on the brink of a treason. She would be accused of the treason. If not for the fact that she would kill everybody who dares to.

Just why can’t you do what you must…?

The figure caressed the sleeping girl’s cheek, and dissolved.

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