I Don’t Know but it Seems Like I’m a Deer!

Chapter 11: Feast

The after the wrestling contest it was almost time for the deer to meet Celestine and hear the yearly forecast.

It seemed like when Celestine descends to refill the crystal she would often give the deer advice about how their next year will go. It was like a light divination.

Before that happened though there was still a feast that went on into the evening.

Naru was busying helping her mother along with the other deer who could use life magic to create the vast amount of food needed to feed the deer. Since none of the deer “cooked” their food they would simply be growing as much produce as possible and laying it out to be eaten.

Naru was going all out and making as many tomatoes as possible she had grown a small wooden barrel nearby and it was filled with the water from the mana crystal pond. Naru took sips in between each time she cast her life spell to regenerate mana.

She had already created more tomatoes than she had ever made in a single day. Naru was grateful for her decently high magic reserves. It was hereditary, her father was a strong magic caster and she seemed to have taken after him.

He was able to use earth magic and water magic but it seemed like Naru didn’t have a talent for water magic. On the other hand, she did manage to pick up life magic from her mother.

Mana capacity was a curious thing for her. It didn’t seem like using up her mana would increase her capacity in any way but it would grow as she did.

For starters Naru wasn’t really a person who played the sort of RPGs that had these mechanics, so she was unfamiliar with them. It also wasn’t a concern for her since she practiced casting magic and using mana as a hobby rather than out of necessity.

Still, Naru was diligent in her mana practice and didn’t want to get too lax.

Eventually, the pile of food grew so large that it was almost taller than Naru. Although, that wasn’t much of an accomplishment Naru was still a pretty short person overall. Around 160cm in height. She looked like a younger version of her past self. Of course, some of her traits were taken from her father and mother but it almost felt like there was another force affecting her appearance.

Even so, She still had brown chestnut hair like her mother, and there had been no claim of infidelity in their family.

Naru’s mother truly had Whitehorn wrapped around her little finger.

The food was soon done and a horde of deer began to appear. Piled high on tables grown from the grown, was an assortment of vegetables and fruits. From various squash to mushrooms, and grapes, and of course tomatoes. The table was mobbed by deer.

Naru saw her tomatoes being eaten at a rapid rate and realized that it was not enough

[Seriously!] She thought.

The deer were eating with gusto and it was not enough. She already fully drained on mana and even if she started regenerating it again to make more food she would not make enough to satisfy the vast amount of deer who were eating her tomatoes.

One deer made aa offhand comment

“Mhmm, this is nice but I could use something better to wash it down”

[That’s right! I have “that” waiting.]

Naru walked over to Whitehorn who was busy eating as well.

“Papa I need help with that thing,” she said.

“I see…” Whitehorn said, he looked hesitant to leave the feast.

“It won’t take long!” Naru said.

“Ok!” her father said.

** ** **

A little less than ten minutes later the deer were watching an off sight. There were several barrels being brought to the table by Whitehorn.

While the barrels were nothing new it was odd to see that they had been sealed for some reason.

Naru brought out several cups and gave a mischievous smile as she filled one of them. The deer seeing the purple liquid that was coming out were intrigued but also a little guarded.

“It smells like grapes no?” One of them said.

Naru held out the cup to the one who said that.

“it could be considered something similar to that,” she said smiling.

The deer tentatively took the cup from her hand and took a sip.

“Mhmm?” He said.

“It burns, a little… Oh that’s delightful this is really good!” The deer said as he took another sip. His ears fluttered slightly as the alcohol started to enter his system.

The other deer their fears slightly allayed by the tester now looked curiously at the barrels, it seems like they wanted to try some as well.

Naru spread her arms.

“Come on try some!” She said.


Speaking of alcohol, my 21st birthday is tomorrow.

Not as if that ever stopped me though...

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