I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 24

Chapter 24 Slavery and vows

At dinner, Viscount Pam had to preach again, and Leo accepted it humbly, then returned to the room and still swallowed the blood essence crystal marrow frantically. It was in the early morning that all the golden and silver blood essence illusions were condensed.

The next day, Leo returned to the room after breakfast, and asked Frey to bring the old lizard man up.

This guy has a human-like body, but has lizard claws, the skin is lizard skin, and the tail is long. The most interesting thing is the head, a bit like a human, but when you look closely, the parts are all lizards, just like the human head model, deformed and stuffed into the lizard’s facial features, there is an indescribable weird feeling.

“Listen to the slave merchant, do you speak human language?” Leo waited for Frey to go out and closed the door, looking at the old lizard man for a while, then asked.

“Yes, human. I have lived for almost two hundred years and know a lot. Not only are human languages, I am also proficient in the languages ​​of many races.” The old lizard man replied calmly.

“Two hundred years. Two hundred years of life experience, then you can be called a wise man.” Leo looked at the old lizard man in shock, thinking for a while and said: “Forgot to introduce myself, my name is Li O Gresch, is a human baron. What is your name?”

“Shane. Bloodclaw, from the Bloodclaw tribe. Well, it’s the Bloodclaw Lizardman tribe.”

Leo nodded and asked again: “Shane, then, I’m curious, why are you in the fortress of the Jackal army.”

“You are the first human to ask this question. The humans before me didn’t care why I was there, they only cared about how much money I could sell.”

Shane laughed at himself, and then replied: “The Bloodclaw tribe was attacked and killed by the Jackals. I am afraid that few tribesmen can escape. They left my life for questioning because of a treasure handed down by our tribe’s ancestors. Before I had time to ask anything, the humans broke through the fortress and slaughtered most of the jackals, which is regarded as an indirect revenge for my tribe. So no matter how humans treat me, my mentality is still very peaceful.”

“It turned out to be like this.” Leo understood a little why this old lizard man was so cooperative. He didn’t ask about the treasure either, but asked again: “Your life span is running out. You can feel this.”

Seeing Shane nodded, Leo said again: “I am a new baron, and my subordinates are very weak, so I bought you, um, and those unruly cat women.”

“To put it bluntly, you have no hatred for humans, which is good. But I need more than that. I need your allegiance to me. Not the verbal allegiance, but the kind of open heart and soul surrender . Are you willing?”

Shane looked at Leo and laughed at himself: “How willing? How unwilling? I can feel that I only have a few months of life at most. Even if I surrender to you, how many times can I serve you?”

Leo was delighted in his heart, but still solemnly said on his face: “I said that I am a newly promoted baron, and the strength of his men is greatly insufficient. Therefore, with your first-class strength, even a few months are worthy of my cherishment. Yes. Well, now that you agree, please be happy and don’t resist.”

The old lizardman watched Leo walk in, shrugged indifferently and said, “I am a wise race, and your human slave beast crystals are invalid for me. Even if I am willing to cooperate, you cannot make me surrender.”

“Really?” A mysterious smile appeared on Leo’s face, activating the golden confusing illusion. Three strange eyes suddenly appeared on his smooth forehead, exuding a strange light that fascinated people.

“Impossible, you are a human being, how can you have the talent of the confusing race?” Shane was shocked and exclaimed.

Leo didn’t speak, one of the three eyes on his forehead suddenly shot out a strange light, directly shining into Shane’s soul.

Shane’s expression was painful, and a sense of crisis made his soul instinctively struggled fiercely.

“Be happy and don’t resist. I have a way to heal your excessive loss of life. Don’t you want to go back to your hometown? Don’t you want to find people who might escape? Don’t you want to rebuild the Bloodclaw tribe? Try it. Try it, isn’t it dead at best, this is your last chance.”

Shane’s eyes widened suddenly, staring at Leo and said, “You swear!”

Leo was overjoyed, and immediately said solemnly: “In the name of Leo Gresch, I promise that when my strength is strong enough, I will help Shane Bloodclaw find possible tribal descendants and help him rebuild his blood. Claw Tribe.”

Shane’s old eyes slowly closed, and the violent struggle in the soul slowly subsided, and finally disappeared completely. The light from the eye in the center of Leo’s forehead finally left a mark on Shane’s soul, and then slowly closed. A huge fatigue came, and the blessing of the golden confusing illusion faded from Leo, he returned to his original appearance, and fell to the ground Shane looked at Leo with a tired face. , Stood there for a while with a complex expression, then walked slowly over and helped Leo up.

“Thank you.” Leo finally sat down on the bed with Shane’s support, and then said with a wry smile: “I didn’t expect the Confusion Clan to consume such a huge amount of talent and ability, I almost couldn’t hold on.”

Shane looked at Leo with a complicated expression and said, “You should be a pure human? I didn’t expect that there would be humans who would use the talents of the confusing race. In fact, the consumption is so huge, firstly because you seem to be an ordinary human. , I don’t have much strength. Secondly, it’s mainly because of me. I used to be a high priest of the Bloodclaw Tribe, majoring in ritual power, and possessing this level of extreme melee ability, but I came by accident. I was caught Later, the sacrificial power was abolished by the jackals, but my soul is still a second-level high priest. You enslaved me, the former high priest, with ordinary people. If it were not for my full cooperation, you would have died because of the soul backlash.”

“Great sacrifice?” Leo was shocked, but not too surprised. This old lizard man is too knowledgeable and proficient in multi-ethnic languages. If there is no secret in him, Leo can’t believe it. Now this makes him feel relieved.

“Come here and take off the clothes on your upper body. Although it will be a little painful, it can give you a kind of ability and may heal your body.” Leo ordered. Shan Yiyan took off his shirt, and Leo pressed a hand to his heart, launching the illusion of the silver blood essence race. The next moment, Shane snorted, his face shook, but he quickly recovered his calm.

“Don’t you hurt?” Leo became curious. Even though Andrew didn’t say anything, his expression of pain was distorted, which shows how strong the pain is. But this Shane is nothing unusual, like a wooden person.

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