I Don’t Know but it Seems Like I’m a Deer!

Chapter 32: Training is hard!

Naru spent the better part of the day chasing Delta around with no success, it seemed like the woman, was a bottomless pit of tricks and Naru would constantly lose sight of her only to be taunted the moment that happened.

No matter how much she wished to crush that woman’s skull she was frustratingly difficult to follow. Her ability to dive into crowds and disappear was more frustrating than the fact that Naru was being taunted by her.

[Plus, she keeps calling me an animal!] Naru wanted to scream. It seemed like Delta was well-aware of Naru’s background and made every attempt to bring it up.

[I’m a gentle girl! Okay!]

Naru was still chasing Delta around, although she had gotten better at following her she couldn’t get to the point where she would “catch up” to Delta. It felt like there was an invisible bubble around Naru and every time she tried to get close it would push Delta away.

She could dash, stalk, and even jump and Delta would still manage to get away.

Soon the evening came and the sun began to dip.

After what seemed like the hundredth time chasing Delta and losing her, Naru stood still after the taunting.

“A simple task like following me shouldn’t be this difficult” The woman taunted her further.

“Yeah, I’m just ‘suppose’ to follow you, how’s that possible when you keep running away!” Naru said bitterly.

The woman gave a mischievous smile,

“Oh really? I didn’t notice”

Naru nearly punched the woman, she was hot frustrated and mad, most of all she felt humiliated by her. it was already the evening and it was starting to get late.

The woman turned this time making no indication for Naru to follow her.

“Hey we’re not done yet!” Naru said.

“I will be taking my evening respite, please come back tomorrow at the same spot, I will be happy to play with you again.” The woman on waved her fan goodbye and left Naru standing in the middle of the street.

Naru stomped her foot, in annoyance. Partially because a woman just left her without warning, but mostly over the fact that a blind woman had managed to outrun her.

[How does she do it?]

 Naru wondered how a woman like that was able to navigate crowds with ease while also maintaining perfect distance to her, something that Naru didn’t think she could do herself.

With a defeated heart, she trudged back to Hakuya’s bar.

** ** **

“How was your instructor?” Hakuya asked at the figure of Naru trudging into his bar.

“I hate her.” Naru said in a monotone before slumping into a seat on the counter. She leaned on the counter resting her head and body.

Hakuya gave a small chuckle,

“She’s quite a personality. You should feel lucky she’s one of my most talented operatives.”

“Still,” he said pushing a cup of fruit juice towards Naru “She’s a good teacher”

“Sure…” Naru said sarcastically before taking the cup and downing it in one gulp, there were a few droplets that leaked from the cup and dribbled down her mouth but she was tired and thirsty from chasing the woman the whole day.

“You should pay more attention to what she does, you could learn a bit more,” Hakuya said, offering advice.

“You’re the one who forced me to do this” Naru said. It reminded her of mandatory company retreats and training sessions. Except for this time she wasn’t allowed to just avoid them.

“Ah, consider a requirement, you are working for me directly now”

“I was already been working for you… you shitty boss” Naru muttered under her breath

“Ah, do I hear someone who wants to quit? Don’t forget I will set assassins upon you if you try to do that” Hakuya’s tone was light, but Naru could sense a seriousness behind it.

“Keep your bloodlust to yourself you damn criminal.” Naru retorted.

“I can’t be a criminal if I’m hired by the government,” Hakuya said smiling.


Naru leaned back against her chair stretching her back, there were several cracks as the muscles and joints popped. She was reminded of her past life where she was overworked to the point she could feel her body breaking down.

[This damn world, ruining my relaxing life…] She thought. Naru had come to this world expecting an early retiree life, but she was struck with tragedy and overwork from the onset.

[I guess nothing changes] She thought.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Hakuya speaking.

“Oh, by the way, you’re still on duty for tonight, go clean yourself off and get dressed”

Naru gritted her teeth,

[This damn boss!]

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