I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 169

Chapter 169 Fatal temptation

“Add another hundred hobgoblins!” Palmer looked at him for a while, and suddenly added.

Leo was taken aback for a moment, and he wanted to refuse, but suddenly he stuck in his mouth and couldn’t speak.

Essence of the earth, that is the essence of the earth element corresponding to the essence of flame, each knight with ordinary talents has the ability to cultivate for three months, and there is no future trouble. At the market price of thirty thousand one, this is almost three million gold coins, and there is still no market. To put it another way, if you don’t count the bottlenecks and levels, it is equivalent to twenty-four years of penance for an ordinary talented knight!

“Gudong!” Leo swallowed forcibly, his brain spinning quickly. One hundred thousand gold coins is nothing, but money can always be earned. But with a hundred hobgoblins, Palmer definitely doesn’t have the right to call the shots. In other words, this is the reward offered by the Grand Duke through Palmer. Of course, trading a hundred hobgoblins in exchange for opening the door to a foreign country is still a profitable business, but for Leo, it is necessary to consider the risks involved.

Seeing Leo began to ponder, Palmer said with a smile: “Don’t worry, this task will be given to you after you reach level three or even level 4. It should belong to the last ring or the second to last ring. , At that time, you will be equipped with a strange magic weapon to temporarily seal your combat ability, so that it will not be noticed by the aliens. More importantly, the essence of the earth, when the Grand Duke returns this time, you can reward you in advance to speed up Your cultivation!”

When Palmer said this, his face became serious, and he solemnly said: “Leo, the preciousness of a hundred earth goblins seems to be so precious to you. This is not a question of gold coins, even if it is in Master Adela’s collection. This is a treasure that is enough to rank in the top dozens. The Grand Duke will give you a reward in advance, and I hope you will not let the Duke down.”

Hearing that this mission is not about to be done right away, and that he can get the essence of the earth in advance, Leo let go and nodded and replied: “Well, I will do my best to complete the mission by then, and I won’t be disappointed.”

“Well, that’s it, I will notify you when the princes come back.” Palmer nodded in satisfaction and ended the conversation.


Since Cheryl could not trace the murderer, Leo could only leave the hidden spy stronghold and was about to go home. Suddenly, his eyes condensed and he saw two men and women wearing warlock robes.

“It’s the Polk who sells the blood-boiling potions?” Leo moved in his heart and quickly walked over and called his name.

Polk turned his head and saw Leo froze for a while, tried to think about it for a while, and suddenly clapped his hands and smiled: “It’s you? The one who bought my blood-boiling potion?”

“Yes, Mr. Polk, I am very interested in talking to you about the blood-boiling potion. How about, are you free? Let’s find a place to have a drink.” Leo sent out an invitation.

Polk thought for a while, and said a few words gently in the ear of his female partner. The female warlock gave him a blank look, twisted her waist and left.

“Let’s go, let’s go to the Mystery Tavern for a drink.” Polk glanced at Leo’s warlock robe and laughed, very excited about the proposal.

Mystery Bar? Leo faintly felt that it was not like an ordinary tavern, but did not ask, and walked side by side with Polk on the streets of Thousand Beast City for a quarter of an hour, and a huge round door appeared in front of him.

The gate is five meters high and three meters wide. It is open to both sides. There is a huge ∞ symbol on the door, which is the infinity symbol representing the warlock.

How come the warlock palace is here? Leo was puzzled, and followed Polk calmly. He turned right at a distance of 20 meters from the gate and bypassed the Warlock Hall. At the end of a small road next to him, a hidden tavern appeared.

“Recently, a lot of good stuff came to the Mystery Tavern, but it’s a pity that Linlin has been following me. I can’t get away. Haha, thanks to your blessing, I can finally sneak out.” Polk looked impatient. Keep rubbing his hands.

turned out to be the object of subterfuge? Leo gave a bitter smile and followed Polk into the Mystery Tavern.

After    entered, Leo was taken aback. I saw that the interior of the tavern was built with a peculiar kind of stone, inlaid with countless beautiful luminous stones, which was completely different from the ordinary tavern. Then, the waiters inside are all strange alien races, but there is one characteristic, they are all alien races that are extremely in line with human aesthetics.

In other words, most of them are foreign beauties, and a few are foreign beautiful men.

“Bring me a bottle of tranquil dreams, some side dishes, a private room, and two new maids.” Polk waved out ten gold coins, and the waiter immediately took the two to an independent private room. It took a long time to bring a bottle of lavender wine, two wine glasses, a large plate of mixed side dishes. Of course, two beautiful maids are also essential.

“We talk…” Leo looked at the two maids, frowning slightly.

“Don’t worry, these are all specially trained maids. They have very strict mouths. As long as they don’t involve too much interest, and some ordinary chats, don’t care about them at all. By the way, are you looking for me to buy blood-boiling potions? How many bottles do you need?” Polk asked a maid casually while lifting her hands.

Leo is still very interested in teasing Adele. It can be replaced by other human beauties. However, these two Yinmei women with long tails, fine hairs on their bodies, and four fangs in their mouths, he is completely not interested. Signaling another maid to serve Polk, he said, “There are a thousand gold coins here, so let’s buy fifty bottles for now. However, I am concerned about the second-level boiling potion…”

Just halfway through Leo’s words, Polk suddenly reached out his hand to stop his words. Then he pondered for a moment, waved his hand to signal the two Yinmei clan maids to go out temporarily, and shut the door in person. Then he walked over and looked at Leo and asked solemnly: “You, how do you know that there is a second-level boil? Blood medicine?”

sure enough? Leo looked at his serious expression, guessing that this might be a big deal, and shrugged and said, “I guess. Since there is one level, there must be two and three levels, so I asked you about it.”

“That’s it…” His expression relaxed, after thinking about it, shaking his head and saying to Leo: “The second-level boiling potion is temporarily unavailable. At least the second-level guards need to be defeated before I can get the second-level. Pharmacy formula, and I have only been promoted to the first level. I estimate that in more than ten years, I will not be promoted to the second level.”

Leo was silent for a while, frowned and shook his head: “Ten years? That’s too long. I thought of that time, I guess I don’t need a second-level potion anymore.”

“It won’t be used in ten years? You are now a second-level warlock?” Polk was taken aback and asked immediately. But he immediately reacted, frowning and said: “No, the boiling potion is for knights, you… Are you a second-level knight?”

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