I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 115

Chapter 115 Summon

What made the woman who secretly followed Leo even more puzzled was that in the following days, Leo just went to the library and found out that they were all related to the warlock, and began to stay in the room with all his heart. He neither went to the training ground to practice, nor ran out of the tower to fight the alien beasts. Apart from going to the restaurant to have a big meal every day, he did not leave the room.

“This kid is a knight? How do I think he is better than our warlock?” The woman rolled her eyes, thinking helplessly. Leo put on the look of staying in the room and not going out, then she also lost the need to observe in secret. After all, the time of a high-level sorcerer is very precious, even if it is the task of the teacher, it will save a little time.

Wild, hunting team. When Leo contacted Shane through the bloodworm, the hunting team was facing a huge crisis! The original ten human soldiers in the team were missing one, 30 pigheads were all destroyed, and the snake girl lost 26. Shane was still well, and now he has fled back to Asai City.

“Shane, what happened?” Leo asked in shock through the bloodworm.

“My lord, in order to prejudge the bird, I used the method of drugging the prey to capture a large group of exotic animals alive and held a grand sacrifice.”

“The sacrifice was very successful, but after the end, a huge amount of **** smell attracted a large group of strange beasts, including two third-level strange beasts. They treated us as mobile lunch boxes, and followed us, hunting when they were hungry.”

“Fortunately, these guys love pigheads the most. We broke through the city of Asai with all our strength. Finally, after losing all the pigheads, more than 20 snake girls, and a human soldier, we met the patrol team of the city of Asai. The captain sent a rescue signal, attracted the strong in the army, and forced back the two third-level strange beasts.”

The bloodworm’s words were intermittent, and it took a lot of work for Rio to understand what was going on, and his face became very ugly. Although it is normal for this to happen in the Wilderness, with such a huge loss, it can be said that the hunting team has been unable to enter the Wilderness again.

“A third-level monster?” Leo frowned and sighed. Before Level 4, between Level 1 and Level 3, there is still the possibility of using a number of people to leapfrog the level to force the kill, of course, the price is very high. However, it would be a joke if a large group of first-level players want to kill the third-level by two levels. Shane is not to blame for this, in the final analysis, they are too weak.

“Come back, take everyone, including Kenner, back to Blood Moon City. I’m still waiting for you to report to me the result of the sacrifice.” Leo finally made the decision and issued an order through the blood worm.

After dealing with the hunting team, Leo was in a bad mood, ran to the restaurant to have a good meal, and then decided to go to the library. Although most of them are the books of warlocks, there are also books such as the known species of the wild, the map of magic plants, and the exploration of the sequence of alien beasts, which are good for passing the time.

Leo took a copy of the magical plant map. Not long after reading it, the woman suddenly walked in and said blankly to Leo: “Teacher and Grand Duke are back, and they want to see you by name. Come with me. “After a pause, he said fiercely: “Remember, don’t talk nonsense, otherwise…”

Leo didn’t care about the woman’s threat at all, but took a breath, calmed down the excitement of meeting the Grand Duke, and followed the woman out. The Grand Duke, even Baron Ryan had never seen him up close when he was alive, but he had seen Grand Duke Viking from a distance at the Great Winter Festival. It is estimated that only the ancestor of the Gresch family has really been in contact with the Grand Duke.

This time, it was not in this high tower, but slowly straight up along the stairs. After three floors, the woman left the spiral staircase and walked straight for a hundred meters with Leo, and a hall appeared in front of her eyes. There are some beautiful maids standing around the hall, looking like they are on standby at any time. And in the middle of the hall, there are two gorgeous golden chairs, a man and a woman sitting on them, discussing something with each other in a low voice. Seemingly hearing the sound of footsteps, a man and a woman both raised their heads and looked at them.

“Leo Gresch?” The man’s majestic voice sounded.

Leo Qiang suppressed a little nervousness and immediately replied respectfully: “Yes, your honorable Grand Duke.”

“Don’t be nervous.” Grand Duke Blood Moon said again in a thick voice: “You should be able to guess that I value you very much, but do you know why I have not summoned you?”

“Because of those extremely talented people who were corrupted in their will and degraded in life in history, and eventually achieved only level four?” Leo replied in an uncertain tone, and at the same time raised his head to see the Grand Duke and the one next to him.

The Grand Duke looks in his forties, with a beard and rare orange hair. He was wearing a silver-gray armor, with a spear next to him. To Leo’s surprise, there were several gaps in the silver-gray armor, and many dry blood stains were condensed on the spear.

“Level four? Hehe.” The Grand Duke sneered, shook his head and said: “Ten thousand years have passed since mankind founded the road of knights and began to stand in the endless wilderness. Such a vast territory, even if only a hundred people are born in each generation Wait for talent, so long years have passed How many extreme talents will be born? But how many are recorded in the books? Hey, most people are actually drowned in the dust and have not had time to be discovered The golden years have passed. The people who were discovered were tempted, corrupted and depraved for various reasons. Many people practiced for three days and two days of fishing and netting, and they could not even reach the fourth level. No one will remember them. What’s more, it’s a more direct assassination… If it weren’t for me to give the order, and you were smart and didn’t bleed Moon City again, I’m afraid your ending will disappear silently, not There is a trace left in the history books.”

“Thank you Grand Duke, I understand!” Leo felt a chill after hearing this. Palmer cannot be blamed for the exposure of talent, but the helpless choice during the talent test, which will definitely be exposed. Looking back now, if he didn’t choose to enter the academy at the beginning, maybe he could develop secretly, but the future title and advanced knighthood will be another problem, and it is really a dilemma.

The Grand Duke Blood Moon asked again: “Leo, besides falling, do you think that if you don’t have enough tempering and stay in a comfortable environment and concentrate on cultivating, how much chance do you have to reach the sixth level?”

“This… doesn’t it mean that the potential limit of the extreme talent is level six? I think, if there is a comfortable environment and sufficient resources, there should be a great chance?” Leo mused, and he did think so. of. He always felt that as long as he was given enough blood, he should be able to stay at home and cultivate to the sixth level.

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