I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 1160

Chapter 550 Borrowed

“I don’t love warlock (

“Yeah.” The woman replied and left the room. Leo was still a little stunned, and soon the woman came back, got into the bed again, hugged Leo and kissed.

Leo faintly felt wrong. Although this woman still had the same perfume as Caroline, her figure seemed a little smaller.

“You’re not Caroline, who are you?” Leo asked with a frown.

The woman trembled nervously, and after a long silence, she said in a mosquito-like voice: “I am Elna.”

Leo froze for a moment, and a girl in a green court dress with big eyes and a little bit smaller than Caroline appeared in his mind.

She is Caroline’s younger sister, a few months younger than Caroline.

“…So, who was that just now?” A bad feeling faintly rose in Leo’s heart.

“Yes, it’s Sister Chris.” The woman, no, or should be called Princess Elna, replied in a shy tone.

Leo’s eyes widened slightly.

It turned out to be Chrissy, Caroline’s sister. She was very close to Caroline, but she looked more beautiful than Caroline. Although Leo was very random at the time of the selection, Caroline was actually the most beautiful of the five princesses at the time, and Chris was not included, otherwise Leo might have chosen this Chris.

Caroline mentioned later that Chrissy was arrogant, talented and unwilling to be gifted to someone too casually, so she rejected Archilak’s order at the time.

She is also one of the few princesses who can refuse Archilak’s order.

Leo stayed there for a long time before he asked without words: “Why? Wouldn’t you suffer like this?”

Erna put away her shyness, and said in an admiring tone: “You are a hero of the kingdom and the highest scarlet strongman. You are tall and handsome. You have long been the dream lover of every girl. Although you didn’t pick it. Me, but tonight’s affairs are my voluntary. I don’t want to be as lucky as sister Caroline to be favored by you, but as long as I have good memories tonight, I will have no regrets.”

This face is to blame again! Leo rolled his eyes and sighed helplessly, but noticed another meaning in Elna’s words.

“It’s voluntary? Then there are involuntary ones?” Leo asked in surprise.

Erna whispered: “Sister Chrissy was involuntary on the surface. She seemed to obey her father’s order, but I don’t know what she thought in her heart. Because this time her father ordered, she did not defy the same as last time. , Otherwise my father would not force her too much, let alone she grabbed the first one, we couldn’t grab her…”

Leo froze for a moment, recalling the woman’s initiative just now, and couldn’t help rolling his eyes, and said with a wry smile: “How many are there?”

“Father said that you have a special physique, and promised that if you have a child, you can inherit your special physique and become a super strong man in the future. He will let the child become the successor king regardless of male or female. So outside… there are several sisters.” Elna said softly.

“How many are several?” Leo almost fell into a coma when he heard it. He didn’t expect to be taken seriously by Archilak’s words just now, and he has also fixed such a place, obviously using him as a stallion.

“… Seven, seven, seven.” Elna replied like a mosquito.

Leo was angry and funny, and still couldn’t get angry. After all, this wasn’t something to harm him. Even for other men, a bunch of beautiful princesses waiting in line to be favored by him is a beautiful thing that cannot be sought in a lifetime.

Thinking about it further, his previous performance under the Holy Sun City was indeed a bit out of the ordinary. Coupled with the lightning-like promotion speed, Leo knew the reason for this special physique. Even if he didn’t say it, Archilak and others had already been there for a long time. Doubt, this scene will appear sooner or later today.

“Actually, don’t blame your father, it’s mainly because sister Caroline has been with you for three years, and her stomach hasn’t moved at all, and her father is very anxious, so she chose to do this.” Seeing that Leo stopped talking, Elna was very scared. He got angry and kissed Leo hard under the covers.

“You… alas, go out.” Leo smiled wryly.

“No, please, I say so much, if you even… I will be scolded to death.” Elna hugged Leo tightly, her voice terrible.

“You, oh, then you just lock the door, I can’t stand one by one.” Leo sighed, agreeing to Elna staying.

No words for a night.

The next day, Leo had a strange face and met with Akirak, and took over from him the complete blood map technique that recorded the collections of various countries, the snake pattern records of the eight-ringed snake and the nine-ringed snake, and some countries not inferior to Mora. The book of the name of the master of the blood map took Caroline out of the palace.

Caroline seemed completely unaware of what happened last night, and was always with her mother. Archilak played really well with this hand. Not only did it achieve the goal, Caroline didn’t know anything about it.

Returning to his residence Leo did not delay. While the people were still singing and dancing, he quietly left Saint Sun City, and started stealing the royal treasures of various countries and kidnapping blood maps of various countries. Master’s actions.

Two years have passed in a blink of an eye, and the entire world has been turned upside down by Leo. There are dozens of blood map masters no less than Mora missing. The supreme blood map or the eight-ringed snake and the nine snakes collected by the major kingdoms and empires have disappeared. Snake patterns related to the ring snake were stolen and robbed of dozens of volumes, but the culprit was never caught.

In fact, half a month after this incident occurred, as many defensive blood-red powerhouses were seriously injured in one blow, the major kingdoms basically guessed who was doing it. The blood map art and serpentine records are fine, after all, these countries must have kept a copy, just copy a copy and place it in a location that is easy to see, and let Leo “stolen” generously, it doesn’t matter. But those blood map masters who were kidnapped are truly irreparable losses.

In the underground palace of the Holy Sun Kingdom, Leo looked at the latest performance in front of him, received the final check of Master Mora, and confirmed that there was no problem with the eighth-level spirit snake blood drawing technique, with a trace of excitement on his face.

“Finally there is an eight-level spirit snake blood map technique! Next, you only need to practice to the scarlet level limit, and then kill an eight-ringed snake…” Leo’s thoughts turned to this, but he frowned.

He may have a bit of a bottom where the eight-ringed snake is, and almost encountered it when looking for the seven-ringed snake, which surprised him. But how to hunt the octopus is a big problem.

The Wantu Longsword is already the limit of this world’s forging art, but according to the previous rules and analogy, the snake scales of the eight-ringed snake must not be afraid of the Wantu Longsword, and there is only one chance to kill.

Void black source once a year.

“Master Leo, is there a problem with the Spirit Snake Blood Map technique?” Aqirak asked suspiciously when he saw Leo frown.

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