I Don’t Know but it Seems Like I’m a Deer!

Chapter 26: Hum

With the would-be assailants dealt with Naru took Georgine back to the fountain where they first met.

The girl seemed quite shaken over the experience and clung onto Naru's leg like a kitten.

[This girl….] Naru thought.

Although Georgine had spent much time denigrating Naru and calling her dirty. Georgine was still holding onto her like a small child. Despite this, Naru didn’t tease her. She didn’t fault Georgine for being scared, but Naru at least hoped the experience would make her a little less haughty.

When they got to the fountain and were waiting around Georgine still clung onto Naru. Her hand clutching a part of the dress that Naru was wear. Although, technically the dress was a part of Naru since it was made with her magic deer transformation.

It was still early so there was a little time before the armored man would come back to pick up Georgine.

Naru sat at the edge of the fountain waiting for him to come back.

She looked at Georgine, who was shaking like a kitten.

Naru internally sighed, she didn’t want to hand off Georgine in this state. Naru realized that she would have to do some comforting

[Always having to do work outside my contract!] Naru thought, not realizing the fact that she never had a contract in the first place.

Naru eventually pushed Georgine away. The girl gave her a frightened expression like Naru was planning on leaving her.

Instead, Naru brushed off her lap and patted it down, inviting Georgine to lay her head down on it. Georgine had a short moment of hesitancy, obviously weighing her own upbringing vs the comfort of Naru’s lap, before eventually relenting and putting her head on Naru’s lap.

[Ahh, I’m doing this, but now what?] Naru thought. She thought it felt a little odd to simply let Georgine lay in her lap.

Then, Naru put a hand on her head and gently rubbed Georgine’s head. The girl seemed to stiffen and then relax.

Georgine’s hair was soft, much softer than Naru’s, likely a result of her using better hair product and having more time to wash her hair. Now that Naru was closer to Georgine’s hair she could see that the blue in Georgine’s hair seemed to be tinted with blond and had almost a pastel color.

After a little while, Naru began to hum softly, an old folk lullaby from her past life. She wanted to relax Georgine and she hoped the low and slow tune would calm her down.

The song seemed to work and Georgine’s shaking body seemed to relax further and eventually, the soft sounds of sleeping could be heard. Although it was no longer necessary Naru continue to hum and rub her head.

Time seemed to pass quickly soon after that and eventually, the armored man appeared again. She gave a wry smile as he saw Georgine laying in Naru’s lap.

“it seems like the young lady has taken to you well.” He said,

“Mhmm” Naru said nodding

“By the way, we were attacked” She added. The fact they were attacked was a pretty serious concern and Naru felt it would be good to mention it.

In contrast to her relaxed appearance, the man seemed to be slightly flustered.

“You were what now?” he said his voice rising in volume.

Naru made a “shhh” motion with her fingers, and the man quieted down

“A few men attacked us on the way back here. I dealt with them myself, and the girl is unharmed although she’s a little shaken.” Naru explain.

The man gave a thoughtful expression,

“It seems like Hakuya was right about you being competent.” The armored man said,.

[Eh? Competent? How’s does Hakuya know I would hold my own in a fight] Naru thought. It was odd especially since Hakuya hired her as a barmaid and nothing else.

The man looked back towards Naru

“I can take her off your hands now” He said pointing to Georgine who was still napping in Naru’s laps.

She gently nudged Georgine who looked around slightly disoriented and then upon realizing she was in Naru’s lapped instantly jump up and stood next to the armored man.

She seemed to be slightly flustered.

“Don’t get haughty commoner! I… I’ll forgive you for touching me just time!” Georgine said.

Naru gave her customer service smile again.

“Of course, Georgine,” Naru said.

The girl blushed slightly and avoid Naru’s gaze.

Naru pulled the bag of coins that were given to her and handed them to the man. Since they only went to a sweets shop there was still quite a few coins left.

The man took the bag and upon inspecting its contents, gave a slight bow towards Naru while leading Georgine away. Naru sat at the fountain waving good bye and watching the back of the two figures disappearing into the crowd. The moment she couldn’t see them anymore she gave a sigh of relief.

Dealing with the girl was harder than she thought, and she even had to use magic in front of the girl.

Naru palmed the gold piece in her pocket. At least she was paid well for watching the girl.

Sorry forgot to post yesterday!

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