I Don’t Know but it Seems Like I’m a Deer!

Chapter 30: I’m a Sneaky Deer! (2)

Hakuya smiled slightly,

“You could say that. Your magic is about as strong as the top court mages and you will only grow in power. I consider this an investment. You see in truth, the only time I see magical creatures is when they are already dead, I don’t interact with them that often. So I can’t say curiosity got the better of me when my spies told me a magical deer was hiding in the city. There’s a reason why I wasn’t surprised when you made new tables after all” He said grinning.

[Tch, I was too conspicuous] She thought

When Naru entered the city she had tried to grow food secretly but it seemed like Hakuya had better eyes and ears than she thought, although the average city person did not notice her she was probably spotted by one of his informants.

“Here’s the thing, the people I have working under me are all the rough sort. I need someone who’s able to get closer to civil society.”

“What do you mean?” Naru said.

“You saw the people, who attack you with Georgine right? My “employee” are full of people like that, it’s hard for them to stay inconspicuous you see, especially among royalty. That’s why I need someone like you, someone with a bit more “gentille” charm as might you say”

“So you want me to be a spy,” Naru said flatly

“Well basically, I can’t say you will always be spying since I do have a few targets that need to be eliminated, but that is something that can wait for another day.”

Hakuya seemed quite cheery as he laid out the new terms of Naru’s “job”

“What’s in it for me, how can I know you will hold up your end of the bargain,” Naru said

“I will put forth the full force of my organization into figuring out the cause of why your nest was destroyed and… if it was the crown that ordered it, I won’t stop you” Hakuya said.

Naru seemed to realize what Hakuya meant, if she had to kill the king of this country he would let her

“Are you alright with that?” She said, unsure if he understood the promise he was making

“As I said, we are an organization that is hired by the crown, we are not associated with them, nor have we sworn loyalty, it’s been a while since a king killing has happened though, but of course, that’s jumping to conclusions. There’s a good chance that the crown had nothing to do with what happened” Hakuya said.

Naru lowered her guard,

“So, what would you have me do”

In an instant, she saw something whizzing towards her and she dodged instinctually. There was a wooden “thunk” sound and she looked behind her to see a dagger embedded into the wooden wall behind her.

“Hmm, so your reactions are good” Hakuya’s voice said behind her.

“What was that for!” She yelled turning towards him

“Just a little test, we have to teach you how to fight, after all, you’re a bit crude but you’re a magical creature, after all, your body is strengthened by magic.

“What do you mean by that?” Naru asked

“Well, without magical crystals, the only thing we humans can really do is strengthen our bodies with mana. It’s inefficient, but since our bodies were not really meant to channel mana that freely, but magical creatures like you have mana flowing in your veins, you are all naturally strong than humans, which means you all would probably win in a fight, although… your technique could use some work,” Hakuya said, referring to his fight with Naru earlier.

“I thought you said I was just going to be spying on people,” Naru said

“When did I ever say that?” Hakuya said looking innocently.

“You told me that I would be starting out with spying…” Naru said her voice trailing off.

“That’s right, you will be “starting out” with spying for me, I have high hopes for you Naru, although, it would be good if you clean up a little bit, your manners are alright but you walk and talk like a country girl.”

Naru was taken aback at the insult

“I’ll have you know I am a healthy member of civil society”

Hakuya looked annoyed,

“Keep telling yourself that, I'm sure it will become true if you say it enough times,” He said sarcastically.

His face became stern, an expression that chilled Naru’s heart.

“By the way, this arrangement we have, is strictly confidential, if you reveal anything the deal is off. And there may be other… Punishment”

The last word Hakuya said was rather ominous so Naru gulped in fear.

“Yes sir!” She said instinctively

Hakuya’s expression went back to its normal lackadaisical expression.

“Good, you will be having tomorrow off, go meet your instructor at the fountain,” he said


Will slowly be moving back into my normal schedule again. In other words, the long hiatus is over.

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