I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 131

Chapter 131 Speculation behind the scenes

At this time, Davina continued: “Of course, the talent of knights is not Chinese cabbage. Although most people have talents, they are only the worst inferior talents. The slow cultivation speed is of no value at all. But in the two With a huge civilian base of 100 million, thousands of elementary talents have been unearthed over the years, and hundreds of intermediate and advanced talents can be discovered every year, and even super talents will be discovered every few years.”

“Unfortunately, most of the high and super talents are in the hands of local lords, and only a large number of elementary and medium talents. Because the training time is long and consumes a lot of resources, the local lords only received a small amount of money in consideration of gains and losses. Part of it is mostly in the hands of the Grand Duke. This is also the source of the Ten Legions.”

“Davina, I understand.” Leo nodded silently, and decided in his heart that if he had his own territory in the future, all children with knight talent would stay.

Davina stared at Leo at this time and asked: “I have said so long, this time you can tell me, how did you let the Blood Killing Legion be dispatched?”

Leo didn’t understand this, so he shrugged and replied, “I just told Mr. Palmer about the matter, and I don’t know everything behind. Maybe they are in a bad mood and take these people out. Out of breath?”

“Teacher Palmer…” Davina was silent for a while, as if thinking of something, smiled at Leo and didn’t ask any more. She chatted with Leo casually for a while, then checked out and left. Yes, she has to pay for drinking, because Leo is not in the tavern alone.

After Davina left, Jax suddenly appeared and smiled: “Leo, are you interested in taking her? I think she is very interested in you. According to my experience, as long as you are interested, use a little bit. The means is easy to win.”

Leo recalled the girl with a large sword with both hands on her back, her fierce and compelling gaze from time to time, her mouth twitched, and she shook her head quickly and said, “No, too tough. I think Davina is only suitable for being a friend.”

After a pause, he suddenly looked at Jax curiously, with an inexplicable smile on his mouth, and said: “Jax, you are not interested in yourself, did you deliberately test me? By the way, you guys Snake girl is not let go, the taste is very strange, it is really hard to say. However, you guy is too messy, Davina is my friend, I can’t cheat her. It’s Goode…”

Leo smiled and turned to look at Goode, and asked, “Goode, Davina, mercenary princess, are you interested? If you are interested, I can help!”

“No interest.” Goode refused decisively, and then said sternly: “Leo, Jax, now that the Black Hand Brotherhood has come to an end, let’s continue to concentrate on the academy. This time when the three of us asked for leave together, Teacher Palmer’s sullen face, I still feel a little trembling in my heart now.”

“Yes, yes, yes… the old man has a black hand, and he actually punished me for running ten miles with a stone of 200 jin last time. Even if I have been promoted to the reserve knight in advance, I can’t stand his cruel torture!” Jia Kesi said with a horror, a layer of fine sweat really appeared on his forehead, and he didn’t know if it was hot or was really so scared.

“This… well, there is Kenner anyway, we don’t have to worry.” Leo nodded in agreement. Now that the tavern is stable and there is a housekeeper watching it, they don’t need to care about it anymore and waste time. The focus is on your own strength!

From this day on, Leo’s life has once again returned to calm, but at the end of each month, the three people in the dormitory will meet in the pub. While checking the accounts, it is also a rare opportunity to have a meal and relax outside. In addition, the small troubles were solved by a few snake girls, and the big troubles inquired about the fate of the Black Hand Brotherhood, and did not dare to come to the door at all, and the management of the tavern gradually stabilized.

During this period, a mysterious officer appeared and placed a long-term order to buy 30,000 bottles of sky blue wine every month. In this way, the bistro of Rio’s trio can sell about 45,000 bottles of blue wine in one month. Each bottle deducts five silver coins from the raw material cost of the Jax family, other things such as the food, clothing, housing and transportation expenses of the snake girls, the salary of a few human maids hired by the tavern, the salary of the chefs who make food, and the salaries of the taverns. The miscellaneous expenses, add up to less than one silver coin, and the net profit has reached four silver coins! This kind of wine alone brings a monthly net income of 1,800 gold coins to the Augustus Tavern. Add in the income from Shanghai blue wine and clear blue wine, as well as the seemingly inconspicuous but in fact a lot of small food, and the monthly net income is about 2,800 to 3,000 gold coins. The three are evenly divided, and each person can receive between nine hundred and one thousand gold coins a month.

Of course, the biggest source of gold coins is the order of the mysterious officer. Leo had no clue about this, and neither did Jax and Goode. When asked the officer, he didn’t say that the wine was carried away by the carriage he brought. This matter has always become the doubt in the hearts of the three.

The problem of the source of Goode’s gold coins stabilized. It was already the end of December, and Leo slowly unveiled its veil on the second Winter Festival when Leo came to this world. UU reading www.uukanshu.com is at this moment, Palmer brings a message to Leo.

“The Grand Duke is about to leave Bloodmoon City again and go deep into the wild and deep, looking for opportunities for breakthrough. Mrs. Adela will definitely be there, so… you should know what this means.” Palmer looked very solemn when he spoke. .

“Does it mean that I am no longer safe even if I stay in Blood Moon City? Teacher, can you tell me who is behind the assassination of me?” Leo had been wondering this question in his heart, and took this opportunity to ask come out.

Palmer pondered for a moment, and finally nodded and said: “From the time you measured the extreme talent in the academy, some things are doomed because of the position. There are many people who don’t want you to grow up, but the direct interest is related to The commanders at the bottom of the top ten corps. To be precise, they are the bottom two.”

“Because there are so many fourth-level powerhouses in the Principality, to make you understand, you have to mention the situation of the top ten legions. Among them, the Blood Killing Legion and the Moonlight Legion are the ace legions, and the commanders are all fifth-level powerhouses, so there is no need to discuss it. Then, although some of the remaining eight legions are still fourth-level powerhouses, they are either outstanding, or they belong to geniuses, have a great opportunity to break through to the fifth level, or they are the people most trusted by the Duke. In any case, they are not. Will be replaced. So, the only possibility is the bottom two.”

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