I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 125

Chapter 125 Snake Girl and Tavern

In the autumn of 33322 on the Qiming calendar, Leo had lived in Blood Moon City for almost two years. Since after being promoted to an official knight, there will be no risk of dropping out, and Palmer will no longer check the progress of Leo’s cultivation. Without anyone knowing, Leo can achieve an improvement rate equal to about 20 times the average level of the Breaking Army Academy every time he drinks blood and improves his strength at an unprecedented rate of promotion.

About one month and two days after the Winter Festival, Leo reached the limit of elementary knights. After being stuck for three days in front of the level, he was successfully promoted to middle knights and completed many trainings that the talented people need two or three years to complete. . Then after another two months and five days, he reached the limit of a medium knight. After being stuck for six days in front of the level, he was promoted to a high knight again, completing many talented people who needed more than four years of penance. Then nearly five months later, Leo reached the limit of a high knight. This time, he stuck for a full 16 days before being promoted to the super knight level, and then he was barely promoted to super knight, completing the penance that many people take an average of ten years to complete.

Leo’s achievements in less than two years will require a lot of people to spend eighteen years to smooth it out. This is still in the Po Military Academy. It may be more than 20 years before the students from the lower academies of the Blood Moon Principality, or those from the military academy, are replaced. However, Leo also knew that the students of Pojun Academy had basically abandoned all the methods that would leave troubles because of their lofty ambitions. But in other small academies, there are also the largest number of free knights, many people in order to quickly improve, will take some medicine to speed up the speed of cultivation, but will leave unknown hidden dangers.

In this cruel world, sometimes many people know the pros and cons, but they are forced to choose this way. Only some students of the Po Military Academy can abandon all adverse effects and slowly pursue their own path.

With Leo’s current cultivation base, he actually has the qualifications to be promoted to the Great Knight. Only this time, as the level increases, it is basically impossible to obtain something similar to a battle potion.

In October of this year, seven days after he was promoted to Super Cavaliers, something bad happened. Goode’s family ushered in a second male heir, so the annuity supply to Goode was immediately cut off. In other words, Goode is going to be self-reliant.

Since the beginning of the year, Goode’s expenses have become obviously tight. In the past, he always went to the secret medicine store and directly purchased the refined secret medicine, but now he bought the crystal marrow and the herbal medicine himself, and spent a period of time making the secret medicine once a day, just to save one-tenth of the money. . Fortunately, Leo’s dormitory does not often have meals, and it saves a lot of money compared to other dorms. Goode is not short of money for the time being. However, there are still eight full years left, and his money will definitely not be able to support that day.

Goode encounters a financial crisis, and Leo is not much better. The 50,000 gold coins agreed with the slave merchant to buy a third-level war elephant, the time limit for the exchange is approaching. Although Jax himself is not short of money, he must also consider for the future. With his elementary talent, a lot of money is indispensable if he can catch up with Goode’s cultivation speed. So after the three people got together and discussed, they finally decided to do something together and make money together.

As for what to do? Of course it was a pub, and it was a pure pub. The Jax family territory specializes in a kind of raw material for wine making. The wine produced is very distinctive and is a famous local wine. It’s just that the brewing process is very complicated and requires high demands on the brewers, so the output has always been low, and it is only famous locally and cannot be spread.

Of the two hundred snake girls that Leo bought, one-third of them had already been planted with bloodworms, plus the original more than thirty, which had exceeded one hundred, reaching the limit of his control.

It was a waste of these snake girls to keep them for nothing, so Leo randomly selected a few snake girls, and Jax taught them the winemaking techniques to try. After testing, they found that although these snake girls have lost their power, their original strength and subtle control over their bodies are not comparable to ordinary brew servants. After familiarizing themselves for a while, they have completely mastered the brewing craftsmanship of that kind of wine, and they can already brew the wine on a large scale from the Jax family territory.

In mid-October, the three jointly paid for a small tavern that was intended for sale. Jax supplies raw materials, Leo produces free snake-girl slaves, and Goode is responsible for manpower. He was busy looking at shops, negotiating, taking over and other chores. In this way, the three people divided the work, and the Augustus Tavern was opened.

Augustus is a fusion of Leo, Goode, and Jax, each of which has an ancient and noble meaning, and was unanimously agreed by the three.

The raw material produced in the Jax family territory is called blue berry, and the local wine is called blue berry wine. After the Snake Girl can brew, originally Goode and Jax decided to sell them directly under the original name, but Leo, who was influenced by the era of the information explosion and knew the benefits of differentiation, immediately opposed it.

After some preparations, Leo forcibly divided a blue berry wine into sky blue wine, sea blue wine and clear blue wine according to the degree of blending. Sky blue wine is the purest blue berry wine, the highest price, a bottle of ten silver coins. The sea blue wine was tested for three days, mixed with hundreds of other wines, and finally selected a mare wine that can blend perfectly, blended into two thirds, the taste is very special, and the price is three silver coins. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com and the clear blue wine is made by Leo looking for a very light fruit juice blend. Among them, the blueberry wine is only one-tenth, and the degree is very low. It is a bit of fruit wine, and the price is one silver coin. .

At this point, the Augustus Tavern officially opened, and the small tavern hired a few human girls as maids, and a few cooks who were good at cooking to make some small food for wine. The core is of course sky blue wine, but the other two kinds of wine and a variety of snacks are also indispensable.

However, the start gave the three a heavy blow. For half a month, only a handful of customers came. Although there are gradually returning customers, compared with their thousands of gold coins, the daily income of dozens of silver coins is simply horrible.

“What’s the reason? Jax, didn’t you say that the supply of blueberry wine is in short supply in your house?” Goode looked a little anxious. For this tavern, he invested several hundred gold coins.

Jax was also very puzzled, frowning and said: “In our hometown, a bottle of blueberry wine is indeed ten silver coins, and it is very difficult to buy. I don’t understand why the blood moon city can’t sell it at a good price?”

Leo has been meditating since the beginning, and now he has some thoughts. Turning to ask Goode: “I wasn’t there when I took over this tavern. Do you remember what grades of wine the tavern used to sell?”

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