I died and was reincarnated as Warship in a fantasy world

V3 Ch 93. Peace in Benezio

When we approached the port, I saw that docking is impossible. The allied forces built a bunch of temporary piers to let ironclads dock outside of the port.

Inside the port were battered ironclads and frigates. Even after seeing it for the second time, Emmanuel couldn’t utter a word. All of the ships here were not sunk completely for one reason: they hit the bottom before their hulls submerged completely.

We could barely find a free pier, only because a frigate undocked, and we approached before a slow ironclad could.

Right when we disembarked and walked off the pier, two soldiers approached. One of them was a purple coat, and the other was in Western uniform. Emmanuel approached his compatriot and talked about something. The man's voice was slowly becoming higher.

My apologies, I am called by the command. I will return later.” Emmanuel waved us a file with a couple of documents sticking out, and ran after the soldier.

Alba too was asked to hurry to the palace.

“What do you think happened?” I asked Patricia.

I have no idea. I know about the current events only from merchants and deserters. Things have changed a lot since I left.” The girl was looking around while we walked.

The city was looking like one would expect from a city that just faced a war. All windows were either covered with planks, or shattered. The streets were still littered with rubble and pieces of barricades. Some of the barricades were still not dismantled, and some of the explosion craters were not filled.

After the fight ended, the civilians returned to the streets. Some shops were already opened, and had long queues in front of them.

However, when our group was passing, I clearly saw that the people are disgruntled by our appearance. Not even because there is me.

Damned traitors…

I wish I joined the militia back then…

You murderers…!

If not for us being armed, I am sure many of those people would not hesitate to throw stones at us.

When we arrived to our destination, the Doge’s office, I immediately asked Alba.

Why are they so hostile?

“Whatever you do, people will remember it, and exaggerate it.” Alba nonchalantly looked through thick stacks of papers that were piling up in the office.

Just what did you do…?” I doubt there are things that can make an entire city wish to kill us.

“I happened to hijack the newest flagship, persuade a battalion of the Republican guards to mutiny, ‘kidnap’ Doge’s daughter, as well as form the most dangerous band of pirates in the history. That is all without mentioning our maritime activity.” I applauded in silence. Even I have no idea if that applause is out of sincere admiration, or out of sincere irony.

“We should not cry over spilled milk. We better decide what we are going to do.” Yuriko stopped us all from becoming too gloomy.

“You are right. How about we do some charity? Hearts and minds, you know?

“Find us money for that.” Patricia glanced at me.

I decided to look through my stuff, since I am going to dive into my electronic pocket.


You received 813 upgrade points, 17 copper coins, 7 silver coins, 9 gold coins

IJN Kuronami – DDL. Upgrade points – 0.

Torpedoes – 22/30.

HP – 3700.

HI – 100%.

AU – 95% (2865nm).

5'' Dual turrets Full upgrade
24'' Quintuple torpedo mount - Oxygen Torpedo storage II – 1481/2000

Would that be enough?” I put a bag of coins on the desk.

There were 12 copper coins, 90 silver coins, and 9 gold coins.

“That should be enough only to buy a loaf of bread for every citizen.” (A)

“Still, that’s better than nothing!”

While we were trying to argue about what we are to do about the discontent, we heard some shouting from outside. All of us looked through the window and saw a large crowd of people, shouting something. In front of them was walking a blonde girl, also known as ‘The Radiant Sun of Benezio’.

Veronica was not looking like she had anything to do with the crowd but the closer the crowd was approaching, the clearer we heard: ‘Down with the traitors!’, and ‘Return the seat to the Radiant Sun!’.

That little…!’ Alba gripped the windowsill so hard that I heard a crackle.

Only when Veronica passed through the palace gates did the crowd stop. They were stopped by troopers, who had bayonets at ready.

A couple minutes later the door opened, and Veronica stepped in.

I’m back~!” The usual cheerful Veronica smiled at us, making Alba crush the poor piece of wood once again.

Then I saw a shadow detach from Veronica, and turn into Yuri. Now Veronica was much less radiant.

About the thing I mentioned prior...” Yuri suddenly glanced at Patricia.

What the hell are you…?” The girl drew her sword.

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