I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 142

Chapter 142 Spell Sequence

“Recruiting great knights! You need to have outstanding strength, bring your own armed with superior level two or higher, and have no special skills. You have to stay in the city of ten thousand beasts for more than a year, and have a good reputation. Our goal is a group of level two strange beasts, maybe It’s a great harvest! It’s interesting to talk about it in detail. In terms of strength, our captain will personally test it.”

“Recruiting sorcerers and preparing sorcerers are also fine. Healing expertise is required, whether it is magic or drug treatment, to ensure that teammates can maintain combat effectiveness under a large number of minor injuries for at least half an hour. If you can do it, you can come over and talk in detail.”…

Leo observed for a while, and suddenly found that most of the requirements for knights are very demanding. In addition to the requirements for strength and equipment, there is also the number of years to stay in the local area, and what reputation is needed. Could it be to prevent sudden black hands from behind? Why didn’t the warlock have those messy requirements?

Leo started to pay attention to the number of warlocks in a strange way. At this point, he had to admit that among the ten knights, there would be a warlock in a long robe. Hey, maybe not necessarily a warlock, or just a preparation warlock. No wonder the knights and warlocks treat these hunting teams differently when recruiting personnel.

“Speaking of which, I am also a half warlock!” Leo touched his chin and began to ponder.

He is a sorcerer who can reach the highest level of magic, but knows no spells. Originally, he would definitely not touch the sorcerer’s things, it was too complicated. But this age and reputation completely stumped him. For this reason, kill a person to transform it, right?

This time coming to the Jade Province, Leo was prepared for a long time. Because he is already a super knight, once the breakthrough reaches the second level, the blood of the stone armor will lose its effect, or even if it is not lost, the effect will be very poor. You must go to the wild to hunt the bronze armored rhinoceros on the spot. Drink blood to practice.

The reason is naturally that the taste of the violent rhinoceros meat is not very different. There is no hunting team that has the leisure, and let the first-level stone-armored violent rhinoceros that are easily captured not to catch, but to catch the second-level copper-clad violent rhino. As for those who only seek crystal marrow, fools catch them alive, running around with a few thousand catties of weight. They directly killed the crystal marrow, valuable rhino horns and rhino hides, and discarded other parts. This is what they did.

“It seems that I’m really going to be a Warlock for a while, otherwise I won’t get into the hunting team. When I get familiar with it, I will change back to the knighthood.” Leo shook his head with a wry smile, turned and left the recruitment set. city.

He is going to make some preparations, buy a house for permanent residence, and wait for an instant to recharge in one month, and second, learn one or two spells to fill the facade.

Soon Leo found a house that was on sale, paid for it, and prepared daily necessities. In order to save worry, he also recruited a maid to take care of his food, clothing, shelter and transportation. After doing all this, he went to the street, bought a copy of the most common earthen spells in a luxurious warlock shop, went home and started looking through it.

This spell book records three first-level spells, stone blasting, rock shield, and trapping, as well as the corresponding knowledge of these three spells. The thickness is as thick as a brick. This is still the thinnest and cheapest one after Leo chose.

After returning home, Leo read the entire book and figured out three spells.

Rockblasting, as the name suggests, is to pick up a stone and shoot it out suddenly under the action of a spell. It is very powerful. The key is that this spell can explode any stone, including refined props. The power of props and spells are superimposed, and it is known as one of the strongest attack spells at the first level.

“This spell is very interesting. It feels like a knight who is a good archer.” Leo touched his chin and turned to the second type.

The rock shield, as the name suggests, is to pick up rocks or gravel on the ground to quickly form a shield. The advantage of this spell’s defense depends entirely on the quality of the rocks that make up the shield. If it is rigid stone or the like, then the defense is terrifying under the blessing of magical energy. Disadvantages are naturally defensive. If there is only mud, sand and the like around him, even with the blessing of mana, it is a tasteless one.

“If you have the legendary space equipment, the earth-based spells are really promising. No, it’s not right. Even if the space equipment contains a stone or the like, it will be too slow to take out, and it will be useless to deal with sudden attacks. There is only to fight a ring. , The earth magic is the most powerful.” Leo pondered and shook his head slightly.

Then there is trapping. This is very weird. It takes a full quarter of an hour to cast a spell to create a huge and delicate trap. Leo felt that this was simply a waste spell, at least for Leo who would bring a large number of his subordinates in the future, it was useless at all.

“Stone blasting and rock shields look good.” Rio Mo rubbed his chin a little bit uncertain. Two full courses? Just kidding, he just pretended to be able to learn one, but it would be good to learn two?

After thinking about it, Leo finally chose the stone blasting technique.

Why would this be an attack spell? When you go to join the hunting team, someone will definitely let you show off. Would you just open a shield? Only the powerful attacking spells like blasting can perform casually and adapt to the scene.

Anyway, Leo’s purpose is to get into a hunting group and follow them to learn hunting experience, especially the distribution of alien animals in the Emerald Plain. Without the leadership of these earth-headed snakes, it would be troublesome to hit a third- and fourth-level alien beast territory like Shane did last time.

Now that it has been selected, UU Read www.uukanshu.com Leo began to prepare for learning. With this in-depth study, he realized how correct the Cavaliers were.

“Well, if you want to learn rockblasting, you have to learn the frontal stone shooting first? Well, this is a preparation spell, that is, shooting a stone directly in the hand. The power is about the same as the arrow shot by the preparation knight with a bow and arrow.”

Leo took a look at the introduction, then went back to the previous pages, found the content of the stone shooting technique, and checked what conditions are needed to learn it. He started to feel dizzy again, frowning and grinning bitterly: “If you want to learn this stone shooting technique, you have to first learn the basics of spell structure, rune basics, diversion of foreign magic power, potion making, etc. a lot of knowledge and skills. Of course, there is also the most fundamental meditation technique that cannot be bypassed. This… my god, my brain hurts.”

However, after reading the introduction to the stone shooting technique, Leo finally knew the battle method of the preparation warlock.

They don’t have magical powers themselves, and their physical strength is almost the same as ordinary people. How can they fight? So they have to learn to make medicines, mainly a kind of preparation magic potion. The magical energy contained in this medicine, which is split, dissolved, and diluted with the corresponding first-level crystal marrow, is already regarded as a kind of secondary magical energy. It can also bear it to prepare the body of the sorcerer, and it can be temporarily possessed by the preparation sorcerer A secondary mana, lasting about an hour or the mana in the potion is exhausted, enough for them to cast several preparation spells.

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