I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 1165

Chapter 555 Ink Red Might

“I don’t love warlock (

The imperial concubines of Aqirak are all beautiful women. Although most of them have given birth to children, they still do not lose their amorous feelings. People around them can see their blood soaring and they are short of breath. They are greatly envied by the soldiers. However, at this moment, more tragic human tragedies can be seen everywhere in Holy Sun City. These are only because of the identity of the imperial concubine that attracts more attention.

In the mournful cry of the imperial concubines, or the silent numbness, Orson’s expression was indifferent, not knowing what he was thinking, but Seriek watched with keen interest.

After about twenty minutes, suddenly Orson, Kurtaz, and Seryek looked up to the right at the same time. A person stood only twenty meters away from them with a cold face, staring at all this.

“Master Leo!” The princesses who have survived so far and the remaining princesses who have not been ravaged, screamed like they saw a savior.

“You finally showed up!” Orson lifted his spirits, and while speaking, he drew out the long sword dignifiedly, while Seriek’s face was also dignified.

“Leo? You are the shrunken head…” Kurtaz’s mocking voice was not over yet, Leo’s figure had reached him strangely, and a sword pierced his throat.

“So fast!” Kurtaz stood upside down, and Lingjue told him that this sword would be the biggest crisis of his life. At the moment of the moment, he tried his best to stimulate the blood boiling power, with a battle axe in his hand, trying to block Leo’s long sword, to get a moment of breathing opportunity.

Strangely, Leo’s long sword seemed to sway downwards foreseeably, just avoiding Kurtaz’s axe, piercing through the gap of his golden armor, a sword pierced the throat, and at the same time the blood boiled power. Cut off Kurtaz’s head.

At this time, Orson and Seriek had just saved, the speed difference between the two sides was more than a little bit.

“No, this is definitely not Scarlet, he has been promoted to Crimson!” Orson was shocked, immediately stopped the next moment, turned around without saying a word and ran away.

Leo withdrew his long sword, turned his head and smiled at Seryek who reacted slowly, and he appeared in front of him, with a sword pierced into his chest.

“Damn Bosser, you sell me!” Seeing Orson running away, Serijek was shocked, angry and terrified, and waved a long knife to try to parry. But the scene just now played out again. Leo’s long sword foreknowledge generally penetrates the gap of the long knife, and pierces Seriek’s eyes from above like a lightning, straight into his brain.

Seriek was killed instantly, and at this moment Orson had already ran a hundred meters.

“Want to go? Hey, you are the most **** one!” Leo knew that only Orson, who had played against him, could tell the three Scarlet Powers to join forces against him, although he didn’t know what deal they had behind him. But Leo was quite certain about this, so after killing Seriek, he didn’t stop at all, and quickly chased Orson.

Just like the female eight-ringed snake chasing Leo that day, with a huge speed gap, Orson only fled for another ten seconds before being chased by Leo behind him, piercing his vest with a sword.

“I’m so regretful, I should find a way to kill you sooner!” Knowing that he would die, Orson turned helplessly to resist, while sighing in annoyance.

Leo’s sword fell directly on Orson’s long sword, and the extremely terrifying force shook the long sword open and stabbed it on Wantu’s armor. With the blessing of the black blood boiling power, the Sacred Sun’s sword forcibly pierced the strongest Wantu armor and inserted it into Orson’s heart.

“Okay, so strong, is this the strength of the Mohong rank?” Orson asked miserably.

“How did you guess that I could be promoted to the Crimson Rank?” Leo was also full of doubts.

After all, there has never been a Mohong-level powerhouse in this world. This Orson actually united three Scarlet-level powerhouses who were competing with each other to besie him, it was indeed a bit weird.

“Kurtaz and Seryek don’t believe it, but my instinct tells me that this is likely to happen, coupled with your perverted promotion speed along the way, so…” At the end of the words, Orson asked sadly: “You will How to treat my country?”

Leo didn’t expect that he would still care about this when he died, and replied in an indifferent voice: “Return ten times.”

Orson’s eyes widened, and he let out his last breath unwillingly, completely killed.

“The seventh level of this world is too far from the wild seven. It would even die if it pierced the heart.” Leo secretly shook his head, the habitual blood boiling force smashed Orson’s internal organs, and then Looking back, he slaughtered all the soldiers of the three major empires, including the soldiers who were trembling on the imperial concubine and had not yet reacted.

“Your Majesty, although I’m a step late, I’m back.” Leo put away his sword and stood at the gate of the underground palace and said calmly.

The tunnel of the underground palace opened, and a large group of soldiers rushed out, and then Archilak quickly walked out, and as soon as he grasped Leo’s arm, tears were already rolling down.

“Your Majesty, don’t cry, it’s time for us to counterattack By the way, how about the kingdom’s army losses?” Leo thought for a while and wanted to ask.

“This time the three empires are centered on three scarlet powerhouses, leading the elite cavalry army to make a raid, directly crossing all of our gates and going straight to Holy Sun City, and the city gates were also forcibly broken by the three of them. The whole process was a raid from the border. It only took twelve days to break the Holy Sun City. Therefore, except for the 200,000 Royal Legion in the Holy Sun City, there was a great loss, and the legions everywhere had almost no losses.” Although Aqirak was hiding in the underground palace, he was very concerned about the situation. The grasp is very clear.

“That’s good, I will immediately clean up the strong in the Holy Sun City. Your Majesty, let the spy use a signal to guide me. If you find a level five or six strong, I will send a signal, and I will rush immediately.” Leo finished holding the sword. Leaving quickly, leaving behind Aqirak.

As the king of the Holy Sun Kingdom, Leo didn’t believe that he had no hidden power, so it shouldn’t be difficult to send a signal.

Not long afterwards, flares flew all over the Holy Sun City. As Leo was running around, the soldiers of the three empires he saw along the way also slaughtered. After more than a day, the Holy Sun City finally returned to the Holy Sun Kingdom. Under control.

The whole city was immersed in grief, countless nobles, ministers and soldiers, as well as almost all the princes of Archilak, as well. . . . The three imperial concubines.

Leo was also taken aback for a while when he heard the news of the death of the three imperial concubines, and sighed secretly.

Not any woman can bear that kind of experience, let alone under the eyes of so many people. There are still seven choices to survive, which has exceeded Leo’s estimate.

In this tragic catastrophe of the Holy Sun City, it was not the imperial concubines who were humiliated, the prince princesses who were killed, and the hundreds of thousands of royal regiments that were lost, but the ministers who died. .

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