I Don’t Know but it Seems Like I’m a Deer!

Chapter 18: My First Job

[I want money…]

Naru was busy roaming the streets of the city as usual. She had been there for about a week now and was no closer to assimilating with the humans.

While aquiring food wasn’t an issue since all she needed was a patch of dirt and she would be able to have as much as she wanted. The problem that Naru ran into was simple.

She was broke. For starters, she didn’t have any money. And while that didn’t bother her that much she still wanted a place to sleep.

Naru was currently laying around like a NEET and generally acting like a feral orphan child.

Well… She was one after all.

Still, Naru with all her years of work experience had difficulties finding a job.

[tough job market huh.] Naru thought as she looked around at the people milling about. The best Naru could do was beg. It wasn’t like she needed the money but she wanted to save it up anyway.

It was difficult to find a job that she could do that wouldn’t reveal her. Naru also didn’t know how the write or read in this world and that made it more difficult to find a job.

Realistically speaking she had the ability to do basic mathematics and clerical work, but she was stuck with being an illiterate worker right now.

[I gotta do something] She thought glumly

** ** **

It was approaching night, and Naru was still no closer to finding a job. Nobody was willing to hire a girl as young as her and they didn’t think it was possible for her to do manual labor. While Naru was about as strong as the average human male, it wasn’t like the people who she was offering her services knew that fact.

Her stomach growled.

[I guess I gotta eat something.] She smelled something good wafting in the air, but quickly averted her nose.

[More vegetables… yay.] Naru thought as she dug into her pockets and pulled out some tomato’s to gnaw on.

It wasn’t as if Naru didn’t like to eat the vegetables, rather it was disappointment in the fact she was not eating the good food that the others were eating.

At one-point, Naru was planning on selling her produce as a vendor but then realized it would make her look too suspicious.

She didn’t own any land and the produces that she made was flawless. A far cry from the blemish-filled and awkward-looking vegetables that the other farmers grew.

Plus, she needed a permit. A fact that shocked her. This city was apparently sophisticated enough in its governance that all vendors needed to have a permit from the kingdom to sell goods.

Of course, she could always just sell her goods illegally but that would still run the rick of getting caught by the law enforcements. Naru was trying to keep a low profile so that was out of the question.

“Oi, Girl!”

A voice snapped Naru out of her rumination. It was a man standing at the entrance of a building, from Naru’s memories of passing through this area she was sure it was a bar and eatery.

The man looked to be around in his mid thirties and it already looked like the years were catching up to him. He had brown stubble on the lower half of his face, and was wearing an apron.

From the looks of it he appeared to be a chef of sorts.

The man gave a frown, and Naru thought she had done something to displease the man.

“I’m sorry for loitering I will move” She said quickly and bowing slightly.

The man’s frown seemed to twist into an annoyed expression. He pointed to her.

“A girl like you shouldn’t be walking around so late, it’s getting dark. Get on home.” He said.

[Oh, I see] Naru thought. She didn’t really have a home, so the man’s statement was basically pointless. She was about to lie that she would go when the man interjected again.

“What’s that in your hand.” He said pointing to the half-eaten tomato that Naru was holding.

“Eh? This?” Naru said.

“Lemme see it” The man said.

Naru briefly considering denying the request and leaving but she considered it more hassle than it worth, and she walked over to hand the tomato to the weird man.

The man sniffed the tomato and licked it. If Naru was younger she would be concerned about the fact that the just had an indirect kiss, but she was a 26 year old offices woman, she was too old to be having such thought.

[Well, I guess I am young now] Naru reflected.

“I will be going home then” Naru said walking away

She suddenly felt something pull on the collar of her shirt.

“Hey!” She yelled out.

She looked back to see the man was holding her collar.

Naru was prepared to yell out. The law enforcement in the area would be happy to help a defenseless girl like her from this crass looking man.

The man let her go and smirked.

“Lemme guess, you don’t actually have a home to go to” he said.

Naru pursed her lips in response to the question.

“No, I have a home now let me leave,” She said coldly.

“You’re a terrible liar you know,” The man said grinning

He scratched the back of his head as if thinking of something.

“Maaa, you know I do need some extra help, but I guess a girl like you who has a home doesn’t need to work” He said, baiting Naru.

Naru’s back stiffened at the statement.

[Tch, this guy] Naru thought. From just looking at her he had deduced her living situation easily, and was now luring her in.

Naru didn’t say anything and only glared at the man.

“Man, I guess I’ll just have to let you, even though I have a nice cushy job to give away for free.” He said into the air as if he wasn’t talking to Naru.

“Fine! I’ll take the job” Naru shouted angrily

The man smiled

“Oh really! That’s wonderful, come in, I’ll show you the ropes.” He said acting as if he was surprised and was just trying to bait Naru earlier.

With a hesitant heart, Naru followed the suspicious man into the bar.

Who is this guy!


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