I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 1186

Chapter 576 Holy Wall and Skeleton

A cage made entirely of skeletons fell from the sky and immediately enveloped Leo.

“Even if you are a Yaohong-level powerhouse, you will fall here today!” Helas gritted his teeth and pressed a mechanism again, and countless dark poisonous smoke poured into the bone cage.

“Oh, are you sure?” Leo shook his head indifferently, drew out a curved sword on his back, slashed like a lightning, and the bone cage was instantly cut off silently and escaped easily.

“What? Impossible. This is a cage made of Yaohong-level beast bones. How could it be cut off so easily?” Hulas shouted in shock.

But at this moment Leo had already arrived in front of him, putting the sword on his neck without saying a word, and said coldly: “Go ahead, where is that predictable treasure?”

“Bah!” Hellas spit out at Leo.

Leo dodged and didn’t bother to talk nonsense. He raised his sword and cut his limbs off, then pointed his sword at his throat again and asked: “Are you going to say it now, or after watching me kill all the people in the cathedral? Say it again?”

“Dreaming, since we can’t conquer the Kingdom of the Holy Sun, we will all die when the big cold wave comes. Anyway, we will die sooner or later, then die now!” Heras roared loudly, even for Leo. Tell everyone present.

Leo was stunned for a moment and nodded: “What you said makes sense, it seems that you can’t say it anymore.” As soon as the voice fell, a sword chopped off Heras’ head.

“The Pope!” The soldiers and strong men of the Northern Cold Empire present were shocked, and a layer of blood appeared in their eyes randomly, even if they knew that they were defeated, they rushed towards Leo frantically.

“These are all fanatics?” Leo was slightly surprised, but not afraid, raising his sword to start a **** massacre. There are two golden centipede swords and golden centipede leather armor. Leo is not afraid of any damage at all. His killing is extremely efficient, but he has killed hundreds of people in a few minutes.

There is no difference between the strong and the soldiers under Leo’s sword.

“Today, I will continue to kill until someone tells me where the prophetic treasures and holy beast caves are.” Leo’s loud voice spread throughout Northern Cold City.

Three hours later, the cathedral’s blood flowed into a river, Leo walked out of the cathedral with his swords in hand, and pushed forward step by step along the thick river of blood.

In front of him, tens of thousands of troops from the Northern Han Empire. Under Leo’s step by step, the army was terrified and forced to retreat step by step.

The book kiosks that book friends used before have been hung up, and now they are basically using \mi\mi\ to read\app\\.

“Tell me, you don’t have to die.” Leo said to the soldier in the front row in a bewitching tone.

The soldiers in the front row turned pale and said nothing.

“Oh, that’s not a big secret, even you know it.” Leo tried out what he wanted to know, and said with a big smile: “Millions of Northern Han people, I don’t believe there can be no one who is afraid of death. ”

When the words fell, Leo turned into a **** whirlwind and rushed into the army to slaughter wildly.

A few minutes later, someone in the chaotic army cried and shouted: “Let us go, the holy wall and holy beast cave are on the top of the holy peak behind the cathedral.”

Leo was taken aback for a moment, and quickly killed the Beihan soldiers beside him, then stopped and stared at the crying soldier and asked, “Is that right?”

The soldier’s feet trembled, but at this time he dared not answer.

Leo flashed to him, the golden centipede fell, and the soldier was killed immediately. Then he looked at a soldier next to him and asked, “Is that right?”

“Yes, yes, yes.” This soldier can no longer care about other things. It is better to be liquidated afterwards than to die immediately.

Leo silently turned his head to look at the mountain peak behind the cathedral that went straight into the sky, then pointed to another soldier and asked, “This is the holy peak?”

The soldier nodded his head.

“Haha, yes, yes, you are very smart.” Leo laughed with satisfaction, put away his swords and ran towards the mountain. The temperature got lower and lower along the way, but he felt nothing like that. It took him ten minutes to reach the top of the mountain and saw a huge ice wall in front of him.

At this moment, his heart shook frantically, and his instinct told him that the destination of this trip was this ice wall.

“I thought it was going to help the Holy Sun Empire to unify the entire territory, and then with the help of the Holy Sun Empire, it sent countless people to search for strange places, and then checked them one by one to find the chaos entrance. I didn’t expect…” Leo Youyou sighed, before walking to the ice wall, countless illusions appeared in turn.

This is the sight that the creatures in the illusion can see. If you really want to wander into chaos, Leo must reach out and press on the ice wall, and his soul will enter chaos. And this ice wall can be predicted, that is to say, this is likely to be the special entrance that the **** of tricks said, and you can see some scenes of the past.

But Leo did not stretch out his hand. Instead, he observed the scene on the ice wall and murmured: “Sure enough, there will be a world-destroying cold wave, and it will come in about three years. At that time, except for a small piece of the original Saint Sun Kingdom. Regions and other places will be caught in the Doomsday Judgment of the Great Cold Wave. Ordinary animals and plants freeze to death, and higher animals and plants freeze to death due to the slow lack of food It is really shocking, how many people will die this time?”

“No, I definitely don’t have defense power when I wander into Chaos. I must let Aqirak send an army to the Northern Cold City as soon as possible, and list the Holy Peak as a forbidden place, so that I can travel in Chaos with peace of mind. After I swim in Chaos, this trip is considered complete , And then consider finding a way out.” Leo quickly had a plan in his heart. When he turned around to leave, he suddenly thought of the Holy Beast Cave.

“Holy beast?” Leo frowned, his eyes locked on the cave behind the ice wall, and he thought about it and walked in.

After the long passage, Leo saw the skeleton from a distance, opened his mouth in shock, and exclaimed in an incredible way: “How is this possible, how can it be here?”

In the creator’s notes, he drew an image of a time-lost dream beast, but Leo never thought that this time he would not only encounter a special entrance to the chaos related to the past, but also see the **** of tricks, but he never saw it. Skeletons of Time Lost Dream Beasts.

Shocked for five full minutes, Leo suddenly felt a little strange.

In my mind, the mysterious little tree that has been unable to feel has a hazy illusion, which is constantly swaying happily.

“Impossible, it should be the seed of the World Tree, how could it be related to the Time-Lost Dream Beast?” Leo was astonished.

After groaning for a while, Leo faintly guessed that this time he could find the bones of the Time-Lost Dream Beast, it is likely that the mysterious tree played a special role, but more doubts continued to flow in his mind.

For example, why didn’t you show up here last time? These doubts couldn’t be answered, Leo finally settled for a long time and began to approach the Time Lost Dream Beast.

Step by step, the closer you get, the stronger the coercion of the cold. Leo gritted his teeth and walked to a distance of less than ten meters from the skeleton, and finally could no longer move forward. He stood in a stalemate for a while, and slowly retreated.

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