I Don’t Know but it Seems Like I’m a Deer!

Chapter 9: The Beauty Contest

The beauty contest was a curious affair. Male and female deer alike could participate and it was more like a “body art” contest than a beauty contest. Of course, natural looks would help someone but the judging criteria were mostly focused on the art that the deer created.

Naru was in a secluded part of the grove helping her mother prepare. Apparently, Naru’s mother, Fern, had a rival whose name was Vine.

Naru had seen Vine from time to time in the grove. She had a wild sort of beauty with messy hair voluminous that tumbled down her back.

She was also one of the strongest deer in the village and once fought Naru’s mother for the right to mate(marry) with Whitehorn.

They were rivals in the clearest sense of the word.

While, Naru’s mother would use gentle colors and her naturalistic beauty to accentuate herself. Vine would paint wild colors and patterns to wow the judges.

The score was about even between them and this year one of them could break the tie.

Fern was of course a very polite woman and didn’t pay the rivalry much mind, but vine had a vendetta against Fern for taking the deer she loved.

Naru was busy helping Fern mix colors while Fern recounted the tale to her.

“So how did you win over papa?” Naru asked her mother.

Fern giggled, a sight that would’ve surely capture the heart of every man in Naru’s old world.

“Well, Naru, when you have someone you like. You have to be aggressive.” Naru's mother said

[Eh? Aggressive? What doe she mean by that?] Naru thought.

“I took your father to the grove by the master of the forest where nobody would bother us and then…” Fern paused blushing.

“And then what?” Naru asked

“I made him mine!” Fern said.

For a second Naru was confused, and then she realized what Fern meant when she said “made him mine” and Naru started blushing. Naru had spent her past working and was inexperienced with love. She didn’t realize what “made him mine” meant until she began to put the pieces together.

[Mother is so bold!] Naru thought. The woman in front of her always had a gentle and reserved demeanor but she didn’t realize how much of a predator her mother could be until she heard this story.

“Ah good memories, would you like to hear more about that time,” Her mother said looking wistfully off into the distance.

“Please don’t talk like you are an old lady! And no I don’t need to hear it!” Naru said flustered. The deer were much more open about ero things than the humans in Naru’s old world. unfortunately for Naru hearing about how she was conceived from her mother was bit too much for her human sensibility.

“Really, you don’t want to hear?” Her mother said giving a disappointed look.

“Yes!” Naru shouted her face turning tomato red.

** ** **

The contest was along a stretch of tree that served as a natural stage, next to a patch of grass. The patch of grass served as the audience gallery and where the judges sat.

There was not real numbering or scoring method. The judges would simply name their top three contestants at the end of the contest.

Naru watched as the deer strutted along with the trees. Deer could show up in their human or animal form and their bodies were covered with assorted colors and art.

The creativity was a sight-see. Naru spotted a deer who had colors themselves to look like a bush and was indistinguishable until they moved.

Another was covered in leaves that had been drawn over their body and the leaves even seemed to rustle as they walked.

Eventually, Naru even saw her mother’s rival waltzed out in her deer form. Vine was a large deer and very strong. The audience gasped when they saw Vine.

She was covered from head to toe in rough fur. Walking low to the ground, Vine almost looked like a wolf stalking her prey. It was an impressive costume, filled with a wild sort of vigor that overtook the crowd.

The deer didn’t hunt, it wasn’t necessary since they could grow their own food, and thus Vine could’ve only collected so much fur through excessive effort. The fur must’ve been collected over the course of the year, from the shedding that the wolves of the forest would do.

Once she was halfway down the “stage” she suddenly transformed into her human form. She had gone from looking like a wolf-like creature to suddenly looking like a huntress. She struck a powerful pose and strutted off the stage, giving little time for the audience to take her in which added to the allure.

Once she had finally finished there was a large amount of clapping and shouted. Vine’s performance and costume had been the best so far, and the deer chatted excitedly about how they thought she was going to win it all.

Soon the chattering had silence as another deer entered the stage.

[Mom!] Naru thought.

Indeed, it was now Fern’s turn to enter the stage. Unlike, Vine who had entered in her deer form Fern instead entered as a human.

She glided along the stage to the astonishment of the other deer. The reason was simple, Naru’s mother was currently a light shade of aqua blue, with mixed greens.

Blue was a color that had not been seen before. There was no such thing as indigo in the forest.

Naru smiled smugly as she saw her mother move across the stage. It had taken her till almost the festival deadline to develop this color and seeing it on her mother was a sight to behold.

The light blue and green along with Fern’s graceful movement almost made her seem like a sea wave that had gently rolled onto the stage. It was a sight that made Naru reminiscent of her old life. She had grown up near the ocean and seeing her mother like this made her strangely nostalgic.

Of course, the other deer saw it differently. This was a completely novel sight for them and they were gasping in surprise.

Vine’s performance had been good, and the transforming trick had been neat. But seeing Fern walk across the stage made the deer instantly knew who won.

The rest of the performers walked across the stage with a sense of melancholy seeing that they had already lost. The other deer seemed equally disinterest. The sight of Fern’s mother made all other performances seem dry in comparison.

It was soon over, and the judges gave their verdict

First place: Fern

Second place: Vine

Third place: Some random, who cares

Once the contest was over Naru walked over to her mother who was still colored in blue.

“That was great mama!” She said.

Her mother gently smiles and rubbed Naru’s head.

“Thank you deer. Mama tried her best”

Naru saw the imposing figure of vine cutting through the crowd of deer before them.

Naru stiffened in fear, based on Vine’s expression she felt like a troublesome encounter was about to happen she slowly began to hide behind Fern.

Vine walked forward and approached Fern. Looking up and down Fern’s body Vine grumbled.

“It’s very pretty” She said begrudgingly looking away from Fern.

Fern gave a polite smile in response

“I’ll win next time,” Vine said growling.

“I’ll be happy to compete with you again, though I’m still going to try my best to win,” Fern said outstretching a hand.


Despite the prickly atmosphere Vine still took Fern’s hand and respectfully shook it.

Vine bent down to the ground and seemed to activate some magic.

When she stood back up, she was holding a flowered tiara in her hand

“For… The winner” She said her face softening.

“Thank you Vine,” Fern said putting the tiara on her head.

“Is that Whitehorn’s girl” Vine asked pointing to Naru who was hiding behind

“Yes, this is my daughter. Naru come on, introduce yourself”

Naru hurriedly walked out from behind her mothers back

“Hello, I’m Naru she said bowing”

In response, Vine gave a wry smile. She bent down again and grew something along the floor. She then handed Naru some large mushrooms.

Naru took a bite of the mushrooms

[Eh? These are delicious!]

They were just as tasty as Fern’s mushrooms.

Vine seemed to give a soft smile upon seeing Naru’ enjoying the mushrooms.

“Naru” Her mother said


“This is your godmother”

Naru nearly spit out the mushrooms that she was munching on.


"Vine and I go way back you see, we used to play together as kids. When I became pregnant with you I asked her to protect you as well, I’m no good at fighting but Vine is plenty strong” Her mother explained.

“Oh,” Naru said. Naru had been under the impression that Fern and Vine were mortal enemies. Though, now that she saw them interact, she realized they were more like friendly rivals.

It was true that Vine and Fern were rivals, but still, they respect each other. Although Fern had won the attention of Whitehorn, Vine understood that she had lost fair and square.

Naru looked at Vine the imposing figure of a muscular woman suddenly felt reassuring, even if it was a little scary.

“Heh, cute kid” Vine said, before walking off.

Little did Naru know that Vine had a large smile on her face upon finally meeting her godchild.

Happy thursdeer!

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