I died and was reincarnated as Warship in a fantasy world

V3 Ch 98. 100 steps away from the goal

The seagulls took off and started circling above the ship.

I already got what those mercantile bastards want.

The depth charges were immediately released from the stern rails, and sunk towards a huge school of fish.


The seagulls started diving at the emerging food even before the rain of seawater settled.

Not earlier than they ate every single fish those bastards started heading out.

The seagulls formed a long line in front of the already long search line, and miraculously the fog around the ships started scattering.

The further they flew forward, the more visibility we were gaining, until the seagulls stopped a kilometer ahead of us.

“I bet they will demand more food.” I said to Yuriko.

“I wonder why you feed them so eagerly but refuse to cook for me. I was also tamed by you, and expect you to take responsibility for me.” I wondered too, if she is actually joking.

When I glanced to the stern, I saw that the fog was covering the entire stern of the ship.

Those magic fogs…! Just look at it! If we were sailing even slower…!

[“How about you at least turn on the navigation lights? I am completely blind here.”]

I gulped.

Fairy was trailing behind me, and I am sure there is no seagull flying over her.

“Hanazuki, Harutsuki, set speed at 8 knots! Aotsuki, Yoizuki, set speed at 9 knots! Regroup into Vic formation, keep the search line. The transport must enter the clearing!” I rapidly made a decision.

[“Orders confirmed.”]

Fairy, can you steam at 10 knots?

[“I will try.”]

It took us several hours to stabilize the formation but the fact that Fairy at least could see where she goes must be worth it.

The next morning, I saw that things are slowly starting to get worse.

The fog became so dense, that the seagulls could only keep a clear zone of 300 meters ahead.

“Squadron, regroup on me, Vic formation. Protect the transport!” I ordered to tighten the formation.

[“Orders confirmed.”]

I estimated that in 3 days we will reach the Northern seas. And in 1 week we may hit a glacier.

The only thing that added us some optimism about this situation is Yuri’s reassurance that we are very close.

It took us 2 more days to find something unexpected.

I was preparing for a night shift, I boiled myself a dozen thermos bottles of coffee, and was going to stare at the radar screen.

However, suddenly the dense fog ahead cleared, and the squadron sailed past a fog wall into clear waters.

From the way the seagulls started flying around in confusion, they did not expect it too.

Everyone! We have an emergency meeting!

Far ahead of us I saw some lights.

We finally reached the Demon king’s castle. Or so I hope.

By the time everybody gathered, the squadron approached the unknown. It was possible to see the lights through the bridge windows. Even the night was unable to cover a huge installation.

I guess… I guess we reached the destination…?Some might expect it to be my words but it is actually said by Yuri.

Then, shall we get going? Before they spot us?” Patricia looked at the others but everybody remained silent.

“An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. Let us go sleep.” (Yko)

“Agreed.” (Y)

“…” (V)

Seriously…? We just arrived and you all say ‘let’s sleep’? What if they spot us? What if they attack us?!” Patricia was becoming more and more agitated.

Did I mention it by now? This Demon king is defective, as is the entire world. We would walk right through the front door all the way to the king himself. Then we will kill the right-now-sleeping beauty. Simple as that.” Only after Yuri’s words Patricia surrendered.

Fine! But I will be taking Kuronami!” Without further ado, she grabbed me and took me to the bed.

After several hours of me being squished by Patricia, the team gathered at the bow.

I delivered everybody to the coast, and we headed towards a huge gothic castle, decorated with gargoyles, and very suitable for the seat of the evil.

We crossed a huge stone bridge all the way to the front door of the castle.

Nothing was guarded. There were no traps at all.

Are you sure there would be no traps inside…?

You are asking me like I was here before.” (Y)

Fair point, actually…” I opened huge wooden doors and peeked inside.

There were no gatekeeper monsters, only an empty hallway.

The insides of the castle were lit with magic lamps. There were some candelabrums but they either lacked any candles, or they were unlit.

After wandering around for some time, we all agreed that if there are any monsters inside, they would be huge spiders. Because everything was covered in thick layers of spider web, and dust.

The castle was magnificent from outside but the insides in no way suited a noble taste. It was not a dreadful place where seats the ultimate evil but rather an abandoned dungeon where some adventurers would search for treasures.

However, we were clearly affected by this place.

Veronica and Yuriko were trembling. Veronica was mumbling something incoherent, and Yuriko was trembling so much that it would be better to call it vibrating. The woman looked more like a construction worker with a jackhammer.

We were wandering around for hours, until we found a huge decorated door with magical patterns and fantasy creatures.

After we opened the door, we saw a huge throne room, with a coffin in place of a throne.

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