I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 1193

Chapter 583 20 years

An ordinary family that has inherited the fifth-level spirit snake blood map technique, but has not yet produced a fifth-level strong. Self-preservation is enough, but it is temporarily unable to restore the glory of Akama when he was alive.

When Alodi was alone, Leo appeared in front of him.

“You, who are you?” Alodi grabbed the hilt of the sword in horror and asked harshly.

Leo slowly turned his head and looked at the middle-aged man who looked like Akama in front of him. He showed a slight smile and said calmly: “In the last few years of his life, Mr. Akama accepted me as a student and taught him My spirit snake blood drawing technique. However, for the sake of protecting me, he did not disclose it to others. Do you know about this?”

Alodi looked slightly relaxed and looked up and down Leo and replied: “Grandpa once mentioned that he had accepted a genius named Vatra. But in order to prevent his enemy from envy, he took the assassination, and he just quietly told me. Later, grandpa. I didn’t see the Vatra when I passed away, thinking there was an accident, I almost forgot.”

Leo nodded secretly and smiled: “I am Vatra. Of course, I changed my name later. Now my name is Leo.”

“Leo?” Alodi stunned for a moment, and said with a weird expression: “This name… seems to be the same name as the Imperial War God Master Leo…”

Leo chuckled without explaining, turned his head and looked at his home, and found that his family was pretty good, but it was only relative to ordinary people. In other words, the descendants of Akama have fallen.

“You are the grandson of the teacher, so… Do you want to go to the Imperial City with me? Let me think about it, a spare job in the military department, plus a title, your majesty should give me this face.” Leo touched his chin. Said.

Alodi looked at Leo dumbfounded, not knowing what he was talking about.

“Follow me back to the King City. You know in the next big cold wave. If one is wrong, the teacher’s blood will be severed. When you get there, I will arrange for you. You will follow your Majesty in the future and there will be no problems.” Ou smiled faintly and sent out an invitation.

“This…” It was impossible for Alodi to hear a stranger say casually, and he took his family to relocate, and began to consider how to refuse.

At this moment, Leo tossed him a token. The gleaming golden word “Marshal” on it shocked his heart. He hesitated to reverse the token. On the back was a small line of “Canonization of Master Leo as the Empire”. Marshal”, followed by the seal of the King of the Holy Day.

“This is… Imperial King Seal, you, you are Master Leo?” Alodi asked dullly as if being hit by thunder.

Leo smiled and nodded and said: “Call your family to follow me. Everything here can be given up. I believe that with my face, Your Majesty will give you a good arrangement and will not let you down.”

Alodi stayed for a long time, still feeling a little incredulous in his heart, unable to believe that the last student of his grandfather was the most powerful man who oppressed the entire world. However, in fact, Akama said a lot to him, but because the name didn’t match up before, he naturally wouldn’t think about it. But at this moment, being prompted by Leo, he thought of something as soon as he changed his mind, and secretly thought about it: “According to rumors, the time of Master Leo’s rise was not long after his grandfather passed away, and he was also practicing the spirit snake blood drawing technique. That’s right, plus his weird way of appearing just now, it’s very likely. Besides, my family is now just an ordinary family, and I only have second-level strength. It’s not worth fooling a strong man like him.”

With a decision in his heart, Alodi gritted his teeth, called his wife and two children, took the valuables at home, and followed Leo straight to the city.

“It’s a big deal to come back again, and there is no loss.” Aluodi thought this way before leaving, but it is a pity that his life will usher in a bright moment, and he will never return to this place.

Since talking with Leo, Akirak’s strategy has changed drastically. Those nobles and ministers who rely on relationships and power to control the political situation of the Holy Day Empire have been promised by Akirak to move into the safe area, and they will be loyal to their army. garrison. However, those nobles and ministers who were loyal to Akirak were left out of the safe zone by Akirak.

At the same time, Katevana followed Leo, with the army of the loyal royal family, and their family, rushing to the terrorist forest for development. The clever and knowledgeable nobles and ministers knew the horror of the tenth-level blood beasts, so they looked at all this with pitying eyes and didn’t mean to join.

Two years later, more than half of the people in Nanzhou entered the terrorist forest. Although crises occurred from time to time, under the protection of Leo, the level ten blood beasts expected by the nobles did not appear.

That is, in the last year, the entire Saint-Sun royal family and the army loyal to them suddenly left Saint-Sun City, declaring that they would open up more land for the Saint-Sun Kingdom, and all entered the terrorist forest. At this time, the nobles and ministers who were not loyal to Akirak reacted, but they were reluctant to bear the safe area they had already obtained and the countless food stocks hesitated and did not follow.

When three years came, the big cold wave arrived as scheduled. Rolling cold currents rushed from nowhere behind the perpetually frozen mountains, pressing the temperature on the four continents to above minus seventy degrees, the extinction of life, and the withering of everything, it is no longer suitable for ordinary people to survive.

The entire human world is divided into four, the terrorist forest, the plateau of despair, and the Thousand Needles Forest, plus the millions of people in the Saint-Japanese National Security Zone, have begun a long century of struggle for survival.

Twenty years have passed in a flash, and a magnificent city has been established in the depths of the terrorist forest. The gray-haired Akilak was lying on the hospital bed and entered the final stage of his life.

Before the hospital bed, Archilak looked at Leo who was sitting still, as if he saw the scene of the encounter 40 or 50 years ago, and said enviously: “I really envy you strong men. Time seems to never leave a trace on you. ”

Leo opened his eyes, smiled slightly and said nothing.

In fact, although the lifespan of a strong person who cultivates blood map art is much longer than that of ordinary people, it is still far worse than the wild cultivation system, and the lifespan of the Scarlet level is only two to three hundred years. However, Leo’s physical strengthening technique is completely different, and its life span is on par with the wild cultivation technique, so Akirak’s sigh is half right.

“Will Katevana have the same life span as you in the future?” Archilak was still a little curious and asked.

Leo looked at him, thought for a while and said: “Actually, you should have guessed from Katerina’s rapid promotion. She is practicing my secret power, which is very different from the traditional blood map technique. The life span is far longer than that. Other strong people of the same level. If nothing happens, she will have a life span of several thousand years, and she will have more powerful strength than other peers.”

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